
Maja Bosnjakovic

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My research focuses on landscape population genetics in freshwater fish across Switzerland, with an emphasis on metapopulations in the Anthropocene. I aim to understand how these metapopulations are shaped by the interaction of neutral processes (e.g., geographic distance), adaptive processes (e.g., local environment), and anthropogenic influences (e.g., barriers and stocking).

My primary method is microsatellite analysis, which provides insights into fine-scale, recent population dynamics by targeting highly mutable non-coding regions of the genome. This approach allows for rapid analysis of a large number of individuals. The process begins with DNA extraction from fish samples (typically fin clips), followed by amplification of regions containing repetitive nucleotide sequences. Using clustering algorithms that group genotypes by similarity, we assign fish to genetic clusters, revealing historical and contemporary patterns of admixture.

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Ce projet détaillé vise à créer des connaissances de base indispensables sur la forme migratoire menacée de la truite.
In dieser grossangelegten Studie untersuchen wir die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Fischbewegungsmuster im Schweizer Rhein-Aare Flussnetz

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Téléphone: +41 58 765 2199
Fax: +41 58 765 2168
Adresse: Eawag
Seestrasse 79
6047 Kastanienbaum
Bureau: CA B03

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Groupes de recherche

River Fish Ecology

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Axes de recherche

population genetics, intraspecific genetic diversity

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