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Driving Sustainability Forward: Insights from the Utox Workshop

April 2, 2024 | Barbara Jozef

A workshop held at the Eawag’s Department of Environmental Toxicology (Utox) on Friday, March 8, 2024, served as a platform for meaningful dialogue and action planning among department members.

The pursuit of sustainability is an ongoing journey that requires collective effort and commitment. A workshop held at the Eawag’s Department of Environmental Toxicology (Utox) on Friday, March 8, 2024, served as a platform for meaningful dialogue and action planning among department members.

Facilitated by Dr. Sascha Nick from EPFL, the workshop engaged approximately 30 Utox members in discussions aimed at broadening the understanding of sustainability challenges and fostering practical solutions within the department.

The primary aim of the workshop was to expand the discourse on sustainability across all levels of the organization. Key topics addressed ranged from overarching scientific frameworks for sustainability to the implementation of sustainable practices in daily operations.

Attendees embraced the opportunity to not only discuss but also actively contribute to the advancement of sustainability initiatives within their respective spheres.

Key Takeaways and Action Points:

Food Sustainability: Participants discussed strategies to promote sustainable food practices, from rethinking pricing structures (e.g., a more affordable vegi option menu) to minimizing food waste and advocating for supply chain transparency.

Responsible Business Travel: The workshop highlighted the importance of re-evaluating travel practices, emphasizing alternatives to air travel and exploring innovative conference formats to reduce environmental impact (e.g., multi-hub conferences).

Efficient Lab Practices: Discussions centered on reducing plastic use, optimizing resource consumption, and promoting energy-efficient practices within laboratory settings.

Greening Common Spaces: Participants advocated for the revitalization of common areas and promotion of biodiversity through “grassroots” initiatives.

The sustainability workshop held at Utox exemplifies a proactive approach towards addressing environmental challenges within the organization. By fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and proposing practical solutions, Utox members reinforced their commitment towards advancing sustainability principles in both theory and practice.

Utox hopes that the outcomes of this workshop can serve as a catalyst for broader sustainability initiatives across Eawag and beyond.