Department Environmental Microbiology

Current Projects

This project investigates microbial enzymes that are capable of binding and biotransforming fluorinated compounds.
SLeW monitors Legionella in Swiss wastewater, studying its abundance and growth in activated sludge across seasons and treatment plants.
We are developing the CyanoSensor: a novel biosensor panel based on aptamer and CRISPR technology for fast, sensitive, and high-throughput monitoring of cyanotoxins in lake water.
This project aims to characterize, model and predict enzyme families driving pollutant biotransformations in periphyton.
Risk Factors for Pathogenic and Antimicrobial Resistant Escherichia coli in Drinking Water based on nationally representative Household-Level Survey.
Characterization of candidate hydrolytic enzymes involved in pollutant biodegradation in stream biofilms
Why do toxic cyanobacteria bloom? A gene to ecosystem approach...
Application of Wastewater-based Epidemiology to SARS-CoV-2 Detection
The plasmid-mediated spread of antibiotic resistance (AR) within and between microbial communities is one of the most pressing problems facing our society, yet the causes and potential mitigation measures remain unclear.
We combine computational, experimental and clinical approaches to develop a clearer view of microbiomes.
Inhalation of legionella bacteria – which thrive in warm water – can cause illness: in a new project, an Eawag-led multidisciplinary research team is investigating how the risks associated with these bacteria can best be managed.
Microbial interactions determine the production of nitrous oxide
In order to better understand natural processes and also to be able to better control the activities of microbial communities in technical systems such as wastewater treatment plants, we need to understand how microbial communities work.
Differences between individual cells can be important for biological processes.
Virus Transfer at the Skin-Liquid Interface
Growth Kinetics and Gene Transfer of Enteric and Environmental E. coli in Domestic Settings

Completed projects

A general barcoding approach to monitor invasive populations
Consequences of environmental fluctuations on the spatial self-organization of microbial assemblages
Exploration of the impact of water chlorination on fecal carriage of antimicrobial resistant bacteria amongst a cohort of Bangladeshi children
Biofilms on materials in contact with potable water can be manipulated due to their dependencies on material composition.
Unexpected changes in source water microbial quality can profoundly influence the efficacy of drinking water treatment resulting in potential risk to consumers.
Improvement of methods for testing the influences of polymeric materials on drinking water quality and preventative measures for commissioning of new domestic pipe systems.
Microbial communities provide important services to ecosystems and human society.
Microbial stability in reclaimed and treated grey water
Even without genetic resistance bacteria can be tolerant to antibiotics.
Individual variation and cellular memory help bacteria deal with environmental fluctuations.
Even with effective drinking water treatment, microbial growth in the household is inevitable and can lead to problems for consumers
Individual microbial cells rarely exist alone in the natural environment. Instead, they typically arrange themselves in space relative to other cells.
Plastic materials are of major environmental concern.
Hexachlorocyclohexanes were extensively used during the last century as insecticides for the control of agricultural pests.