Department Environmental Chemistry

Open master thesis topics 2025

Environmental risk assessment of 6PPD and its alternatives

Description / Project:

6PPD (N1-(4-Methylpentan-2-yl)-N4-phenylbenzene-1,4-diamine) is one of the most common synthetic antioxidants/ antiozonants used in vehicle tires and therefore a high production volume chemical. 6PPD is mobile within rubber and slowly migrates to the surface where it forms a "scavenger-protective film" that reacts with ozone and other free radicals more quickly than the ozone/ radicals can react with the rubber. During this process, 6PPD-quinones are formed. 6PPD and 6PPD-quinones enter the environment through tire-wear particles and are sufficiently water-soluble to reach river systems via urban runoff. This is of great concern as 6PPD-quinones are acutely toxic to aquatic life and are responsible for frequent massive coho salmon mortality events. Several alternatives to 6PPD are on the market, the most important ones being DPPD, 77PD, DNPD, 7PPD, TMQ(RD), IPPD, DNODPA, MHPPD, 44PD. While the reactive pathway of 6PPD and the toxicity of its transformation product is well understood, little is known about the suggested alternatives.

The goal of this project is to elucidate potential environmental hazards of 6PPD alternatives to evaluate whether they are a good choice for substitution or not. Therefore, the student will (i) perform abiotic and biotic transformation experiments in the laboratory, (ii) measure and model transformation kinetics of 6PPD and its 9 alternatives, (iii) predict potential transformation products and (iv) conduct a targeted and non-targeted search for transformation products in the samples from the laboratory experiments. Measured HR-MS data will further be used to explore the MLinvitroTox tool to elucidate potential toxicity pathways of the parent compounds and their transformation products. Gathered data will allow for a first environmental risk assessment of the 6PPD alternatives. This project will be in close collaboration with a PhD student working on biotransformation of synthetic phenols, another group of common antioxidants.

Professor: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Fenner

Supervisors: Dr. Carolin Seller-Brison and Cleo Soldini


Analysis of pesticide and macroinvertebrate data of Swiss streams

Preferred starting date: October 2024 for a period of 6 months

Description / Project:

Toxicants can modify the macroinvertebrate community composition in streams: the higher the exposure to toxicants the lower the proportion of sensitive species. This knowledge was used for the bioindicator SPEARpesticides, a trait-based biological indicator, which links pesticide contamination to the composition of macroinvertebrate communities. Developed in Germany in 2005, the SPEAR has been validated in other parts of Europe, Australia, and South America. It is also routinely used in Swiss national and cantonal stream monitoring programs.
In the frame of the Swiss National Surface Water Quality Program (NAWA), pesticide concentrations are measured in around 40 small and medium-sized streams in Switzerland, completed by macroinvertebrate sampling and SPEAR evaluation at selected sites. Pesticides exceeded the limits of the Waters Protection Ordinance in more than two thirds of the examined streams. The SPEARpesticides index also showed that most of the streams were in a "moderate" to "unsatisfactory" state.
In a further step, the relationship between the SPEARpesticides index and measured pesticide risk in these Swiss streams should be analyzed in more detail. Therefore, the aim of this interdisciplinary project is to assess the relationship between macroinvertebrate communities and pesticide contamination, using NAWA and additional cantonal data.


1. Data preparation and analysis:
o Compilation of existing data
o Calculation of parameters for pesticide toxicity, such as toxic units
o Joint statistical analysis of pesticide toxicity and macroinvertebrate data
o Integration of other environmental parameters to assess their potential effects on the SPEARpesticides index

2. Bibliographical research, especially on similar studies carried out in other countries

3. Drafting of a report and possible participation in the publication of a paper

We are looking for a master student with a background in chemistry, environmental science or ecology, or any other natural science. The candidate should have some experience in statistical data analysis and R programming skills, additional experience in MS Access would be useful. Furthermore, the candidate should be motivated to learn more about environmental chemistry and freshwater ecology.

Applications can be submitted until the position is filled and will therefore be evaluated on a rolling basis. Applications should include a description of your interests, a CV, and the list of lectures/grades.
Advisors: VSA Platform for Water Quality c/o Eawag Anne Dietzel and Christiane Ilg
Co-advisors: Eawag (Nele Schuwirth), UFZ (Matthias Liess)
Official advisor of a degree granting institution: to be determined.

For further information, please contact Anne Dietzel.

We look forward to receiving your application. Please send it through this webpage, any other way of applying will not be considered. A click on the link below will take you directly to the application form.

Assessing biotransformation product formation during activated sludge treatment

Starting date: Late summer/autumn 2024

Description / Project:

Complex mixtures of trace organic contaminants (TrOCs) resulting from human activities and released into the environment pose a significant threat to ecosystems. Microbial biotransformation holds potential for removing these contaminants, but there is limited mechanistic understanding of the factors driving this process. Activated sludge treatment in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) serves as a partial barrier to prevent TrOCs from entering the environment, yet treatment efficiency varies among compounds and facilities.

In this project, we are first determining the biotransformation capacity of activated sludge for 200 TrOCs, including common pharmaceuticals and pesticides. To achieve this, we conduct a 72-hour lab batch assay using activated sludge from a typical wastewater treatment plant. We spike the sludge with our target TrOCs and measure the concentration over time using HPLC-MS to determine the rate constants.

Further, we aim to assess and characterize the transformation products (TPs) formed during the biotransformation experiment, using Compound Discoverer software on our MS data. We will then explore the agreement of the found TPs with predicted transformation pathways based on


Preparation and execution of a four day batch assay with activated sludge in the lab (3 weeks). Measuring with automated HPLC-MS, including method development (3-4 weeks). Analytic evaluation of the MS-data using Skyline and R (2 weeks). Assessment and characterization of TPs using Compound Discoverer.

What we expect from you:
Students with specific interest in (environmental) analytic chemistry. No prior knowledge of Skyline, Compound Discoverer, or R is required.

Supervisor / Contact:
Prof. Kathrin Fenner / Martina Kalt

Assessment of organic soil and water contamination from military activities in Switzerland

Short description:

Historic investigations of underwater munitions disposal in Swiss lakes and shooting ranges in the Swiss Alps point to substantial chemical  contamination of soils, sediments, and water through military activities. However, munitions compounds including nitroaromatic, nitramine and nitrate ester explosives and their transformation products have been detected rather infrequently in field campaigns and led to the conclusion of a negligible environmental problem. 

In this project, which we carry out in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Office for Defence Procurement (armasuisse), we  will revisit this interpretation and test the hypothesis that limited sampling strategies and standardized but insensitive analytical methods could be the reason for overlooked munitions-related contamination.

Supervision: Thomas Hofstetter, Chloé Udressy

Analysis of PFAS with target and suspect screening in wastewater

Starting date: Fall 2024

Short description:

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a wide-ranging group of persistent organic pollutants characterized by the presence of high strength carbon-fluorine bonds with widespread use in industry and consumer products. PFAS pollution is of global concern due to its ubiquitous occurrence in the environment, the potential for some compounds to bioaccumulate, and toxicological effects from chronic exposure at trace concentrations. Yet, much is still unknown about the thousands of different PFAS structures identified to date. Low PFAS threshold values have been set in the EU drinking water directive, and freshwater quality standards are under consideration. Wastewater treatment plants are an important point source for PFASs into aquatic systems, aggregating a variety of potential industrial and municipal sources.

The aim of the master thesis is to determine the occurrence PFASs in Swiss wastewater treatment plants using a combination of targeted analysis and non-targeted screening techniques. The student will gain hands-on experience working with state-of-the-art LC-HRMS (high-resolution mass spectrometry) analytical techniques using automated high-throughput online solid-phase extraction sample preparation. They will develop skills quantitate PFASs in complex environmental matrices (wastewater and sludge). Additionally, they will analyse data-intensive high-resolution MS data, working to elucidate and confirm suspected compounds of interest. These results help develop a quantitative understanding of the fate and transport of PFASs that enter and leave the wastewater treatment process. Ultimately, this project will help stakeholders identify important PFASs and potential sources in waste streams as well as provide crucial data to guide national use and discharge limits.

Keywords: PFAS, LC-HRMS, wastewater treatment

Supervisors: Steven Chow, Christa McArdell, Juliane Hollender, Heinz Singer


Active transport pathways of (cationic) psychoactive drugs in aquatic invertebrates

Ideally, we aim for a start in October 2023. However, the start of the project is flexible.


Aquatic organisms are exposed to a large variety of organic contaminants, including psychoactive drugs such as anti-depressants. Potential adverse effects caused by such compounds are driven by the internal concentration at the target site (i.e., specific receptors) in the organism. Toxicokinetic (TK) processes such as uptake, internal distribution, biotransformation, and elimination determine these internal concentrations. Our recent observations indicate that for (cationic) psychoactive drugs such as citalopram, transporter facilitated active uptake may be an important toxicokinetic process which results in higher bioaccumulation potential under field conditions (i.e. lower exposure concentrations, higher temperatures) than under laboratory conditions.  

Study goal:

The goal of this project is to investigate the influence of active transport pathways of psychoactive drugs (i.e. citalopram, amphetamine, and propranolol) on toxicokinetics in the aquatic invertebrate key species Gammarus pulex and Hyalella azteca. We are working with aquatic invertebrates as they play an important role in aquatic food webs by linking detritus with higher trophic levels such as fish. Furthermore, this research supports the establishment of new test guidelines using invertebrates as alternative to regulatory required bioaccumulation studies with fish and thus improve animal welfare.


This project will start by performing uptake and elimination experiments accompanied with studies on transporters including saturation and inhibition assays. Samples will be analysed by an automated solid phase extraction system coupled with liquid-chromatography and high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (online-SPE LC-HRMS/MS). Furthermore, biotransformation products will be identified by suspect screening. The obtained results will be evaluated by using toxicokinetic modelling.


We are looking for a biology, chemistry or environmental science student, or any other natural science student with some laboratory experience and who is motivated to learn more about environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology.

If you are interested please contact Juliane Hollender or Johannes Raths.


Environmental behavior and analytical chemistry of natural toxins

Starting date to be discussed

Natural toxins present a threat to water quality. Those from cyanobacteria are directly released into the surface waters when the cells die. Cyanobacterial blooms are increasing in frequency and intensity also related to climate change. The World Health Organization recognises few liver toxins and neurotoxins produced by cyanobacteria. But more than 2000 bioactive metabolites from cyanobacteria are known to date. Why have we not studied them yet? Only 1% of these compounds are commercially available, which makes it very challenging to study them. We work with laboratory cultures and field samples of cyanobacteria to develop analytical tools, assess photochemical and biotransformation and conduct monitoring in Swiss lakes. We are interested in prioritizing abundant and persistent metabolites to then study their abatement during drinking water treatment and their toxicological and ecological roles.

Within this topic we have several opportunities for a Master thesis for example on:

  1. Environmental fate processes of cyanotoxins
  2. Analytical tools to identify cyanopeptides by mass spectrometry
  3. Cyanotoxins and bioactive metabolites in Swiss Lakes
  4. Interaction of herbivores with cyanobacterial toxins in the Swiss Alps

The common aims of these projects are to become familiar with the world of cyanopeptides and to gain experience identifying metabolites by mass spectrometry.

Depending on the specific focus of each project, you will also learn how to set up and run photochemical or biotransformation experiments to assess half-lives of cyanopeptide under simulated environmental conditions. The more analytical oriented projects will dive deeper into the identification of cyanopeptides by analyzing measured and predicted mass spectra by various software tools, which are the analytical fingerprint of a molecule. The projects on herbivores interaction will work with food choice experiments to explore avoidance and tolerance behavior and study bioaccumulation with toxicokinetic experiments.

For a successful thesis, you should 

  • have strong interest in environmental and analytical chemistry
  • have first experience (practical courses, internships) regarding laboratory work
  • be proficient in speaking and writing in English
  • be enthusiastic and motivated

Keywords: cyanobacteria, toxins, mass spectrometry

Advisors: Dr. Elisabeth (Lilli) Janssen

Please contact:

Evaluation of organic micropollutant abatement in advanced wastewater treatment

Starting date: to be discussed

Short description:

The presence of micropollutants in treated wastewater is of increasing concern, due to their release and potential impacts to organisms in receiving waters and drinking water resources downstream of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The new Swiss water protection act implemented as of January 2016 aims at reducing the concentrations of these compounds through advanced wastewater treatment. Ozonation and treatment with powdered activated carbon (PAC) were originally the methods of choice to reach a sufficient abatement of micropollutants. The application of granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration and the combination of ozonation with activated carbon treatment were only recently evaluated and can also fulfill the requirements of the new water protection act. Installation of advanced wastewater treatment is successfully ongoing, however, there are open questions regarding the abatement of micropollutants during GAC filtration, the use of sustainable PAC materials, and also on the formation of ozonation transformation products (OTPs) and their abatement during post-treatment with GAC or sand filtration.

In the master thesis, LC-MS/MS (TripleQuad or high-resolution mass spectrometry) measurements either on target micropollutants or on suspect OTPs will be done to answer specific open questions. This is an interdisciplinary project in the two departments environmental chemistry & process engineering. Contact us if you are interested in this project and have a background on environmental chemical analysis.

Keywords: LC-MS/MS, advanced wastewater treatment

Supervisors: Christa McArdell, Marc Böhler

Assessing ecosystem health through isotopic fingerprints of the phosphorus metabolism

Understanding the impact of human activities on the metabolic state of soil and aquatic environments is of paramount importance to implement measures for maintaining ecosystem services and sustainable access to food, water, and energy. In this project, we explore variations of natural abundance oxygen isotope ratios in phosphate as a new proxy for the holistic assessment of metabolic activity. Given the crucial importance of phosphoryl transfer reactions in fundamental biological processes, we hypothesize that changes in natural abundance 18O/16O ratios in phosphate also reflect shifts in the metabolic state of the environmental microbiome as a response to anthropogenic impact.

Master students will have the opportunity to work in two complementary areas during their master thesis. First, students will implement new sample preparation procedures for measurements of 18O/16O ratios in phosphate by high-resolution mass spectrometry. Subsequently, these methods will be applied to quantify the oxygen isotope fractionation resulting from activity of the most important enzymes involved in the phosphorus metabolism of selected microorganisms.

Supervision: Thomas Hofstetter (, Nora Bernet (