Goal 6 – Clean water and sanitation

SDG 6 focuses on the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. This is a key concern for Eawag. Accordingly, Eawag research makes a relevant contribution to the achievement of all formulated subgoals.
6.1 | Achieve access to safe and affordable drinking water for all. |
6.2 | Achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation facilities and hygiene measures for all. |
6.3 | Improve water quality worldwide. |
6.4 | Increase the efficiency of water usage. |
6.5 | Implement the integrated management of water resources at all levels. |
6.6 | Protect and restore water-related ecosystems. |
6.A | Expand international cooperation for water and wastewater-related activities. |
6.B | Strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and wastewater management. |
As the SDGs are closely interlinked and interdependent, this is a non-exhaustive selection of projects.