Department Environmental Chemistry



PD Dr. Thomas Hofstetter Head of Department Tel. +41 58 765 5076 Send Mail
PD Dr. Elisabeth Janssen Deputy head of department (she/her) Tel. +41 58 765 5428 Send Mail
Aduccia Sciacovelli Head and management assistant Tel. +41 58 765 5425 Send Mail

Group leaders

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Fenner Senior scientist / group leader Tel. +41 58 765 5085 Send Mail
PD Dr. Thomas Hofstetter Head of Department Tel. +41 58 765 5076 Send Mail
Prof. Dr. Juliane Hollender Senior scientist / Group leader Tel. +41 58 765 5493 Send Mail
PD Dr. Elisabeth Janssen Deputy head of department (she/her) Tel. +41 58 765 5428 Send Mail
Dr. Christa McArdell Senior scientist / group leader Tel. +41 58 765 5483 Send Mail
Heinz Singer Senior scientist / group leader Tel. +41 58 765 5577 Send Mail


Dr. Oliver Brandenberg Scientist Tel. +41 58 765 6463 Send Mail
Dr. Teofana Chonova Scientist Tel. +41 58 765 5518 Send Mail
Dr. Steven Chow Scientist Tel. +41 58 765 5665 Send Mail
Dr. José Cordero Postdoctoral Researcher Tel. +41 58 765 5785 Send Mail
Dr. Jasmin Hafner Postdoctoral scientist Tel. Send Mail
Dr. Enric Petrus Postdoctoral Scientist Tel. +41 58 765 5545 Send Mail
Dr. Johannes Raths Postdoctoral scientist (he/him) Tel. +41 58 765 5739 Send Mail
Dr. Valentin Rougé Postdoctoral scientist (he/him) Tel. +41 58 765 5799 Send Mail
Dr. Cheng Shi Postdoctoral Scientist Tel. +41 58 765 5404 Send Mail
Dr. Michael Stravs Mass Spectrometry Data Scientist Tel. +41 58 765 5781 Send Mail
Dr. Johannes Boog Research Software Engineer / IT Manager Tel. +41 58 765 5623 Send Mail
Dr. Giulia Martella Postdoctoral scientist Tel. +41 58 765 6845 Send Mail
Dr. Johannes Schorr Postdoctoral Scientist Tel. +41 58 765 6692 Send Mail
Dr. Kai Kammer Research Software Engineer Tel. +41 58 765 5370 Send Mail
Fernando Calvo Software Engineer Tel. +41 58 765 5590 Send Mail

PhD students & academic guests

PhD students

Lena Aisch PhD Student Tel. +41 58 765 6421 Send Mail
Stephan Baumgartner Doctoral Student Tel. +41 58 765 6664 Send Mail
Nora Bernet PhD Student Tel. +41 58 765 5985 Send Mail
Viviane Furrer Tel. +41 58 765 6419 Send Mail
Simon Grundmueller PhD student Tel. +41 58 765 5616 Send Mail
Martina Kalt PhD student Tel. +41 58 765 5956 Send Mail
Benedikt Lauper PhD student Tel. +41 58 765 6498 Send Mail
Corina Meyer PhD student Tel. +41 58 765 6799 Send Mail
Juliana Oliveira PhD student Tel. +41 58 765 5280 Send Mail
Cleo Soldini PhD Student Tel. +41 58 765 6898 Send Mail
Chloé Udressy PhD Student Tel. +41 58 765 6434 Send Mail
Clarissa von Au PhD Student Tel. +41 58 765 5482 Send Mail
Xuejian Wang PhD student Tel. +41 58 765 5584 Send Mail

Academic guests

Sofia Barth Master Student Tel. +41 58 765 5749 Send Mail
Chiel Kaal PhD student Tel. +41 58 765 5543 Send Mail
Kevin Kleemann Visiting PhD Student Tel. Send Mail
Dr. Sarah Partanen Postdoctoral Scientist Tel. +41 58 765 5336 Send Mail
Athira Shankar Research Collaborator Tel. +41 58 765 6431 Send Mail
Dr. Silwan Daouk VSA-Platform "Waterquality" Tel. +41 58 765 5415 Send Mail
Dr. Anne Dietzel VSA platform Water quality Tel. +41 58 765 5060 Send Mail
Dr. Tobias Doppler VSA-Platform "Waterquality" Tel. +41 58 765 5407 Send Mail
Dr. Christiane Ilg VSA-Platform "Waterquality" Tel. +41 58 765 5613 Send Mail
Natsumi Maeda Master student Tel. +41 58 765 5272 Send Mail
Christian Schwander Master Student Tel. +41 58 765 6832 Send Mail
Frédéric Haffter Master Student Tel. +41 58 765 6433 Send Mail
Kaue De Oliveira Chinaglia Guest PhD Tel. +41 58 765 6871 Send Mail
Jan Sarro Master Student Tel. +41 58 765 6499 Send Mail
Clemens Stäuble Master student Tel. +41 58 765 6789 Send Mail
Bianca Lucchini Master student Tel. +41 58 765 5281 Send Mail
Elena Lippuner Bachelor student Tel. +41 58 765 5047 Send Mail

Scientific support

Eva-Maria Braxmaier Research Collaborator Tel. +41 58 765 6695 Send Mail
Vera Ganz Research Collaborator Tel. +41 58 765 5699 Send Mail
Anita Lopes Souto Research Collaborator Tel. +41 58 765 6763 Send Mail
Kim Luong Research Collaborator Tel. +41 58 765 5918 Send Mail
Asger Rasmussen Scientific assistant Tel. +41 58 765 5396 Send Mail
Michelle Salvisberg Research collaborator Tel. +41 58 765 6881 Send Mail
Inga Scheidat Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Tel. +41 58 765 5472 Send Mail
Hanna-Sophie Wiedemeier Research collaborator Tel. +41 58 765 6772 Send Mail

Technical support

Birgit Beck Technician Tel. +41 58 765 5316 Send Mail
Jakov Bolotin Technician Tel. +41 58 765 5246 Send Mail
Philipp Longree Technician Tel. +41 58 765 5099 Send Mail
Simon Mangold Technician Tel. +41 58 765 5779 Send Mail
Andreas Maccagnan Technician Tel. +41 58 765 5978 Send Mail


Aduccia Sciacovelli Head and management assistant Tel. +41 58 765 5425 Send Mail