Department Systems Analysis, Integrated Assessment and Modelling
GIS - Geographic Information System

A map tells more than a thousand words...
Research in the aquatic sector involves many different disciplines. Thus a geographic information system (GIS) provides an excellent framework for integrating data. It allows to manage, analyze, and visualize all forms of geographically referenced information. With a map you can give an overview or share your research results in a quickly understandable way. The analysis of the spatial data and patterns helps to find out relationships. Therefore with GIS the understanding between the research fields can be improved and new insights gained.
At Eawag our focus is on the application of GIS in the river network and catchments. GIS techniques are widely used in nearly every department, spatial results serve as input for models, simulation and statistical analysis.
- GIS provides a variety of spatial and geomorphometric variables of the river network for river restoration projects. The influence of biotic and abiotic parameters of the catchment and environment was tested to improve the surface water assessment procedures. Surface water assessment.
- Environmental characteristics related to water are combined with socio-economic parameters to valuing water resources in Switzerland with the help of GIS and spatial statistics. River rehabilitation; Ecological modelling.
- GIS is used for the estimation of the pesticide input into surface water. Spatial distribution of site-related factors from land use and discharge are taken into account to identify critical areas of non-point sources. Monitoring of pesticides.
- Comprehensive catchment and network analysis help to find the best locations of monitoring sites in a nationwide program. EcoImpact
- In our spatial analysis, we also study the potential of earth observation data in different research fields. For example in the master thesis “Indicator-based city zoning using Earth observation for sanitation management in Lusaka, Zambia”, a collaboration with ZGIS University of Salzburg, finished in April 2020. Please contact Rosi Siber for further information.
For internal use only: GIS Support at eawag