Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development

Access the eCompendium

Welcome to the eCompendium – the on-line version of the Compendium

The eCompendium is the digital version of the Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies. It comprises the same content as the new print version, providing additional links to references, further readings, videos and more at your fingertips.

The main added value of the online version is the possibility that the user can easily navigate between sanitation systems, technologies and the related terminology. Additionally, an interactive technology filter allows planners and sector experts to search for appropriate sanitation technologies based on inputs and outputs.

The eCompendium is linked to the SSWM Toolbox ( and its comprehensive library of sector knowledge.

Possible uses of the eCompendium on-line tool are:

  • System design discussions by engineers & planners
  • Training events and workshops
  • Classical teaching (e.g. environmental engineering)
  • First-hand information source on sanitation systems and technologies for students and practitioners