Goal 11 – Sustainable cities and communities

SDG 11 aims to make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The safe and sustainable utilisation of water and ensuring a secure basic water supply and infrastructure are important issues at Eawag. The following sub-goals are therefore relevant.


11.1 Enable access to reasonable, safe and affordable living space for all.
11.3 Improve participatory, integrated and sustainable settlement planning and management in all countries.
11.4 Increase efforts to protect and preserve the world’s cultural and natural heritage.
11.5 Protect people in connection with disasters of any kind.
11.6 Reduce the negative per capita environmental impact of cities.
11.A Strengthen national and regional development planning.




Blue Diversion Autarky Project


REACH: Strategy to secure drinking water supply in Nepal


Citizen Science: Knowledge as a weapon in the fight for clean water


NoMix technology


River restoration


Hydropeaking - Synergies between practice and science


As the SDGs are closely interlinked and interdependent, this is a non-exhaustive selection of projects.