Department Urban Water Management

Intelligent network operations

The research group "Intelligent Network Operation" develops new methods and tools to decrease pollution from sewer systems. Through a combination of experimentation and modeling, we enhance our understanding of important processes such as urban rainfall, pollutant flows, and unwanted infiltration of clean water. Our aim is to improve the accuracy of our models in predicting water and pollutant fluxes in urban drainage systems. Achieving this requires the reliable quantification of prediction uncertainty, which we achieve by using advanced Bayesian data analysis.

We support the digital transformation of urban drainage with methods to improve the quality of monitoring data and make them available to all users. In addition to technical solutions, we also investigate policy instruments to overcome institutional and organizational barriers to water protection and support the evidence-based management of integrated wastewater systems. We lead and contribute to innovation projects that use cutting-edge technology to protect receiving waters by operating sewer networks intelligently.


Pierre Lechevallier PhD Student Tel. +41 58 765 6476 Send Mail
Christian Ebi Sensor Networks and Electronics Tel. +41 58 765 5992 Send Mail
Simon Bloem Mechanical Engineering & Additive Manufacturing Tel. +41 58 765 6472 Send Mail

Ongoing Projects

Smart monitoring, data sharing and offering transnational access to lab and field facilities to the European Urban Drainage community.
Approach to sedimentation in sewer and urban drainage systems based on temperature measurements
We automate tedious evaluations with big-data methods and create the basis for faster and better decisions
Future synthetic rainfall time series for Switzerland in high spatial and temporal resolution
The Urban Water Observatory (UWO) is a long-term (5-year) initiative of ETH and Eawag to establish a sensor network in Fehraltorf...
PhD project aiming at developing contactless sensors based on spectrophotometry allowing real-time, non-intrusive and low-maintenance monitoring of wastewater pollution in sewers
Real-Time Monitoring & Management of Urban Pollution

Former projects

What are the biggest obstacles to a better surface water protection during wet-weather?
Assessing influence of model structure deficiencies & input errors on the uncertainty of model prediction
Kanalnetzbewirtschaftung für besseren Gewässerschutz
Is your computer model too slow? Use emulators to speed it up!
Cost Effective Neural Technique to Alleviate Urban flood Risk


Lian, T., Rieckermann, J., Kim, D., & Cook, L. M. (2025). Context-specific selection of poisson cluster rainfall models for accurate urban hydrological simulations. Journal of Hydrology, 652, 132637 (15 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.132637, Institutional Repository
Lechevallier, P., Neuenhofer, N., & Rieckermann, J. (2024). Die kontinuierliche Messung der Abwasserqualität mit Kameras – erste Erfahrungen aus Pilotversuchen. In Aqua Urbanica 2024. Urbanes niederschlagswassermanagement Herausforderungen - Möglichkeiten - Grenzen (pp. A1-A14). Graz: Aqua Urbanica. , Institutional Repository
Lechevallier, P., Villez, K., Felsheim, C., & Rieckermann, J. (2024). Towards non-contact pollution monitoring in sewers with hyperspectral imaging. Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 10(5), 1160-1170. doi:10.1039/D3EW00541K, Institutional Repository
Micev, K., Steiner, J., Aydin, A., Rieckermann, J., & Delbruck, T. (2024). Measuring diameters and velocities of artificial raindrops with a neuromorphic event camera. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 17(1), 335-357. doi:10.5194/amt-17-335-2024, Institutional Repository
Regueiro-Picallo, M., Langeveld, J., Wei, H., Bertrand-Krajewski, J. L., & Rieckermann, J. (2024). Combining a daily temperature pattern analysis and a heat-pulse system to estimate sediment depths in sewer systems. Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 10(4), 922-935. doi:10.1039/d3ew00825h, Institutional Repository
Sitzenfrei, R., Annus, I., Langeveld, J., Rieckermann, J., & Rauch, W. (2024). Editorial: Developments and applications of IoT-based sensors for wastewater and drainage systems. Water Science and Technology, 89(4), iii-v. doi:10.2166/wst.2024.058, Institutional Repository
Preitner, K., Blanc, S., Honzatko, D., Kündig, C., Pad, P., Saeedi, S., … Dunbar, L. A. (2023). Intelligent multispectral vision system for non-contact water quality monitoring for wastewater. In B. Jalali & Kichi Kitayama (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE: Vol. 12438. AI and optical data sciences IV (p. 124380V (13 pp.). doi:10.1117/12.2649921, Institutional Repository
Regueiro-Picallo, M., Anta, J., Naves, A., Figueroa, A., & Rieckermann, J. (2023). Towards urban drainage sediment accumulation monitoring using temperature sensors. Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology, 9, 3200-3212. doi:10.1039/d2ew00820c, Institutional Repository
Tondera, K., Brelot, E., Fontanel, F., Cherqui, F., Ellerbæk Nielsen, J., Brüggemann, T., … Anta, J. (2023). European stakeholders' visions and needs for stormwater in future urban drainage systems. Urban Water Journal, 20(7), 831-843. doi:10.1080/1573062X.2023.2211559, Institutional Repository
Disch, A., Brupbacher, A., Lükewille, F., Manz, C., Kramer, S., Dürrenmatt, D., & Rieckermann, J. (2022). "RICHIE" - the virtual sewer worker for improved monitoring data quality, network maintenance and operation (p. (4 pp.). Presented at the 12th urban drainage modeling conference. Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Manny, L. (2022). Socio-technical challenges towards smart urban water systems (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000578852, Institutional Repository
Manny, L., Angst, M., Rieckermann, J., & Fischer, M. (2022). Socio-technical networks of infrastructure management: network concepts and motifs for studying digitalization, decentralization, and integrated management. Journal of Environmental Management, 318, 115596 (14 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115596, Institutional Repository
Mathis, S., Gruber, J. M., Ebi, C., Bloem, S., Rieckermann, J., & Blumensaat, F. (2022). Energy self-sufficient systems for monitoring sewer networks. In ITG-Fachberichte: Vol. 303. Sensoren und Messsysteme. Beiträge der 21. ITG/GMA-Fachtagung (pp. 523-530). Berlin: VDE. , Institutional Repository
Pastorek, J., Fencl, M., Rieckermann, J., & Bares, V. (2022). Precipitation estimates from commercial microwave links: practical approaches to wet-antenna correction. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 4104409 (9 pp.). doi:10.1109/TGRS.2021.3110004, Institutional Repository
Regueiro-Picallo, M., Anta, J., Naves, A., & Rieckermann, J. (2022). Monitoring sewer sediment deposits with temperature sensors. In Proceedings of the IAHR world congress. IAHR world congress (pp. 1852-1857). doi:10.3850/IAHR-39WC2521711920221141, Institutional Repository
Wani, O., Maurer, M., Rieckermann, J., & Blumensaat, F. (2022). Does distributed monitoring improve the calibration of urban drainage models? (p. (3 pp.). Presented at the 12th urban drainage modeling conference. Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Disch, A., & Rieckermann, J. (Eds.). (2022). Grün statt grau. Mit Blau-Grünen Infrastrukturen gemeinsam die Siedlungsentwässerung der Zukunft planen. Aqua Urbanica 2022. Dübendorf: Eawag. , Institutional Repository
Barth, L., & Rieckermann, J. (2021). Messdatenbasierte Leistungsanalyse von Abflussregelungen. Aqua & Gas, 101(10), 42-50. , Institutional Repository
Figueroa, A., Hadengue, B., Leitão, J. P., Rieckermann, J., & Blumensaat, F. (2021). A distributed heat transfer model for thermal-hydraulic analyses in sewer networks. Water Research, 204, 117649 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.watres.2021.117649, Institutional Repository
Manny, L., Duygan, M., Fischer, M., & Rieckermann, J. (2021). Barriers to the digital transformation of infrastructure sectors. Policy Sciences, 54, 943-983. doi:10.1007/s11077-021-09438-y, Institutional Repository
Špačková, A., Bareš, V., Fencl, M., Schleiss, M., Jaffrain, J., Berne, A., & Rieckermann, J. (2021). A year of attenuation data from a commercial dual-polarized duplex microwave link with concurrent disdrometer, rain gauge, and weather observations. Earth System Science Data, 13(8), 4219-4240. doi:10.5194/essd-13-4219-2021, Institutional Repository
Nagel, J. B., Rieckermann, J., & Sudret, B. (2020). Principal component analysis and sparse polynomial chaos expansions for global sensitivity analysis and model calibration: application to urban drainage simulation. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 195, 106737 (16 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.ress.2019.106737, Institutional Repository
Naves, J., Rieckermann, J., Cea, L., Puertas, J., & Anta, J. (2020). Global and local sensitivity analysis to improve the understanding of physically-based urban wash-off models from high-resolution laboratory experiments. Science of the Total Environment, 709, 136152 (15 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136152, Institutional Repository
Rieckermann, J., Wettstein, M., Fritzsche, C., & Villez, K. (2020). Optimierung des Betriebs der ARA Basel und des Entwässerungsnetzes zur Reduktion von Entlastungen in den Rhein. Abschlussbericht für die ProRheno AG im Rahmen eines F&E-Projekts. Dübendorf: Eawag – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology. , Institutional Repository
Villez, K., Del Giudice, D., Neumann, M. B., & Rieckermann, J. (2020). Accounting for erroneous model structures in biokinetic process models. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 203, 107075 (8 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.ress.2020.107075, Institutional Repository
Blumensaat, F., Leitão, J. P., Ort, C., Rieckermann, J., Scheidegger, A., Vanrolleghem, P. A., & Villez, K. (2019). How urban storm- and wastewater management prepares for emerging opportunities and threats: digital transformation, ubiquitous sensing, new data sources, and beyond – a horizon scan. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(15), 8488-8498. doi:10.1021/acs.est.8b06481, Institutional Repository
Devasia-Metzger, J. R., Rieckermann, J., Ort, C., & Burkhardt, M. (2019). Vorhersage der Mecoprop-Dynamik im urbanen Regenwasserabfluss mit einem gekoppelten prozess-basierten Schmutzfrachtmodel. In M. Burkhardt & C. Graf (Eds.), Regenwasser weiterdenken - Bemessen trifft Gestalten. Tagungsband - Aqua Urbanica 2019 (pp. 46-53). Rapperswil: HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil. , Institutional Repository
Disch, A., Scheidegger, A., Wani, O., & Rieckermann, J. (2019). Impact of different sources of precipitation data on urban rainfall-runoff predictions: a comparison of rain gauges, commercial microwave links and radar. In N. Peleg & P. Molnar (Eds.), Rainfall monitoring, modelling and forecasting in urban environments. Conference Proceedings UrbanRain18 (pp. 27-32). Zurich: ETH Zurich. , Institutional Repository
Hopper, H., Dittmer, U., Gruber, G., & Rieckermann, J. (2019). Datenbasierte Planungs-, Betriebs- und Vollzugskonzepte zur nachhaltigen Regenwasserbehandlung. In J. Pinnekamp (Ed.), Gewässerschutz - Wasser - Abwasser: Vol. 250. 52. Essener Tagung für Wasserwirtschaft “Wasser und Gesundheit“ 20. bis 22. März 2019 im Eurogress Aachen (p. 26 (16 pp.). Aachen: Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Instituts für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft an der RWTH Aachen. , Institutional Repository
Manny, L., Fischer, M., Staufer, P., & Rieckermann, J. (2019). Saubere Gewässer dank Messdatenmanagement. Instrumente für einen guten Umgang mit Messdaten in der Schweizer Siedlungsentwässerung. Aqua & Gas, 99(1), 58-65. , Institutional Repository
Pastorek, J., Fencl, M., Rieckermann, J., & Bareš, V. (2019). Commercial microwave links for urban drainage modelling: the effect of link characteristics and their position on runoff simulations. Journal of Environmental Management, 251, 109522 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109522, Institutional Repository
Wani, O., Scheidegger, A., Cecinati, F., Espadas, G., & Rieckermann, J. (2019). Exploring a copula-based alternative to additive error models—for non-negative and autocorrelated time series in hydrology. Journal of Hydrology, 575, 1031-1040. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.06.006, Institutional Repository
Gresch, M., Manz, C., Hesse, K., & Rieckermann, J. (2018). Praxistaugliche Regelung von Entwässerungsnetzen - das Projekt INKA (pp. 1-12). Presented at the 3. Expertenforum Regenüberlaufbecken. Stuttgart: DWA-Landesverband Baden-Württemberg. , Institutional Repository
Leitão, J. P., Carbajal, J. P., Rieckermann, J., Simões, N. E., Sá Marques, A., & de Sousa, L. M. (2018). Identifying the best locations to install flow control devices in sewer networks to enable in-sewer storage. Journal of Hydrology, 556, 371-383. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.11.020, Institutional Repository
Machac, D., Reichert, P., Rieckermann, J., Del Giudice, D., & Albert, C. (2018). Accelerating Bayesian inference in hydrological modeling with a mechanistic emulator. Environmental Modelling and Software, 109, 66-79. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.07.016, Institutional Repository
Manny, L., Fischer, M., & Rieckermann, J. (2018). Policy analysis for better protection of receiving waters during wet weather. Presented at the 11th international conference on urban drainage modelling (UDM 2018). Palermo, Italy. , Institutional Repository
Manny, L., Fischer, M., & Rieckermann, J. (2018). Policy-Analyse für einen besseren Gewässerschutz bei Regenwetter. In T. G. Schmitt (Ed.), Schriftenreihe Wasser Infrastruktur Ressourcen: Vol. 1. Regenwasser in urbanen Räumen. aqua urbanica trifft RegenwasserTage 2018. Tagungsband (pp. 139-151). Kaiserslautern: Institut Wasser Infrastruktur Ressourcen. , Institutional Repository
Moy de Vitry, M., Schindler, K., Rieckermann, J., & Leitão, J. P. (2018). Sewer inlet localization in UAV image clouds: improving performance with multiview detection. Remote Sensing, 10(5), 706 (18 pp.). doi:10.3390/rs10050706, Institutional Repository
Wani, O. (2018). Statistical methods for better hydrologic predictions. Improving parameter and uncertainty estimation (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000315756, Institutional Repository
Zheng, F., Tao, R., Maier, H. R., See, L., Savic, D., Zhang, T., … Popescu, I. (2018). Crowdsourcing methods for data collection in geophysics: state of the art, issues, and future directions. Reviews of Geophysics, 56(4), 698-740. doi:10.1029/2018RG000616, Institutional Repository
Blumensaat, F., Ebi, C., Dicht, S., Rieckermann, J., & Maurer, M. (2017). IoT driven low-power radio technology for highly distributed in-sewer monitoring - a data collection technique that shifts paradigms?. In 14th IWA/IAHR international conference on urban drainage. Conference proceedings (pp. 1542-1547). Prague: c-in. , Institutional Repository
Blumensaat, F., Ebi, C., Dicht, S., Rieckermann, J., & Maurer, M. (2017). Langzeitüberwachung der Raum-Zeit-Dynamik in Entwässerungssystemen mittels Niedrigenergiefunk. KA: Korrespondenz Abwasser Abfall, 64(7), 594-603. doi:10.3242/kae2017.07.001, Institutional Repository
Carbajal, J. P., Leitão, J. P., Albert, C., & Rieckermann, J. (2017). Appraisal of data-driven and mechanistic emulators of nonlinear simulators: the case of hydrodynamic urban drainage models. Environmental Modelling and Software, 92, 17-27. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.02.006, Institutional Repository
Fencl, M., Dohnal, M., Rieckermann, J., & Bareš, V. (2017). Gauge-adjusted rainfall estimates from commercial microwave links. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(1), 617-634. doi:10.5194/hess-21-617-2017, Institutional Repository
Garbani-Marcantini, L., Cereghetti, G., Muschalla, D., Regneri, M., Schegg, S., & Rieckermann, J. (2017). Playing the rain: a chess-based rating algorithm for the performance assessment of real-time control in urban drainage networks (p. (8 pp.). Presented at the 14th IWA/IAHR International conference on urban drainage (ICUD). Prague: CZWA; CTU. , Institutional Repository
Honti, M., Schuwirth, N., Rieckermann, J., & Stamm, C. (2017). Can integrative catchment management mitigate future water quality issues caused by climate change and socio-economic development?. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(3), 1593-1609. doi:10.5194/hess-21-1593-2017, Institutional Repository
Manny, L. A. D. (2017). Policy-Analyse im Bereich Gewässerschutz bei Regenwetter (Master thesis). 105 p. , Institutional Repository
Rieckermann, J. (2017). Mischwasserbehandlung in der Schweiz - Stand der Technik und aktuelle Entwicklungen. In Herausforderungen der Mischwasserbewirtschaftung. Erfahrungen aus 10 Jahren Anwendung des ÖWAV-Regelblattes 19 (p. (11 pp.). Vienna, Austria: ÖWAV. , Institutional Repository
Rieckermann, J., Gruber, G., & Hoppe, H. (2017). Zukunftsfähige Systeme zur Regenwasserbehandlung brauchen datenbasierte Betriebs-, Planungs- und Vollzugskonzepte. In G. Krebs & G. Gruber (Eds.), Schriftenreihe zur Wasserwirtschaft: Vol. 75. Urbanes Niederschlagswassermanagement zwischen zentralen und dezentralen Maßnahmen (p. C (30 pp.). Graz: TU Graz. , Institutional Repository
Wani, O., Scheidegger, A., Carbajal, J. P., Rieckermann, J., & Blumensaat, F. (2017). Parameter estimation of hydrologic models using a likelihood function for censored and binary observations. Water Research, 121, 290-301. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2017.05.038, Institutional Repository
Barrett, R. (2016). Spatial modelling of rain-induced infiltration into sewers (Master thesis). 37 p. , Institutional Repository
Del Giudice, D., Albert, C., Rieckermann, J., & Reichert, P. (2016). Describing the catchment-averaged precipitation as a stochastic process improves parameter and input estimation. Water Resources Research, 52(4), 3162-3186. doi:10.1002/2015WR017871, Institutional Repository
Garbani Marcantini, L., Schegg, S., Gresch, M., Mischler, B., & Rieckermann, J. (2016). Ein hierarchischer Regelungsalgorithmus. Praxistaugliche Abflussregelung von Entwässerungsnetzen. Aqua & Gas, 96(10), 48-53. , Institutional Repository
Gosset, M., Kunstmann, H., Zougmore, F., Cazenave, F., Leijnse, H., Uijlenhoet, R., … Hoedjes, J. (2016). Improving rainfall measurement in gauge poor regions thanks to mobile telecommunication networks. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(3), ES49-ES51. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00164.1, Institutional Repository
Keller, C. (2016). Understanding the urban drainage system of Fehraltorf. Enhancing the reliability of Fehraltorf’s SWMM model through calibration (Master thesis). 30 p. , Institutional Repository
Leitão, J. P., Moy de Vitry, M., Scheidegger, A., & Rieckermann, J. (2016). Assessing the quality of digital elevation models obtained from mini unmanned aerial vehicles for overland flow modelling in urban areas. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20(4), 1637-1653. doi:10.5194/hess-20-1637-2016, Institutional Repository
Machac, D., Reichert, P., Rieckermann, J., & Albert, C. (2016). Fast mechanism-based emulator of a slow urban hydrodynamic drainage simulator. Environmental Modelling and Software, 78, 54-67. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.12.007, Institutional Repository
Rieckermann, J. (2016). "Wir müssen mit Nichtwissen und Unsicherheiten leben und trotzdem schon entscheiden.". Aqua & Gas, 96(10), 10-13. , Institutional Repository
Schegg, S. (2016). Modern receiving water protection using an integrated control system (Master thesis). 36 p. , Institutional Repository
Maurer, M., Rieckermann, J., Muschalla, D., Gruber, G., Schmitt, T. G., Kaufmann Alves, I., … Dittmer, U. (Eds.). (2016). "Miss es oder vergiss es!" - Daten, Wissen und Konzepte für den Gewässerschutz bei Regenwetter. Aqua Urbanica 2016. Dübendorf: Eawag. , Institutional Repository
Del Giudice, D., Löwe, R., Madsen, H., Mikkelsen, P. S., & Rieckermann, J. (2015). Comparison of two stochastic techniques for reliable urban runoff prediction by modeling systematic errors. Water Resources Research, 51(7), 5004-5022. doi:10.1002/2014WR016678, Institutional Repository
Del Giudice, D. (2015). Improving output and input statistical error descriptions in urban hydrological modeling (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-010536371, Institutional Repository
Del Giudice, D., Reichert, P., Bareš, V., Albert, C., & Rieckermann, J. (2015). Model bias and complexity - understanding the effects of structural deficits and input errors on runoff predictions. Environmental Modelling and Software, 64, 205-214. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.11.006, Institutional Repository
Fencl, M., Rieckermann, J., Sýkora, P., Stránský, D., & Bareš, V. (2015). Commercial microwave links instead of rain gauges: fiction or reality?. Water Science and Technology, 71(1), 31-37. doi:10.2166/wst.2014.466, Institutional Repository
Fencl, M., Rieckermann, J., Stránský, D., Sýkora, P., & Bareš, V. (2015). Dynamic bias correction of commercial microwave links. In P. Molnar & N. Peleg (Eds.), Rainfall in urban and natural systems. Proceedings (pp. UR15-19 (4 pp.). Zürich: ETH Zurich. , Institutional Repository
Neumann, M. B., Rieckermann, J., Hug, T., & Gujer, W. (2015). Adaptation in hindsight: dynamics and drivers shaping urban wastewater systems. Journal of Environmental Management, 151, 404-415. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.12.047, Institutional Repository
Sikorska, A. E., Del Giudice, D., Banasik, K., & Rieckermann, J. (2015). The value of streamflow data in improving TSS predictions - Bayesian multi-objective calibration. Journal of Hydrology, 530, 241-254. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.09.051, Institutional Repository
Tokarczyk, P., Leitao, J. P., Rieckermann, J., Schindler, K., & Blumensaat, F. (2015). High-quality observation of surface imperviousness for urban runoff modelling using UAV imagery. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(10), 4215-4228. doi:10.5194/hess-19-4215-2015, Institutional Repository
Tokarczyk, P., Leitao, J. P., Rieckermann, J., Schindler, K., & Blumensaat, F. (2015). Nutzung von Drohnen und Luftbildern in der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft. Geomatik Schweiz, Géomatique Suisse, Geomatica Svizzera, 113(9), 346-350. doi:10.5169/seals-513919, Institutional Repository
Ort, C., Eppler, J. M., Scheidegger, A., Rieckermann, J., Kinzig, M., & Sörgel, F. (2014). Challenges of surveying wastewater drug loads of small populations and generalizable aspects on optimizing monitoring design. Addiction, 109(3), 472-481. doi:10.1111/add.12405, Institutional Repository
Ort, C., Banta-Green, C. J., Bijlsma, L., Castiglioni, S., Emke, E., Gartner, C., … van Nuijs, A. L. N. (2014). Sewage-based epidemiology requires a truly transdisciplinary approach. GAIA: Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 23(3), 266-268. doi:10.14512/gaia.23.3.12, Institutional Repository
Bianchi, B., Rieckermann, J., & Berne, A. (2013). Quality control of rain gauge measurements using telecommunication microwave links. Journal of Hydrology, 492, 15-23. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.03.042, Institutional Repository
Del Giudice, D., Honti, M., Scheidegger, A., Albert, C., Reichert, P., & Rieckermann, J. (2013). Berücksichtigung von systematischen Modellabweichungen in der Kanalnetzsimulation. In Gewässerschutz bei Regenwetter – Gemeinschaftsaufgabe für Stadtplaner, Ingenieure und Ökologen (pp. 166-170). Dübendorf: Eawag. , Institutional Repository
Del Giudice, D., Honti, M., Scheidegger, A., Albert, C., Reichert, P., & Rieckermann, J. (2013). Improving uncertainty estimation in urban hydrological modeling by statistically describing bias. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(10), 4209-4225. doi:10.5194/hess-17-4209-2013, Institutional Repository
Dürrenmatt, D. J., Del Giudice, D., & Rieckermann, J. (2013). Dynamic time warping improves sewer flow monitoring. Water Research, 47(11), 3803-3816. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2013.03.051, Institutional Repository
Fencl, M., Rieckermann, J., Schleiss, M., Stránský, D., & Bareš, V. (2013). Assessing the potential of using telecommunication microwave links in urban drainage modelling. Water Science and Technology, 68(8), 1810-1818. doi:10.2166/wst.2013.429, Institutional Repository
Schleiss, M., Rieckermann, J., & Berne, A. (2013). Quantification and modeling of wet-antenna attenuation for commercial microwave links. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10(5), 1195-1199. doi:10.1109/LGRS.2012.2236074, Institutional Repository
Sikorska, A. E., Scheidegger, A., Banasik, K., & Rieckermann, J. (2013). Considering rating curve uncertainty in water level predictions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(11), 4415-4427. doi:10.5194/hess-17-4415-2013, Institutional Repository
Maurer, M., Rieckermann, J., Muschalla, D., Gruber, G., Schmitt, T. G., Kaufmann Alves, I., … Dittmer, U. (Eds.). (2013). Gewässerschutz bei Regenwetter - Gemeinschaftsaufgabe für Stadtplaner, Ingenieure und Ökologen. Aqua Urbanica 2013. Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Blumensaat, F., Staufer, P., Heusch, S., Reußner, F., Schütze, M., Seiffert, S., … Rieckermann, J. (2012). Water quality-based assessment of urban drainage impacts in Europe - where do we stand today?. Water Science and Technology, 66(2), 304-313. doi:10.2166/wst.2012.178, Institutional Repository
Dürrenmatt, D. J., Del Giudice, D., & Rieckermann, J. (2012). Dynamic time warping improves sewer flow monitoring. In D. Prodanović & J. Plavšić (Eds.), Urban drainage modelling. Proceedings of the ninth international conference on urban drainage modelling (p. (13 pp.). Belgrade: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade. , Institutional Repository
Fencl, M., Rieckermann, J., Stránský, D., & Bareš, V. (2012). Improving urban drainage modelling with path-average rainfall from telecommunication microwave link. In D. Prodanović & J. Plavšić (Eds.), Urban drainage modelling. Proceedings of the ninth international conference on urban drainage modelling (p. (10 pp.). Belgrade: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade. , Institutional Repository
Fencl, M., Rieckermann, J., Stránský, D., Fidranská, H., & Bareš, V. (2012). Telecommunication microwave links as a source of rainfall information for urban rainfall-runoff modelling. In P. Molnar, P. Burlando, & T. Einfalt (Eds.), Urban challenges in rainfall analysis (pp. 188-192). Zurich: ETH Zurich. , Institutional Repository
Rieckermann, J., Fencl, M., & Bareš, V. (2012). Rainfall estimation with telecommunication microwave links - influence of reference rainfall observations. In P. Molnar, P. Burlando, & T. Einfalt (Eds.), Urban challenges in rainfall analysis (pp. 208-212). Zurich: ETH Zurich. , Institutional Repository
Schatzmann, A., Scheidegger, A., Rieckermann, J., & Ruckstuhl, A. (2012). Robust extraction of rain-induced attenuation from microwave link observations using local regression. In P. Molnar, P. Burlando, & T. Einfalt (Eds.), Urban challenges in rainfall analysis (pp. 218-222). Zurich: ETH Zurich. , Institutional Repository
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