Department Environmental Chemistry
RÜS Data 3.0 - AI-guided characterization of non-target substances

The river Rhine is a crucial water resource for Europe, providing drinking water to millions of people. However, the Rhine is one of the most human-impacted rivers with high industrial activity on the riverbank, which requires close monitoring. To that aim, RÜS (Rheinüberwachungsstation Weil am Rhein) measures daily intensities of hundreds of known and thousands of unknown substances via LC-HRMS/MS. The combined use of target and non-target screening techniques helps to shift the focus from a few legacy chemicals to complex mixtures of unknown substances.
In a previous project (Rues Data 2.0), we showed that 50% of the prioritized substances detected in the Rhine near Basel may originate from industry. We now aim for a deeper understanding of these important contaminants.
The aim of the RUES Data 3.0 project is therefore to perform a multifaceted characterization of pollutants to better comprehend their behavior and potential environmental effects. This workflow is organized into three work packages:
WP1 – Extended characterization of industrial emissions: A detailed descriptor for industrial emissions is developed that uses numerical metrics to characterize the time profile dynamics of the contaminants. This descriptor allows simple prioritization of industrial emission profiles based on the duration, intensity, and course of their occurrence.
WP2 – Data-driven Chemical Characterization: Candidates for chemical characterization of unknown contaminants are identified to enhance our understanding of the type of pollutants present in the chemical space. This is achieved via automatic processing pipelines basing on the information recorded from the MS1 and MS2 spectra.
WP3 – AI-Powered Toxicity Estimation: an in-silico toxicity estimate is calculated using machine learning to evaluate the potential toxicity of unknown compounds. This approach is implemented through the framework MLinvitroTox.
The results of the three work packages lead to a comprehensive chemical, toxicological and source-based evaluation of the measured contaminants in the Rhine.