Manuals & Training Guidelines
Gravity Driven Membrane Filtration. A User guide and video training series.
This guide describes gravity-driven membrane (GDM) filtration, a technology to provide safe and affordable drinking water in rural areas at community scale. It explains how the GDM technology works, how a GDM system can be implemented and maintained, and which elements contribute to a sustainable operation.
SODIS Manual. Guidance on solar water disinfection.
The SODIS manual presents an overview of the SODIS method based on 20 years of research and practice. The first part introduces solar disinfection, provides information about the history of the SODIS method and highlights its benefits. The second part addresses the technical aspects that influence the efficacy of the SODIS method in removing pathogens from water. This information aims at providing a solid understanding of the correct application of SODIS in the field. The third part reviews specific approaches and tools used to promote the SODIS method to target populations.
The publication is available here.
Safe Water School. A training manual.
The Safe Water School Manual contains teaching materials to provide school lessons on drinking water treatment, hygiene and sanitation. It combines school lessons with scientific experiments, games and art activities. The lessons are based on the life-skills approach, and are inspired by the participatory teaching and learning methods PHAST and CHAST. These methods were selected be-cause they have been shown to be helpful in empowering school children to improve water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices at school and at home.
Safe Water School Manual (englisch)
Safe Water School Manual (french)
Teaching Materials for the Safe Water School
Household water treatment, Safe Storage, Reduction of Recontamination Risks
Water, hygiene & child health
Water carrying & women's health
Gravity Driven Membrane Filtration
Marketing Models for Safe Water
Solar Water Disinfection
Assessing the societal benefits of applied research and expert consulting in water science and technology. GAIA, 21 (2), pp. 95-101. Hering, J.G., Hoffmann, S., Meierhofer, R., Schmid, M., Peter, A.J. (2012).
Promoting solar water disinfection in schools: Experiences and lessons learnt in Latin America. The Future of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Low-Income Countries: Innovation, Adaptation and Engagement in a Changing World - Proceedings of the 35th WEDC International Conference. Schulte, M., Sanchez, E., Saladin, M., Meierhofer, R. (2011).
Assessment of Long-Term Sustainability of Former Eawag HWTS Projects” Sandec News. Nr. 12.
Tamas A., Wehrle F., Wojtalla K., Meierhofer R. (2011).
Health gains from solar water disinfection (SODIS): evaluation of a water quality intervention in Yaounde Cameroon. Journal of Water and Health, 08 (4), pp. 779-796. Graf J., Zebaze S.T., Kemka N., Niyitegeka D., Meierhofer R., Pieboji J.G. (2010).
Factors supporing the sustained use of solar water disinfection - Experiences from a global promotion and dissemination programme. Desalination 248, pp. 144-151. Meierhofer R., Landolt G. (2009).
Comment on "Point of Use Household Drinking Water Filtration: A Practical, Effective Solution for Providing Sustained Access to Safe Drinking Water in the Developing World. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43 (3), pp. 968-969. Lantagne D., Meierhofer R., Allgood R., McGuigan K.G., Quick R. (2009).
User acceptance: The key to evaluating SODIS and other methods for household water treatment and safe storage. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Sustainable Development and Multisectoral Approaches - Proceedings of the 34th WEDC International Conference, 5 p. Luzi, S., Gurung, P., Meierhofer, R., Wegelin, M. (2009).
Does the reuse of PET bottles during solar disinfection pose a health risk due to the migration of plasticisers and other chemicals into the water. Water Research 42:5054 – 5060. Schmid P., Kohler M., Meierhofer R., Luzi S., Wegelin M. (2008).
Water disinfection and hygiene behaviour in an urban slum in Kenya: impact on childhood diarrhoea and influence of beliefs. International Journal of Environmental Health Research Vol. 18, No. 5: 335–355. Graf J., Meierhofer R., Wegelin M., Mosler H.-J. (2008).
Training Manual for SODIS Promotion. Eawag/Sandec Nr. 13/06 Meierhofer, R. (2006).
Solar Water Disinfection. A Guide for the application of SODIS. Eawag/Sandec Nr. 06/02, Dübendorf, October 2002, ISBN Nr. 3-906484-24-6. Meierhofer, R., et al. (2002).