Study area Hardwald

In the canton of Basel-Landschaft, existing pollution situation and hazards to groundwater were determined. The model area Hardwald is characterized by strongly urban and industrially areas. These spatial structures have a great impact on the water supply and on the quality of the groundwater. In the drinking water production area, about 15 million m3 of drinking water are produced per year. The drinking water production area is geologically as well as hydrogeologically very complex. The groundwater circulates in a regional karst aquifer and an overlying unconsolidated aquifer, in which Rhine water is artificially infiltrated. Today, the water supplier recharges twice as much groundwater as is extracted. Since significantly more water infiltrates than groundwater is withdrawn, a "groundwater mound" is created, which protects the area from the surrounding industrial areas and polluted sites.
The area is subject to intensive hydrogeological investigation. In addition to the numerous compounds originating from the Rhine that can be detected in the groundwater, the chlorinated hydrocarbons hexachlorobutadiene and the isomer 1,1,4,4-tetrachlorobutadiene as well as tri- and tetrachloroethene deserve special mention. In the project "Regionale Wasserversorgung Basel-Landschaft 21" and subsequent studies, methods for recording and assessing water quality were developed, further treatment methods for removing trace substances in the Hardwald were identified, and an adaptive (quasi-) real-time online tool for effective groundwater management was developed.
Team and Partner
Moeck, C., & Radny, D. (2016): Regionale Wasserversorgung Basel-Landschaft 21, Teilprojekt 3: Trinkwassermanagement Hardwald, 1-216