Department Environmental Toxicology

PlastChem: State of the science on plastic chemicals

Throughout their life cycle, plastic materials and products can release diverse chemicals, many of which are known to be hazardous for human health and/or the environment, while others remain to be characterized for their hazards or even identity, as both can often be unknown. Within the PlastChem project, we produced a report, accompanied by a publicly accessible database, which synthesized the state of science on over 16’000 known plastic chemicals (see, covering their identities, hazard properties, and presence in different polymers. Published in 2024, these resources are now used to inform policy development, e.g., to support the UNEP’s work on international plastics treaty.

Despite our growing knowledge on plastic chemicals’ identity and hazards, chemical analytics-based individual assessment of all substances released from plastics remains unfeasible. Instead, assessment by means of bioassays, also referred to as effect-based testing, could provide an alternative approach for initial hazard assessment of chemicals in plastic leachates. Currently, we are working to compile a systematic evidence map aiming to understand, which types of toxicities or bioactivities have been measured for chemical mixtures released from different plastic materials and products.


Wagner, M.; Monclús, L.; Arp, H. P. H.; Groh, K. J.; Løseth, M. E.; Muncke, J.; Wang, Z.; Wolf, R.; Zimmermann, L. (2024) State of the science on plastic chemicals. Identifying and addressing chemicals and polymers of concern, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10701706, Institutional Repository
Brander, S. M.; Senathirajah, K.; Fernandez, M. O.; Weis, J. S.; Kumar, E.; Jahnke, A.; Hartmann, N. B.; Alava, J. J.; Farrelly, T.; Almroth, B. C.; Groh, K. J.; Syberg, K.; Buerkert, J. S.; Abeynayaka, A.; Booth, A. M.; Cousin, X.; Herzke, D.; Monclús, L.; Morales-Caselles, C.; Bonisoli-Alquati, A.; Al-jaibachi, R.; Wagner, M. (2024) The time for ambitious action is now: Science-based recommendations for plastic chemicals to inform an effective global plastic treaty, Science of the Total Environment, 949, 174881 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174881, Institutional Repository


Dr. Ksenia Groh Group Leader Tel. +41 58 765 5182 Send Mail

Team member

Emera Forni Scientific Assistant Tel. +41 58 765 5271 Send Mail


Norwegian Research Council