Goal 6 – Clean water and sanitation

SDG 6 focuses on the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. This is a key concern for Eawag. Accordingly, Eawag research makes a relevant contribution to the achievement of all formulated subgoals.


6.1 Achieve access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.
6.2 Achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation facilities and hygiene measures for all.
6.3 Improve water quality worldwide.
6.4 Increase the efficiency of water usage.
6.5 Implement the integrated management of water resources at all levels.
6.6 Protect and restore water-related ecosystems.
6.A Expand international cooperation for water and wastewater-related activities.
6.B Strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and wastewater management.


EcoImpact 2.0


Groundwater Assessment Platform (GAP)




CyanoBloom - Why do toxic cyanobacteria bloom? A gene-to-ecosystem approach


SeeWandel: Life in Lake Constance


E. coli in drinking water


Blue Diversion Autarky Project


Water Hub at NEST - Resource-oriented decentralised wastewater treatment


REACH: Strategy to secure drinking water supply in Nepal


Citizen Science: Knowledge as a weapon in the fight for clean water


NoMix technology


Glacial lake formation due to climate warming in Switzerland


River restoration


Hydropeaking - Synergies between practice and science


As the SDGs are closely interlinked and interdependent, this is a non-exhaustive selection of projects.