Department Environmental Chemistry
SOLUTIONS for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management

SOLUTIONS is an EU 7th Framework project coordinated by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany, to provide a conceptual framework for prioritisation, assessment and abatement of pollutants (ecological and human health). The development of efficient tools for identification of substances and mixtures posing a risk (e.g. River Basin Specific Pollutants, RBSPs) includes effect-based and analytical tools for early detection and identification and integrated models and databases for risk modelling exploiting data from chemical authorisation (e.g. REACH) and monitoring.
The outcomes will be demonstrated in trans-European case studies (Danube, Rhine, Iberian Peninsula). The products of the project are to include solutions for prioritisation, assessment and management of emerging pollutants, including:
- user-friendly guidelines, computer tools and recommendations
- abatement options in waste and drinking water management
- common knowledge base on a wide range of toxicants
- scenarios and solutions for upcoming risks
- potential opportunities and obstacles for cooperation of WFD with other policies
Eawag is coordinating and contributing to the Rhine Case Study which concentrates on the evaluation of abatement options in waste and drinking water and is linked to the Eawag-wide interdisciplinary project EcoImpact. In addition, Eawag will contribute to the further development of chemical tools by establishing a non-target screening workflow for use in the case studies.
Project website: