EPP Visiting Scientist

Application process
The EPP Visiting Scientist program offers researchers and sector specialists from an organization with homebase in a non-OECD country the opportunity for in-depth exchange with Eawag scientific staff during a short-term visit (maximum 1 month).
Prior to submission the applicant has to identify an Eawag Group Leader who agrees to act as the Eawag host mentor.
Visiting scientists are also encouraged to present their research during a department seminar.
If awarded, the support includes:
a) International round trip flight
b) Eawag guest house stay or equivalent
c) public transport ticket for Zürich
d) daily allowance
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Feedback is usually provided in a matter of one week.
The steps for applying are:
- Eawag host fills in Form C
- At least 2.5 months before the planned visit, the applicant sends the following to epp@cluttereawag.ch
• completed Form C
• 1-page proposal as PDF explaining the motivation and plans for the visit
• 2-page CV as PDF