Catalina Chaparro

Why would you encourage girls and young women to work in science?

Science is a collective endeavor that requires collaborative work among many people. Scientific teams composed of both women and men produce more novel and impactful scientific ideas than teams composed of only-men or only-women ( So, we need both women and men doing science, however, most STEM fields are dominated by men, especially in the higher hierarchical levels. If we want to produce more novel and impactful scientific ideas, we need more women in STEM fields.

What do you particularly like about your work?

I am a scientist doing mostly theoretical and conceptual work. I can be dragged for hours and hours by challenging ecological and evolutionary questions that I usually tackle using mathematics. And when I solve them, it feels very similar to the rewarding feeling I remember from childhood when solving a puzzle or riddle. Besides my passion for solving ecological and evolutionary riddles, another thing I come to recently value of my work is the great flexibility that it offers. Doing science, an in particular theoretical work, allows me to organize my time, and this is especially valuable for me as a mom of one little kid and expecting another.

Who inspired you to pursue a career in science?

I don’t have a particular figure who inspired me. I grew up in a social context in which there is little prejudice against women working in science and other STEM areas. I think this context and my passion for science since early were key in my decision to pursue a bachelor in science. Then, during my bachelor and masters, I had many women as role models as mentors, professor, supervisors, etc. So, I never got discouraged that this was not a career for me. I think that this played a more important role in my decision to stay in science than the role of an inspiring figure may have played.

What advice would you give to young women/girls?

In my trajectory, I have become convinced that there is no “natural role” of women. The society tried in the past to control and limit the spaces where women can participate by imposing the idea that such “natural role” exists. One of those spaces is clearly science, that was for long time a “men” type of job. Although weakening, unfortunately there is still remaining parts of the society that keeps thinking that way, and I have had to hear disgusting comments about it, even in the work place. For example, now that I recently became a mom, I heard opinions such as “women with kids should stay at home taking care of them”. I strongly disagree with such opinions. I do think that PARENTS, not only moms, need flexibility to balance their family and work duties. But after pregnancy and breastfeeding, there is no family duty that corresponds “naturally” to women. This is just an example to illustrate why the “natural role” of women is not real. I believe that there is no space in our society that is more or less “natural” to women. My advice to young women/ girls then would be to pursue your passion and strive doing it, regardless of whether this space is dominated by men.