Department Environmental Toxicology


Particle and Polymer Toxicology

Implementing SSbD in practice: Integration of aquatic toxicity considerations into the R&D process for novel flame retardant vitrimers
The PlastChem project investigates the hazards of chemicals in plastics
Tire and road wear particles (TRWP) are generated by the erosion of tires while driving, and represent a large part of anthropogenic particles released into the environment.
Particulate plastics (nano- and microplastic particles; size < 5µm) are an extremely persistent pollutant in the environment. As a consequence...

Computational Toxicology and Modeling

Data integration, analysis, and visualization will be used to characterize genetic susceptibility to chemical pollution in zebrafish and C. elegans.
Data integration, network analysis, and computational AOPs will be used to characterize cross-species and cross-chemical mechanisms.
PARC aims to adapt chemical risk assessment to the opportunities and needs of the 21st century.
Data-driven analysis and predictive modelling will be used to describe the potential for chemical pollution to impact genetically diverse populations.
Cell-based technologies combined with extrapolation models facilitate the estimation of chemical bioaccumulation, hence improving predictions of the in vivo level without the use of animals.
Environmental risk assessment is essential but often relies on ethically controversial and expensive methods...
We use machine learning methods to predict the effects of chemicals on aquatic species.

Alternatives to Animal Testing

Implementing SSbD in practice: Integration of aquatic toxicity considerations into the R&D process for novel flame retardant vitrimers
Development of a fish cell-based model for neurotoxicity testing, for advancing our understanding of neurotoxicity mechanisms and exploring animal-free alternatives
Data integration and the AOP framework will be used to predict GxE interactions in pesticide-induced Parkinson disease.
Data integration, network analysis, and computational AOPs will be used to characterize cross-species and cross-chemical mechanisms.
PARC aims to adapt chemical risk assessment to the opportunities and needs of the 21st century.
Development of animal-free methods for the assessment of chemicals
Panel will be used to monitor chemical-induced molecular responses and damage progression in fish cells to inform animal-free prediction of chemical toxicity.
Reproductive toxicity testing demands a staggering number of experimental animals. This project aims to develop in vitro tools to alleviate this burden.
Upon chemical exposure, growth in fish is hindered. A systems toxicology approach will decipher how and why this phenomenon is being observed.
Studying mTOR pathway to decipher its role in mediating chemical effects on fish cells growth.
BIOTRANSFORM: Organ- and species-specific biotransformation of aquatic micropollutants in fish
We are applying impedance sensing with cell lines of the rainbow trout cultured on microfluidic chips to detect toxic substances in water and test toxicity of chemicals under flow conditions.
With this research project we aim to establish the Moderlieschen (Leucaspius delineatus) as a fish model in ecotoxicolgy and ecology...
Cellular epithelia are gate keepers that regulate the interaction of an organism with its surrounding environment...
Fish are the most frequently used vertebrates in regulatory ecotoxicology. Numerous OECD guidelines depend on the use of fish, including OECD 203...
Cell-based technologies combined with extrapolation models facilitate the estimation of chemical bioaccumulation, hence improving predictions of the in vivo level without the use of animals.
Manmade chemicals have become an essential commodity in our daily lives, from personal care to medicine and agriculture...
We use machine learning methods to predict the effects of chemicals on aquatic species.

Community Ecotoxicology and Biodiversity

PARC aims to adapt chemical risk assessment to the opportunities and needs of the 21st century.
Diatoms use to assess pesticides pollution in the Swiss watercourses
A multi phase research program by Eawag and the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
Interdisciplinary project on biological effects of urban micropollutants
Interdisciplinary project on biological effects of micropollutants on the periphyton
Particulate plastics (nano- and microplastic particles; size < 5µm) are an extremely persistent pollutant in the environment. As a consequence...
In order to comprehend and in the future be able to predict impacts of chemicals on aquatic biofilm communities, such as periphyton or sediment-associated biofilms...

Behavioral Ecotoxicology

The surfacing behavior of zebrafish larvae induced by neuroactive chemicals will be investigated on a behavioral, molecular and neuronal basis.
PARC aims to adapt chemical risk assessment to the opportunities and needs of the 21st century.
Insecticides are extensively used in Switzerland and all over the world to control pests and pathogens in medicine, households, and agriculture...
Some individuals are more susceptible to chemical exposure than others, but underlying reasons remain largely obscure....

Enabling Technologies and Knowledge Transfer

Implementing SSbD in practice: Integration of aquatic toxicity considerations into the R&D process for novel flame retardant vitrimers
PARC aims to adapt chemical risk assessment to the opportunities and needs of the 21st century.
Global and targeted proteomics provide insights into molecular mechanisms of toxicity.
Imagine to engineer cells so that they harbor specific gene deletions or depleted proteins of selected pathways...
With this research project we aim to establish the Moderlieschen (Leucaspius delineatus) as a fish model in ecotoxicolgy and ecology...

Concluded projects

For many research questions it is very important to know base line concentrations of nutrients and trace elements in model systems, in order to understand perturbations caused by stressors...
For the identification and monitoring of chemical effects in organisms exposed in the environment there is an array of approaches and specific endpoints available...
We are interested in understanding the capacity of aquatic organisms to combat environmental stress caused by pollutants...
Marine mammals accumulate the greatest levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) due to their long life, high proportion of body fat, and top position of the marine food chain...
CaLIBRAte is part of European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and addresses risk management / governance for assessment of human and environmental risks of manufactured nanomaterials (MN) and MN-enabled products.
The project, funded by 3R Research Foundation Switzerland (3R-Project 145-15) aims to develop an animal-free alternative to replace experiments with fish for quantifying the impact of chemicals on fish growth at early life stages...
In collaboration with a high level international expert group we are currently developing a framework to advance adverse outcome pathways...
Treatment of water by oxidation processes – Testing schemes for assessment of toxicity ...
A major challenge in environmental risk assessment of micropollutants (MPs) entering fresh waters via effluents of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is the establishment of a causal relationship between field exposure and observed effects on biotas...
The present projects aim at gathering scientific information on the environmental fate and effects of silver- and cerium oxide nanoparticles.
With the aim of developing an understanding of the impact of AgNP on food web interactions and ecological processes, we are currently using the fungal litter-decomposition and algal ...
Do small things lead to big problems? Mechanisms of uptake and toxicity of metal nanoparticles in intestinal cells (NanoTraffic). Dr. Matteo Minghetti. PEOPLE MARIE CURIE ACTIONS ...
One of the most important challenges in environmental toxicology is to understand how responses to chemical pollutants scale through levels of biological complexity...
The development of mathematical models for prediction of ecological risks posed by environmental chemicals requires good understanding of toxicological mechanisms.
This project studies GST enzymes in alternative test models such as zebrafish early life stages and cell lines.