Department Environmental Chemistry
Prediction of contributing areas for Phosphorus losses from agricultural land
In many situations, diffuse P-losses from grassland are generated on a limited part of a catchment (critical source areas CSAs). In a previous study, a parsimonious hydrological model has been developed to predict the spatial extent of CSAs (Lazzarotto et al., 2006). In this project, the existing model was developed further to account for specific problems that had not yet been solved. The research questions were as follows:
(1) Is the existing parsimonious model, calibrated in the lake Sempach catchment, transferable to other similar regions and can it thus build the basis for further research on contributing areas for P-losses?
(2) How does recently applied manure affect runoff behavior and P-losses? What are the factors controlling incidental P loss (IPL) from manure?
(3) How should the model be extended to account for recent manure application, for connectivity (field – stream) and drainage without over-parameterization?
(4) How certain / reliable / useable are the model predictions? How can the spatial predictions be assessed? Is the model capable to evaluate mitigation options / management strategies?
(5) Which management strategies / mitigation options are advisable?
Field experiments have demonstrated that freshly applied manure forms a P pool that has an additive effect to soil P on P mobilization into surface runoff (Hahn et al., 2012). Accordingly, these two pools can be treated as parallel reservoirs in the model (Hahn et al., 2013).
The spatially distributed discharge and P model could be applied with acceptable success to a neighbouring region without specific calibration. Despite the reasonable representation of the dynamics at the catchment outlet, the spatial uncertainty of CSA predictions is substantial due to the parameter uncertainty (Hahn et al., 2013).