Department Environmental Toxicology
Predicting acute fish toxicity using in vitro models

The acute fish toxicity test is one of the most frequently performed tests in regulatory environmental risk assessment in order to assess the toxicity of chemicals and effluents. Because the effect measured is survival, resp. death of the fish, this test assumes the highest severity degree in animal testing.
Against this background, we have developed alternatives to this test. Initially, the focus was on early life stages of the zebrafish - a corresponding OECD guideline (OECD236) has existed for several years. Therefore, we set out to develop an alternative that does not require fish at all: Cell lines. A test that we established with a gill cell line was adopted by ISO in April 2019 (ISO21115). In the same year, our work received the Swiss 3Rs Award des 3R Kompetenzzentrum Schweiz (3RCC). Since then we were also able to convince the expert panels and country representatives of the OECD of the robustness and informative value of this test: in April 2021 it was adopted as the first in vitro test guideline in the field of ecotoxicology (OECD 249). The cell line test is also offered as a service by our spin-off aQuatox-Solutions GmbH.
Adoption as OECD guideline
ISO certification
- press release
- radio broadcast SRF - only in German available.
The zebrafish embryo toxicity test
- Zebrafish Toxicity Embryo Test in Ecotoxicology (short version)
- Zebrafish Toxicity Embryo Test in Ecotoxicology (long version)