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Splash Talk Award «The Emerging Profession of Integration Experts» at the Team Science (SciTS) Conference

June 4, 2021

Congratulations to Jan Streit, Sabine Hoffmann & Christian Pohl for winning the award: Splash Talk Presentation Award with the title: The Emerging Profession of Integration Experts at the Science of Team Science (SciTS) Conference 2021.

Within the conference the top 3 Splash Talk Presentations were honored with a prize based on reviewers’ ratings and conference participants’ votes.

Authors: Jan Streit, Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Environmental Social Sciences; Sabine Hoffmann, Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland, Christian Pohl, D-USYS TdLab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ).