Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development
Practical knowhow on Black Soldier Fly (BSF) biowaste processing

This web-based guide has the objective to share practical information, be this day-to-day knowledge of operating a BSF processing or developing products from BSF larvae.

Assessing the feasibility of BSF waste processing
How to operate a black soldier fly facility
The book “Black Soldier Fly Biowaste Processing: A Step-by-Step Guide 2nd Edition” has been prepared for practical use, explaining the required materials and equipment, as well as each working step similar to a cookbook with its respective recipes.
BSF Biowaste Processing: A Step-by-Step Guide 2nd Edition
Black Soldier Fly Biowaste Processing: A Step-by-Step Guide - 2nd Edition (High Resolution)
Black Soldier Fly Biowaste Processing: A Step-by-Step Guide - 2nd Edition (Low Resolution)
Annex A: Work schedule for rearing unit
Annex B: Feeding schedule nursery larveros
Annex C: Work schedule for conversion unit
Annex D: Log sheet for rearing unit
Annex E: Log sheet for conversion unit
Annex F: Log sheet for pre-processing and harvesting
Annex G: Log sheet for post-processing unit
Manual for alternative operational scenarios
Annex A1 - Work schedule rearing unit in the every-other-day setting
Annex A2 - Work schedule rearing unit in the Mo-We-Fr setting
Annex B1 - Feeding schedule nursery larveros in the every-other-day setting
Annex B2 - Feeding schedule nursery larveros in the Mo-We-Fr setting
Annex C2 - Egg media switching schedule for the love cages in the Mo-We-Fr setting
Annex D1 - Work schedule for conversion unit in the every- other-day setting
Annex D2 - Work schedule for conversion unit in the Mo-We-Fr setting
Instructional videos to the guide book
Traitement des Biodéchets par la Mouche Soldat Noire
Proses Pengolahan Sampah Organik dengan Black Soldier Fly (BSF): Panduan Langkah-Langkah Lengkap - Edisi Kedua
Video instruksional dari buku panduan
Black Soldier Fly Biowaste Processing: A Step-by-Step Guide 1st Edition. (in Chinese)
BSF ယင်မဲမွေးမြူရေးတွင် ဇီဝစွန့်ပစ်ပစ္စည်းများအား အသုံးချခြ င်း လမ်းညွှန်ချက် အဆင့်ဆင့် -ဒုတိယအကြိမ်ထုတ် ဝေမှု
Video Tutorials: Learning all about BSF waste processing
BSF e-learning youtube channel
Or check out e-learning tutorials on the different tasks in a BSF waste processing facility

Managing a BSF nursery
Find here a few tools and facts about the heart of your BSF facility: the nursery
Learning videos
Measuring BSF nursery production
Fact sheets

Substrates for feeding BSF larvae
It is critical that the substrate is suitable for feeding to the larvae. Here you find information on larval nutrition and suitable substrates.
Formulation of biowastes for BSF larvae based on protein and carbohydrates
Literature review of decomposition by BSF larvae
Substrate suitability

BSF larvae refining and products
This section provides you with information on the post-processing options and the potential revenue streams for a BSF biowaste conversion facility.
Learning videos
Processing BSFL with pelletizing technology
Fact sheets
Extracting chitin from various BSFL processing by-products
Guidelines for applying for a Standar Nacional Indonesia (SNI) certification
Small-scale drying methods for Black Soldier Fly Larvae
Fractioning of Black Soldier Fly Larvae into protein meal and fat

Using and Marketing BSFL products
The market for BSFL products strongly depends on the local context. Find below information on different uses of larvae and residue.
Fact sheets
Market analysis in Surabaya, Indonesia
Using fresh BSFL to substitute commercial catfish feed
Using fresh BSFL to substitute commercial chicken feed
Applicability of BSFL products as ornamental fish and bird food

The economics of BSF biowaste processing
A business model for your BSF facility should be in place before starting your venture especially if the intention is to run it as a business.
These tools and literature help you to plan your own BSF facility.
BSFL Business Model
Simplified Excel Calculator for a BSF Facility
Scenario 01: Business Model Centralized BSFL Plant
From pilot to full scale facility
Opportunities and constraints for medium-scale organic waste treatment with fly larvae composting

Greenhouse gas emissions
Assessment of global warming potential by BSF biowaste processing