Department Environmental Social Sciences
Decision-making processes in national and international climate policy and politics

Climate change is an environmental problem of global scale. In consequence, policy, which aims at mitigating climate change, is necessarily at the crossroads between international dynamics and national policymaking. This “two-level “game is the focus of this research area. Particularly, we are interested in the factors and mechanisms, which explain the selection of policy instruments and targets. We investigate the implementation of different policy instruments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, through a detailed analysis and comparison of preferences and decision-making strategies of political elites in national processes and delegates in international climate conferences. Moreover, we analyse the reasons for the often-observed divergence of international commitments and national positions. A second focus of this research area is the comparison of different methods to analysis policy preferences and decision-making processes in climate policy. We rely on both quantitative and qualitative methods, for example discourse network analysis, social network analysis, regression, and multicriteria analysis.
Homepage with further information (University of Bern)
Project Start: September 2014 – July 2020
Funding: Sinergia SNF, OCCR, IPW