Department Aquatic Ecology

Evolutionary Ecology

The Evolutionary Ecology group is also part of the Institute of Integrative Biology (IBZ) and the Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS) at ETH Zürich.

An important research focus of our group is the study of insect host-parasite interactions. In particular, we are interested in how such interactions are modified by endosymbiotic bacteria that protect insects against natural enemies like parasitic wasps. Some members of our group also work in the field of conservation genetics, particularly of endangered freshwater crayfish. Furthermore, we lead the research program "Climate Change and Freshwater Biodiversity", and we participate actively in the Translational Centre Biodiversity Conservation

Additional information is availabe on our group page.

Current Projects

A multi phase research program by Eawag and the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
Together with climate change, biodiversity loss is the most pressing environmental crisis of our time. The "Translational Centre Biodiversity Conservation" bundles knowledge and makes it generally available. In collaboration with key Swiss stakeholders, the Centre identifies topics for knowledge exchange, translation, and synthesis, and communicates and distributes the resulting synthesis products.
Understanding how facultative endosymbiotic bacteria that increase host resistance shape coevolution between aphid hosts and their hymenopteran parasitoids.
Population genetics approaches to investigate how the massive level of habitat fragmentation affects population connectivity of crayfish, and if technical countermeasures effectively mitigate the negative effects of fragmentation.


Dr. Markus Hermann Scientist and Project Coordinator Tel. +41 58 765 6889 Send Mail
Taylor Norris Tel. +41 58 765 6440 Send Mail
Dr. Rea Pärli Tel. +41 58 765 5682 Send Mail
Dominic Stalder PhD Student Tel. +41 58 765 5312 Send Mail
Dr. Georgia Drew SNSF Research Fellow Tel. +41 58 765 5513 Send Mail

Current Publications

Pärli, R., Bühler, C., Bussmann-Charran, K., Camichel, A., Gimmi, U., Holderegger, R., … Widmer, A. (2024). Brücken schlagen für die Biodiversität. Das Synthesezentrum Biodiversität stellt sich vor. GAIA: Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 33(3), 318-320. doi:10.14512/gaia.33.3.11, Institutional Repository
Vorburger, C., Khaliq, I., Ramampiandra, E. C., Narwani, A., & Schuwirth, N. (2024). Biologische Gewässerbeurteilung im Klimawandel. Aqua & Gas, 104(10), 60-65. , Institutional Repository
Moor, H., Bergamini, A., Holderegger, R., Vorburger, C., Bühler, C., Bircher, N., & Schmidt, B. (2024). Wie muss eine ökologische Infrastruktur für Amphibien aussehen?. Nature et Paysage. Natur und Landschaft: Inside (3), 22-25. Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Moor, H., Bergamini, A., Holderegger, R., Vorburger, C., & Schmidt, B. R. (2024). Weiherbau führt zu einer Erholung der Amphibienbestände. ÖGH-Aktuell, 68, 4-7. , Institutional Repository
Hudson, C. M., Stalder, D., & Vorburger, C. (2024). Clines of resistance to parasitoids: the multifarious effects of temperature on defensive symbioses in insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 64, 101208 (6 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.cois.2024.101208, Institutional Repository

Group Leader