Department Environmental Chemistry

Formation and fate of transformation products in water treatment
with ozone and biological post-treatment - TRANSFO3RM

Ozonation is increasingly applied in water and wastewater treatment for an abatement of micropollutants. However, the transformation products formed during ozonation (OTPs) and their fate in biological post-treatment are largely unknown. In this project, OTPs are identified from a mixture of a large number of exposure-relevant micropollutants with lab scale experiments in differing simulated water matrices. The relevance of the so identified OTPs is examined by checking their abundance in ambient water after pilot-scale and full-scale ozonation. Furthermore, the fate of OTPs is studied in biological post-treatment of ozonated drinking water and wastewater to get a mechanistic understanding of their biodegradability and to identify persistent and water-relevant OTPs. This collaboration with the Wasserversorgung Zürich provides a strong link to the drinking water community in Switzerland and beyond.    


Gulde, R.; Clerc, B.; Rutsch, M.; Helbing, J.; Muck, E.; McArdell, C. S.; von Gunten, U. (2021) Spurenstoffe in der Ozonung. Bildung von Transformationsprodukten und ihr Verhalten in der biologischen Sandfiltration, Aqua & Gas, 101(12), 20-26, Institutional Repository
Gulde, R.; Rutsch, M.; Clerc, B.; Schollée, J. E.; von Gunten, U.; McArdell, C. S. (2021) Formation of transformation products during ozonation of secondary wastewater effluent and their fate in post-treatment: from laboratory- to full-scale, Water Research, 200, 117200 (16 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.watres.2021.117200, Institutional Repository
Gulde, R.; Clerc, B.; Rutsch, M.; Helbing, J.; Salhi, E.; McArdell, C. S.; von Gunten, U. (2021) Oxidation of 51 micropollutants during drinking water ozonation: formation of transformation products and their fate during biological post-filtration, Water Research, 207, 117812 (20 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.watres.2021.117812, Institutional Repository


Dr. Christa McArdell Senior scientist / group leader Tel. +41 58 765 5483 Send Mail

Project Partner

Dr. Rebekka Gulde VSA-Platform "Process Engineering Micropollutants" Tel. +41 58 765 5499 Send Mail
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Fenner Senior scientist / group leader Tel. +41 58 765 5085 Send Mail

Externe Partner

Project duration

2017 - 2019


Eawag DF und Wasserversorgung Zürich (WVZ)