Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development
From ORganic WAste to Recycling for Development Upcycling of Urban Organic Solid Waste in Indonesia

Project Timeline: Jul 2013 – Mar 2019 & phase-out Apr 2019 – Dec 2020
FORWARD is a R&D project funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), under a framework agreement with the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works & Housing (PU-PeRa). It works in close collaboration with national and local governmental authorities, with Indonesian researchers from several universities, and with selected private enterprises.
FORWARD develops integrated strategies and technologies for the management of municipal organic solid waste in cities of Indonesia. It focuses on strengthening the 3R activities (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle) of organic waste, to divert this large waste fraction from landfills.
Relevance of biowaste treatment
Relevance of waste segregation for biowaste treatment
The project implemented a small-scale organic waste recycling facility at Puspa Agro, the wholesale market of Sidoarjo. It uses larvae of the Black Soldier Fly (BSF)typo3/ for waste treatment. The grown larvae are harvested and processed to animal feed (fish and poultry) while the remaining residue is used as compost.
Based on the experiences from operating the pilot facility (2 t/d waste treated) the project published a step-by step guide available in English, Indonesian and Chinese.
Movie on BSF Guide
The facility acts as a site for applied research but also as a showcase and training facility. In July 2018 we handed operations over to an enterprise and continue to assist them for further improvements and innovation.
We facilitate and provide hands-on training for national and international customers who have an interest to learn everything about BSF operations.
- Flyer with training opportunities (provided by Pro-BSF)
In the current phase of FORWARD, the project supports the Waste Management Department (DKRTH) of Surabaya to setup and operate BSF-facilities at selected transfer stations throughout the city.
Furthermore, the project assists private enterprises engaged in BSF operations, providing technical expertise and applied research.