
Ksenia Groh

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Dr. Ksenia Groh

Group Leader

Department Environmental Toxicology

About Me

Head of Bioanalytics Group (Tenure-Track)

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Global and targeted proteomics provide insights into molecular mechanisms of toxicity.
This project studies GST enzymes in alternative test models such as zebrafish early life stages and cell lines.
In collaboration with a high level international expert group we are currently developing a framework to advance adverse outcome pathways...
Panel will be used to monitor chemical-induced molecular responses and damage progression in fish cells to inform animal-free prediction of chemical toxicity.
Studying mTOR pathway to decipher its role in mediating chemical effects on fish cells growth.
Development of animal-free methods for the assessment of chemicals
PARC aims to adapt chemical risk assessment to the opportunities and needs of the 21st century.

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Curriculum Vitae

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Adamovsky, O., Groh, K. J., Białk-Bielińska, A., Escher, B. I., Beaudouin, R., Mora Lagares, L., … Kyriakopoulou, K. (2024). Exploring BPA alternatives - environmental levels and toxicity review. Environment International, 189, 108728 (29 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.envint.2024.108728, Institutional Repository
Brander, S. M., Senathirajah, K., Fernandez, M. O., Weis, J. S., Kumar, E., Jahnke, A., … Wagner, M. (2024). The time for ambitious action is now: Science-based recommendations for plastic chemicals to inform an effective global plastic treaty. Science of the Total Environment, 949, 174881 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174881, Institutional Repository
Degeratu, M. O., Schönenberger, R., Huwa, N., & Groh, K. (2024). Exploring zebrafish embryonic cell line PAC2 by proteomics profiling. Chimia, 78(7-8), 558. doi:10.2533/chimia.2024.558, Institutional Repository
Geueke, B., Parkinson, L. V., Groh, K. J., Kassotis, C. D., Maffini, M. V., Martin, O. V., … Muncke, J. (2024). Evidence for widespread human exposure to food contact chemicals. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. doi:10.1038/s41370-024-00718-2, Institutional Repository
Posthuma, L., Bloor, M., Campos, B., Groh, K., Leopold, A., Sanderson, H., … Thomas, P. (2024). Green Swans countering chemical pollution. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 20(3), 888-891. doi:10.1002/ieam.4915, Institutional Repository
Simmons, D., & Groh, K. (2024). Omics beyond transcriptomics session summary. SETAC Globe (4 pp.). Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Wagner, M., Monclús, L., Arp, H. P. H., Groh, K. J., Løseth, M. E., Muncke, J., … Zimmermann, L. (2024). State of the science on plastic chemicals. Identifying and addressing chemicals and polymers of concern (Report No.: 341954). doi:10.5281/zenodo.10701706, Institutional Repository
Gerassimidou, S., Geueke, B., Groh, K. J., Muncke, J., Hahladakis, J. N., Martin, O. V., & Iacovidou, E. (2023). Unpacking the complexity of the polyethylene food contact articles value chain: a chemicals perspective. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 454, 131422 (14 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131422, Institutional Repository
Geueke, B., Groh, K. J., Maffini, M. V., Martin, O. V., Boucher, J. M., Chiang, Y. T., … Muncke, J. (2023). Systematic evidence on migrating and extractable food contact chemicals: most chemicals detected in food contact materials are not listed for use. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63(28), 9425-9435. doi:10.1080/10408398.2022.2067828, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., Arp, H. P. H., MacLeod, M., & Wang, Z. (2023). Assessing and managing environmental hazards of polymers: historical development, science advances and policy options. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 25(1), 10-25. doi:10.1039/D2EM00386D, Institutional Repository
Mueller, L., Ågerstrand, M., Backhaus, T., Diamond, M. L., Erdelen, W. R., Evers, D., … Schäffer, A. (2023). Policy options to account for multiple chemical pollutants threatening biodiversity. Environmental Science: Advances, 2(2), 151-161. doi:10.1039/D2VA00257D, Institutional Repository
Muncke, J., Andersson, A. M., Backhaus, T., Belcher, S. M., Boucher, J. M., Carney Almroth, B., … Scheringer, M. (2023). A vision for safer food contact materials: public health concerns as drivers for improved testing. Environment International, 180, 108161 (18 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.envint.2023.108161, Institutional Repository
Sanderson, H., Bloor, M., Bosveld, B., Campos, B., Groh, K., Leopold, A., … Posthuma, L. (2023). Swiftly changing landscapes for European chemicals regulation. SETAC Globe, 24(2) (3 pp.). Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Schäffer, A., Groh, K. J., Sigmund, G., Azoulay, D., Backhaus, T., Bertram, M. G., … Scheringer, M. (2023). Conflicts of interest in the assessment of chemicals, waste, and pollution. Environmental Science and Technology, 57(48), 19066-19077. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c04213, Institutional Repository
Sigmund, G., Ågerstrand, M., Antonelli, A., Backhaus, T., Brodin, T., Diamond, M. L., … Groh, K. J. (2023). Addressing chemical pollution in biodiversity research. Global Change Biology, 29(12), 3240-3255. doi:10.1111/gcb.16689, Institutional Repository
Sylvester, F., Weichert, F. G., Lozano, V. L., Groh, K. J., Bálint, M., Baumann, L., … Hollert, H. (2023). Better integration of chemical pollution research will further our understanding of biodiversity loss. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7, 1552-1555. doi:10.1038/s41559-023-02117-6, Institutional Repository
Ågerstrand, M., Arinaitwe, K., Backhaus, T., Barra, R. O., Diamond, M. L., Grimalt, J. O., … Scheringer, M. (2023). Key principles for the intergovernmental science-policy panel on chemicals and waste. Environmental Science and Technology, 57(6), 2205-2208. doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c08283, Institutional Repository
Gerassimidou, S., Lanska, P., Hahladakis, J. N., Lovat, E., Vanzetto, S., Geueke, B., … Iacovidou, E. (2022). Unpacking the complexity of the PET drink bottles value chain: a chemicals perspective. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 430, 128410 (18 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128410, Institutional Repository
Groh, K., vom Berg, C., Schirmer, K., & Tlili, A. (2022). Anthropogenic chemicals as underestimated drivers of biodiversity loss: scientific and societal implications. Environmental Science and Technology, 56(2), 707-710. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c08399, Institutional Repository
Groh, K., Connors, K., Schowanek, D., de Wolf, W., & Sanderson, H. (2022). Environmental assessment and registration of polymers: scientific issues and implementation challenges. SETAC Globe, 23(9) (3 pp.). Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Rillig, M. C., Kim, S. W., Schäffer, A., Sigmund, G., Groh, K. J., & Wang, Z. (2022). About "controls" in pollution-ecology experiments in the anthropocene. Environmental Science and Technology, 56(17), 11928-11930. doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c05460, Institutional Repository
Sigmund, G., Ågerstrand, M., Brodin, T., Diamond, M. L., Erdelen, W. R., Evers, D. C., … Groh, K. J. (2022). Broaden chemicals scope in biodiversity targets. Science, 376(6599), 1280. doi:10.1126/science.add3070, Institutional Repository
Taha, H. M., Aalizadeh, R., Alygizakis, N., Antignac, J. P., Arp, H. P. H., Bade, R., … Schymanski, E. L. (2022). The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry. Environmental Sciences Europe, 34, 104 (26 pp.). doi:10.1186/s12302-022-00680-6, Institutional Repository
Zimmermann, L., Scheringer, M., Geueke, B., Boucher, J. M., Parkinson, L. V., Groh, K. J., & Muncke, J. (2022). Implementing the EU chemicals strategy for sustainability: the case of food contact chemicals of concern. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 437, 129167 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129167, Institutional Repository
Bakker, E., Bleiner, D., & Groh, K. (2021). Perspectives and future directions of the division of analytical sciences of the Swiss Chemical Society. Chimia, 75(5), 455-456. doi:10.2533/chimia.2021.455, Institutional Repository
Kirla, K. T., Erhart, C., Groh, K. J., Stadnicka-Michalak, J., Eggen, R. I. L., Schirmer, K., & Kraemer, T. (2021). Zebrafish early life stages as alternative model to study 'designer drugs': concordance with mammals in response to opioids. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 419, 115483 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.taap.2021.115483, Institutional Repository
Leopold, A., Bloor, M., Sanderson, H., Campos, B., Groh, K., Thomas, P., & Posthuma, L. (2021). How SETAC Europe is contributing to the chemicals strategy for sustainability. SETAC Globe, 22(9) (3 pp.). Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Maffini, M. V., Geueke, B., Groh, K., Carney Almroth, B., & Muncke, J. (2021). Role of epidemiology in risk assessment: a case study of five ortho-phthalates. Environmental Health, 20, 114 (14 pp.). doi:10.1186/s12940-021-00799-8, Institutional Repository
Wang, Z., Wiesinger, H., & Groh, K. (2021). Time to reveal chemical identities of polymers and UVCBs. Environmental Science and Technology, 55(21), 14473-14476. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c05620, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., & Suter, M. F. J. (2020). Mass spectrometry in ecotoxicology. In G. Sidona, J. H. Banoub, & M. L. Di Gioia (Eds.), NATO science for peace and security series. A: chemistry and biology. Toxic chemical and biological agents. Detection, diagnosis and health concerns (pp. 93-108). doi:10.1007/978-94-024-2041-8_6, Institutional Repository
Tierbach, A., Groh, K. J., Schoenenberger, R., Schirmer, K., & Suter, M. J. F. (2020). Biotransformation capacity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) early life stages: functionality of the mercapturic acid pathway. Toxicological Sciences, 176(2), 355-365. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfaa073, Institutional Repository
Tierbach, A., Groh, K. J., Schoenenberger, R., Schirmer, K., & Suter, M. J. F. (2020). Characterization of the mercapturic acid pathway, an important phase II biotransformation route, in a zebrafish embryo cell line. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 33(11), 2863-2871. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00315, Institutional Repository
Tierbach, A., Groh, K. J., Schönenberger, R., Schirmer, K., & Suter, M. J. F. (2020). LC-APCI(-)-MS determination of 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, a model substrate for glutathione S-transferases. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 31, 467-472. doi:10.1021/jasms.9b00116, Institutional Repository
Kirla, K. T., Groh, K. J., Poetzsch, M., Banote, R. K., Stadnicka-Michalak, J., Eggen, R. I. L., … Kraemer, T. (2018). Importance of toxicokinetics to assess the utility of zebrafish larvae as model for psychoactive drug screening using meta-chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP) as example. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9, 414 (12 pp.). doi:10.3389/fphar.2018.00414, Institutional Repository
Tierbach, A., Groh, K. J., Schönenberger, R., Schirmer, K., & Suter, M. J. F. (2018). Glutathione S-transferase protein expression in different life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Toxicological Sciences, 162(2), 702-712. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfx293, Institutional Repository
Van den Brink, P. J., Boxall, A. B. A., Maltby, L., Brooks, B. W., Rudd, M. A., Backhaus, T., … van Wensem, J. (2018). Toward sustainable environmental quality: priority research questions for Europe. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37(9), 2281-2295. doi:10.1002/etc.4205, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., & Suter, M. J. F. (2017). Mass spectrometry in environmental chemistry and toxicology. In J. H. Banoub & R. M. Caprioli (Eds.), NATO science for peace and security series A: chemistry and biology. Molecular technologies for detection of chemical and biological agents (pp. 159-176). doi:10.1007/978-94-024-1113-3_10, Institutional Repository
Hidasi, A. O., Groh, K. J., Suter, M. J. F., & Schirmer, K. (2017). Clobetasol propionate causes immunosuppression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) at environmentally relevant concentrations. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 138, 16-24. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2016.11.024, Institutional Repository
Mottaz, H., Schönenberger, R., Fischer, S., Eggen, R. I. L., Schirmer, K., & Groh, K. J. (2017). Dose-dependent effects of morphine on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation, and involvement of multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) transporters in LPS efflux in teleost fish. Environmental Pollution, 221, 105-115. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2016.11.046, Institutional Repository
Niklaus, S., Kirla, K. T., Kraemer, T., Groh, K., Schirmer, K., & Neuhauss, S. (2017). Cocaine accumulation in zebrafish eyes leads to augmented amplitudes in the electroretinogram. Matters, 201703000003 (4 pp.). doi:10.19185/matters.201703000003, Institutional Repository
Oliveira, I. B., Groh, K. J., Schönenberger, R., Barroso, C., Thomas, K. V., & Suter, M. J. F. (2017). Toxicity of emerging antifouling biocides to non-target freshwater organisms from three trophic levels. Aquatic Toxicology, 191, 164-174. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2017.07.019, Institutional Repository
Kirla, K. T., Groh, K. J., Steuer, A. E., Poetzsch, M., Banote, R. K., Stadnicka-Michalak, J., … Kraemer, T. (2016). Zebrafish larvae are insensitive to stimulation by cocaine: importance of exposure route and toxicokinetics. Toxicological Sciences, 154(1), 183-193. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfw156, Institutional Repository
Oliveira, I. B., Groh, K. J., Stadnicka-Michalak, J., Schönenberger, R., Beiras, R., Barroso, C. M., … Suter, M. J. F. (2016). Tralopyril bioconcentration and effects on the gill proteome of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Aquatic Toxicology, 177, 198-210. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2016.05.026, Institutional Repository
Di Paolo, C., Groh, K. J., Zennegg, M., Vermeirssen, E. L. M., Murk, A. J., Eggen, R. I. L., … Schirmer, K. (2015). Early life exposure to PCB126 results in delayed mortality and growth impairment in the zebrafish larvae. Aquatic Toxicology, 169, 168-178. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.10.014, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., Dalkvist, T., Piccapietra, F., Behra, R., Suter, M. J. F., & Schirmer, K. (2015). Critical influence of chloride ions on silver ion-mediated acute toxicity of silver nanoparticles to zebrafish embryos. Nanotoxicology, 9(1), 81-91. doi:10.3109/17435390.2014.893379, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., Carvalho, R. N., Chipman, J. K., Denslow, N. D., Halder, M., Murphy, C. A., … Watanabe, K. H. (2015). Development and application of the adverse outcome pathway framework for understanding and predicting chronic toxicity: I. challenges and research needs in ecotoxicology. Chemosphere, 120, 764-777. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.09.068, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., Carvalho, R. N., Chipman, J. K., Denslow, N. D., Halder, M., Murphy, C. A., … Watanabe, K. H. (2015). Development and application of the adverse outcome pathway framework for understanding and predicting chronic toxicity: II. a focus on growth impairment in fish. Chemosphere, 120, 778-792. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.10.006, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., & Suter, M. J. F. (2015). Stressor-induced proteome alterations in zebrafish: a meta-analysis of response patterns. Aquatic Toxicology, 159, 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2014.11.013, Institutional Repository
Ammann, A. A., Macikova, P., Groh, K. J., Schirmer, K., & Suter, M. J. F. (2014). LC-MS/MS determination of potential endocrine disruptors of cortico signalling in rivers and wastewaters. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 406(29), 7653-7665. doi:10.1007/s00216-014-8206-9, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., & Suter, M. J. F. (2014). Mass spectrometric target analysis and proteomics in environmental toxicology. In J. Banoub (Ed.), NATO science for peace and security series A: chemistry and biology. Detection of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents for the prevention of terrorism (pp. 149-167). doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9238-7_10, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., & Suter, M. J. F. (2014). Mass spectrometry in environmental toxicology. Chimia, 68(3), 140-145. doi:10.2533/chimia.2014.140, Institutional Repository
Macikova, P., Groh, K. J., Ammann, A. A., Schirmer, K., & Suter, M. J. F. (2014). Endocrine disrupting compounds affecting corticosteroid signaling pathways in Czech and Swiss waters: potential impact on fish. Environmental Science and Technology, 48(21), 12902-12911. doi:10.1021/es502711c, Institutional Repository
Sigg, L., Behra, R., Groh, K., Isaacson, C., Odzak, N., Piccapietra, F., … Schirmer, K. (2014). Chemical aspects of nanoparticle ecotoxicology. Chimia, 68(11), 806-811. doi:10.2533/chimia.2014.806, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., Schönenberger, R., Eggen, R. I. L., Segner, H., & Suter, M. J. F. (2013). Analysis of protein expression in zebrafish during gonad differentiation by targeted proteomics. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 193, 210-220. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2013.07.020, Institutional Repository
Wehrli, K. (2013). Effekte von Morphin auf aquatische Organismen: Literaturrecherche und praktische Experimente am Modellorganismus Zebrafisch (Bachelor thesis). 42 p. , Institutional Repository
Nestler, H., Groh, K. J., Schönenberger, R., Eggen, R. I. L., & Suter, M. J. F. (2012). Linking proteome responses with physiological and biochemical effects in herbicide-exposed Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal of Proteomics, 75(17), 5370-5385. doi:10.1016/j.jprot.2012.06.017, Institutional Repository
Nestler, H., Groh, K. J., Schönenberger, R., Behra, R., Schirmer, K., Eggen, R. I. L., & Suter, M. J. F. (2012). Multiple-endpoint assay provides a detailed mechanistic view of responses to herbicide exposure in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Aquatic Toxicology, 110-111, 214-224. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2012.01.014, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., Nesatyy, V. J., Segner, H., Eggen, R. I. L., & Suter, M. J. F. (2011). Global proteomics analysis of testis and ovary in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 37(3), 619-647. doi:10.1007/s10695-010-9464-x, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J., Nesatyy, V. J., & Suter, M. J. F. (2011). Proteomics for the analysis of environmental stress responses in prokaryotes. In F. J. de Bruijn (Ed.), Handbook of molecular microbial ecology. Volume I: Metagenomics and complementary approaches (pp. 605-625). doi:10.1002/9781118010518.ch66, Institutional Repository
Degeratu, M. O.; Schönenberger, R.; Huwa, N.; Groh, K. (2024) Exploring zebrafish embryonic cell line PAC2 by proteomics profiling, Chimia, 78(7-8), 558, doi:10.2533/chimia.2024.558, Institutional Repository
Adamovsky, O.; Groh, K. J.; Białk-Bielińska, A.; Escher, B. I.; Beaudouin, R.; Mora Lagares, L.; Tollefsen, K. E.; Fenske, M.; Mulkiewicz, E.; Creusot, N.; Sosnowska, A.; Loureiro, S.; Beyer, J.; Repetto, G.; Štern, A.; Lopes, I.; Monteiro, M.; Zikova-Kloas, A.; Eleršek, T.; Vračko, M.; Zdybel, S.; Puzyn, T.; Koczur, W.; Ebsen Morthorst, J.; Holbech, H.; Carlsson, G.; Örn, S.; Herrero, Ó.; Siddique, A.; Liess, M.; Braun, G.; Srebny, V.; Žegura, B.; Hinfray, N.; Brion, F.; Knapen, D.; Vandeputte, E.; Stinckens, E.; Vergauwen, L.; Behrendt, L.; João Silva, M.; Blaha, L.; Kyriakopoulou, K. (2024) Exploring BPA alternatives - environmental levels and toxicity review, Environment International, 189, 108728 (29 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.envint.2024.108728, Institutional Repository
Brander, S. M.; Senathirajah, K.; Fernandez, M. O.; Weis, J. S.; Kumar, E.; Jahnke, A.; Hartmann, N. B.; Alava, J. J.; Farrelly, T.; Almroth, B. C.; Groh, K. J.; Syberg, K.; Buerkert, J. S.; Abeynayaka, A.; Booth, A. M.; Cousin, X.; Herzke, D.; Monclús, L.; Morales-Caselles, C.; Bonisoli-Alquati, A.; Al-jaibachi, R.; Wagner, M. (2024) The time for ambitious action is now: Science-based recommendations for plastic chemicals to inform an effective global plastic treaty, Science of the Total Environment, 949, 174881 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174881, Institutional Repository
Posthuma, L.; Bloor, M.; Campos, B.; Groh, K.; Leopold, A.; Sanderson, H.; Schreiber, H.; Schür, C.; Thomas, P. (2024) Green Swans countering chemical pollution, Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 20(3), 888-891, doi:10.1002/ieam.4915, Institutional Repository
Simmons, D.; Groh, K. (2024) Omics beyond transcriptomics session summary, SETAC Globe, (4 pp.), Institutional Repository
Wagner, M.; Monclús, L.; Arp, H. P. H.; Groh, K. J.; Løseth, M. E.; Muncke, J.; Wang, Z.; Wolf, R.; Zimmermann, L. (2024) State of the science on plastic chemicals. Identifying and addressing chemicals and polymers of concern, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10701706, Institutional Repository
Gerassimidou, S.; Geueke, B.; Groh, K. J.; Muncke, J.; Hahladakis, J. N.; Martin, O. V.; Iacovidou, E. (2023) Unpacking the complexity of the polyethylene food contact articles value chain: a chemicals perspective, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 454, 131422 (14 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.131422, Institutional Repository
Geueke, B.; Groh, K. J.; Maffini, M. V.; Martin, O. V.; Boucher, J. M.; Chiang, Y. T.; Gwosdz, F.; Jieh, P.; Kassotis, C. D.; Łańska, P.; Myers, J. P.; Odermatt, A.; Parkinson, L. V.; Schreier, V. N.; Srebny, V.; Zimmermann, L.; Scheringer, M.; Muncke, J. (2023) Systematic evidence on migrating and extractable food contact chemicals: most chemicals detected in food contact materials are not listed for use, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 63(28), 9425-9435, doi:10.1080/10408398.2022.2067828, Institutional Repository
Muncke, J.; Andersson, A.-M.; Backhaus, T.; Belcher, S. M.; Boucher, J. M.; Carney Almroth, B.; Collins, T. J.; Geueke, B.; Groh, K. J.; Heindel, J. J.; von Hippel, F. A.; Legler, J.; Maffini, M. V.; Martin, O. V.; Peterson Myers, J.; Nadal, A.; Nerin, C.; Soto, A. M.; Trasande, L.; Vandenberg, L. N.; Wagner, M.; Zimmermann, L.; Zoeller, R. T.; Scheringer, M. (2023) A vision for safer food contact materials: public health concerns as drivers for improved testing, Environment International, 180, 108161 (18 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.envint.2023.108161, Institutional Repository
Schäffer, A.; Groh, K. J.; Sigmund, G.; Azoulay, D.; Backhaus, T.; Bertram, M. G.; Carney Almroth, B.; Cousins, I. T.; Ford, A. T.; Grimalt, J. O.; Guida, Y.; Hansson, M. C.; Jeong, Y.; Lohmann, R.; Michaels, D.; Mueller, L.; Muncke, J.; Öberg, G.; Orellana, M. A.; Sanganyado, E.; Schäfer, R. B.; Sheriff, I.; Sullivan, R. C.; Suzuki, N.; Vandenberg, L. N.; Venier, M.; Vlahos, P.; Wagner, M.; Wang, F.; Wang, M.; Soehl, A.; Ågerstrand, M.; Diamond, M. L.; Scheringer, M. (2023) Conflicts of interest in the assessment of chemicals, waste, and pollution, Environmental Science and Technology, 57(48), 19066-19077, doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c04213, Institutional Repository
Sigmund, G.; Ågerstrand, M.; Antonelli, A.; Backhaus, T.; Brodin, T.; Diamond, M. L.; Erdelen, W. R.; Evers, D. C.; Hofmann, T.; Hueffer, T.; Lai, A.; Torres, J. P. M.; Mueller, L.; Perrigo, A. L.; Rillig, M. C.; Schaeffer, A.; Scheringer, M.; Schirmer, K.; Tlili, A.; Soehl, A.; Triebskorn, R.; Vlahos, P.; vom Berg, C.; Wang, Z.; Groh, K. J. (2023) Addressing chemical pollution in biodiversity research, Global Change Biology, 29(12), 3240-3255, doi:10.1111/gcb.16689, Institutional Repository
Sylvester, F.; Weichert, F. G.; Lozano, V.L.; Groh, K. J.; Bálint, M.; Baumann, L.; Bässler, C.; Brack, W.; Brandl, B.; Curtius, J.; Dierkes, P.; Döll, P.; Ebersberger, I.; Fragkostefanakis, S.; Helfrich, E. J. N.; Hickler, T.; Johann, S.; Jourdan, J.; Klimpel, S.; Kminek, H.; Liquin, F.; Möllendorf, D.; Mueller, T.; Oehlmann, J.; Ottermanns, R.; Pauls, S. U.; Piepenbring, M.; Pfefferle, J.; Schenk, G. J.; Scheepens, J. F.; Scheringer, M.; Schiwy, S.; Schlottmann, A.; Schneider, F.; Schulte, L. M.; Schulze-Sylvester, M.; Stelzer, E.; Strobl, F.; Sundermann, A.; Tockner, K.; Tröger, T.; Vilcinskas, A.; Völker, C.; Winkelmann, R.; Hollert, H. (2023) Better integration of chemical pollution research will further our understanding of biodiversity loss, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7, 1552-1555, doi:10.1038/s41559-023-02117-6, Institutional Repository
Sanderson, H.; Bloor, M.; Bosveld, B.; Campos, B.; Groh, K.; Leopold, A.; Thomas, P.; Posthuma, L. (2023) Swiftly changing landscapes for European chemicals regulation, SETAC Globe, 24(2), (3 pp.), Institutional Repository
Ågerstrand, M.; Arinaitwe, K.; Backhaus, T.; Barra, R. O.; Diamond, M. L.; Grimalt, J. O.; Groh, K.; Kandie, F.; Kurt-Karakus, P. B.; Letcher, R. J.; Lohmann, R.; Meire, R. O.; Oluseyi, T.; Schäffer, A.; Septiono, M.; Sigmund, G.; Soehl, A.; Sogbanmu, T. O.; Suzuki, N.; Venier, M.; Vlahos, P.; Scheringer, M. (2023) Key principles for the intergovernmental science-policy panel on chemicals and waste, Environmental Science and Technology, 57(6), 2205-2208, doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c08283, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J.; Arp, H. P. H.; MacLeod, M.; Wang, Z. (2023) Assessing and managing environmental hazards of polymers: historical development, science advances and policy options, Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 25(1), 10-25, doi:10.1039/D2EM00386D, Institutional Repository
Mueller, L.; Ågerstrand, M.; Backhaus, T.; Diamond, M. L.; Erdelen, W. R.; Evers, D.; Groh, K. J.; Scheringer, M.; Sigmund, G.; Wang, Z.; Schäffer, A. (2023) Policy options to account for multiple chemical pollutants threatening biodiversity, Environmental Science: Advances, 2(2), 151-161, doi:10.1039/D2VA00257D, Institutional Repository
Sigmund, G.; Ågerstrand, M.; Brodin, T.; Diamond, M. L.; Erdelen, W. R.; Evers, D. C.; Lai, A.; Rillig, M. C.; Schäffer, A.; Soehl, A.; Torres, J. P. M.; Wang, Z.; Groh, K. J. (2022) Broaden chemicals scope in biodiversity targets, Science, 376(6599), 1280, doi:10.1126/science.add3070, Institutional Repository
Taha, H. M.; Aalizadeh, R.; Alygizakis, N.; Antignac, J.-P.; Arp, H. P. H.; Bade, R.; Baker, N.; Belova, L.; Bijlsma, L.; Bolton, E. E.; Groh, K.; Janssen, E. M. -L.; Kiefer, K.; Singer, H.; Hollender, J.; Schymanski, E. L. (2022) The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry, Environmental Sciences Europe, 34, 104 (26 pp.), doi:10.1186/s12302-022-00680-6, Institutional Repository
Groh, K.; Connors, K.; Schowanek, D.; de Wolf, W.; Sanderson, H. (2022) Environmental assessment and registration of polymers: scientific issues and implementation challenges, SETAC Globe, 23(9), (3 pp.), Institutional Repository
Rillig, M. C.; Kim, S. W.; Schäffer, A.; Sigmund, G.; Groh, K. J.; Wang, Z. (2022) About "controls" in pollution-ecology experiments in the anthropocene, Environmental Science and Technology, 56(17), 11928-11930, doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c05460, Institutional Repository
Groh, K.; vom Berg, C.; Schirmer, K.; Tlili, A. (2022) Anthropogenic chemicals as underestimated drivers of biodiversity loss: scientific and societal implications, Environmental Science and Technology, 56(2), 707-710, doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c08399, Institutional Repository
Zimmermann, L.; Scheringer, M.; Geueke, B.; Boucher, J. M.; Parkinson, L. V.; Groh, K. J.; Muncke, J. (2022) Implementing the EU chemicals strategy for sustainability: the case of food contact chemicals of concern, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 437, 129167 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129167, Institutional Repository
Gerassimidou, S.; Lanska, P.; Hahladakis, J. N.; Lovat, E.; Vanzetto, S.; Geueke, B.; Groh, K. J.; Muncke, J.; Maffini, M.; Martin, O. V.; Iacovidou, E. (2022) Unpacking the complexity of the PET drink bottles value chain: a chemicals perspective, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 430, 128410 (18 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.128410, Institutional Repository
Leopold, A.; Bloor, M.; Sanderson, H.; Campos, B.; Groh, K.; Thomas, P.; Posthuma, L. (2021) How SETAC Europe is contributing to the chemicals strategy for sustainability, SETAC Globe, 22(9), (3 pp.), Institutional Repository
Wang, Z.; Wiesinger, H.; Groh, K. (2021) Time to reveal chemical identities of polymers and UVCBs, Environmental Science and Technology, 55(21), 14473-14476, doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c05620, Institutional Repository
Maffini, M. V.; Geueke, B.; Groh, K.; Carney Almroth, B.; Muncke, J. (2021) Role of epidemiology in risk assessment: a case study of five ortho-phthalates, Environmental Health, 20, 114 (14 pp.), doi:10.1186/s12940-021-00799-8, Institutional Repository
Bakker, E.; Bleiner, D.; Groh, K. (2021) Perspectives and future directions of the division of analytical sciences of the Swiss Chemical Society, Chimia, 75(5), 455-456, doi:10.2533/chimia.2021.455, Institutional Repository
Kirla, K. T.; Erhart, C.; Groh, K. J.; Stadnicka-Michalak, J.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Schirmer, K.; Kraemer, T. (2021) Zebrafish early life stages as alternative model to study 'designer drugs': concordance with mammals in response to opioids, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 419, 115483 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.taap.2021.115483, Institutional Repository
Tierbach, A.; Groh, K. J.; Schoenenberger, R.; Schirmer, K.; Suter, M. J. -F. (2020) Characterization of the mercapturic acid pathway, an important phase II biotransformation route, in a zebrafish embryo cell line, Chemical Research in Toxicology, 33(11), 2863-2871, doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.0c00315, Institutional Repository
Tierbach, A.; Groh, K. J.; Schoenenberger, R.; Schirmer, K.; Suter, M. J. -F. (2020) Biotransformation capacity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) early life stages: functionality of the mercapturic acid pathway, Toxicological Sciences, 176(2), 355-365, doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfaa073, Institutional Repository
Tierbach, A.; Groh, K. J.; Schönenberger, R.; Schirmer, K.; Suter, M. J. -F. (2020) LC-APCI(-)-MS determination of 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, a model substrate for glutathione S-transferases, Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 31, 467-472, doi:10.1021/jasms.9b00116, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J.; Suter, M. F. -J. (2020) Mass spectrometry in ecotoxicology, In: Sidona, G.; Banoub, J. H.; Di Gioia, M. L. (Eds.), Toxic chemical and biological agents. Detection, diagnosis and health concerns, 93-108, doi:10.1007/978-94-024-2041-8_6, Institutional Repository
Van den Brink, P. J.; Boxall, A. B. A.; Maltby, L.; Brooks, B. W.; Rudd, M. A.; Backhaus, T.; Spurgeon, D.; Verougstraete, V.; Ajao, C.; Ankley, G. T.; Apitz, S. E.; Arnold, K.; Brodin, T.; Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Chapman, J.; Corrales, J.; Coutellec, M.-A.; Fernandes, T. F.; Fick, J.; Ford, A. T.; Giménez Papiol, G.; Groh, K. J.; Hutchinson, T. H.; Kruger, H.; Kukkonen, J. V. K.; Loutseti, S.; Marshall, S.; Muir, D.; Ortiz-Santaliestra, M. E.; Paul, K. B.; Rico, A.; Rodea-Palomares, I.; Römbke, J.; Rydberg, T.; Segner, H.; Smit, M.; van Gestel, C. A. M.; Vighi, M.; Werner, I.; Zimmer, E. I.; van Wensem, J. (2018) Toward sustainable environmental quality: priority research questions for Europe, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37(9), 2281-2295, doi:10.1002/etc.4205, Institutional Repository
Kirla, K. T.; Groh, K. J.; Poetzsch, M.; Banote, R. K.; Stadnicka-Michalak, J.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Schirmer, K.; Kraemer, T. (2018) Importance of toxicokinetics to assess the utility of zebrafish larvae as model for psychoactive drug screening using meta-chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP) as example, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9, 414 (12 pp.), doi:10.3389/fphar.2018.00414, Institutional Repository
Tierbach, A.; Groh, K. J.; Schönenberger, R.; Schirmer, K.; Suter, M. J. -F. (2018) Glutathione S-transferase protein expression in different life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio), Toxicological Sciences, 162(2), 702-712, doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfx293, Institutional Repository
Mottaz, H.; Schönenberger, R.; Fischer, S.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Schirmer, K.; Groh, K. J. (2017) Dose-dependent effects of morphine on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation, and involvement of multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) transporters in LPS efflux in teleost fish, Environmental Pollution, 221, 105-115, doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2016.11.046, Institutional Repository
Hidasi, A. O.; Groh, K. J.; Suter, M. J. -F.; Schirmer, K. (2017) Clobetasol propionate causes immunosuppression in zebrafish (Danio rerio) at environmentally relevant concentrations, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 138, 16-24, doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2016.11.024, Institutional Repository
Kirla, K. T.; Groh, K. J.; Steuer, A. E.; Poetzsch, M.; Banote, R. K.; Stadnicka-Michalak, J.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Schirmer, K.; Kraemer, T. (2016) Zebrafish larvae are insensitive to stimulation by cocaine: importance of exposure route and toxicokinetics, Toxicological Sciences, 154(1), 183-193, doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfw156, Institutional Repository
Oliveira, I. B.; Groh, K. J.; Stadnicka-Michalak, J.; Schönenberger, R.; Beiras, R.; Barroso, C. M.; Langford, K. H.; Thomas, K. V.; Suter, M. J. -F. (2016) Tralopyril bioconcentration and effects on the gill proteome of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, Aquatic Toxicology, 177, 198-210, doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2016.05.026, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J.; Dalkvist, T.; Piccapietra, F.; Behra, R.; Suter, M. J. -F.; Schirmer, K. (2015) Critical influence of chloride ions on silver ion-mediated acute toxicity of silver nanoparticles to zebrafish embryos, Nanotoxicology, 9(1), 81-91, doi:10.3109/17435390.2014.893379, Institutional Repository
Di Paolo, C.; Groh, K. J.; Zennegg, M.; Vermeirssen, E. L. M.; Murk, A. J.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Hollert, H.; Werner, I.; Schirmer, K. (2015) Early life exposure to PCB126 results in delayed mortality and growth impairment in the zebrafish larvae, Aquatic Toxicology, 169, 168-178, doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2015.10.014, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J.; Carvalho, R. N.; Chipman, J. K.; Denslow, N. D.; Halder, M.; Murphy, C. A.; Roelofs, D.; Rolaki, A.; Schirmer, K.; Watanabe, K. H. (2015) Development and application of the adverse outcome pathway framework for understanding and predicting chronic toxicity: II. a focus on growth impairment in fish, Chemosphere, 120, 778-792, doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.10.006, Institutional Repository
Groh, K. J.; Carvalho, R. N.; Chipman, J. K.; Denslow, N. D.; Halder, M.; Murphy, C. A.; Roelofs, D.; Rolaki, A.; Schirmer, K.; Watanabe, K. H. (2015) Development and application of the adverse outcome pathway framework for understanding and predicting chronic toxicity: I. challenges and research needs in ecotoxicology, Chemosphere, 120, 764-777, doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.09.068, Institutional Repository
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