Department Environmental Social Sciences
Environmental Economics (EnvEco)
The research group in Environmental Economics (EnvEco) applies economic theory and methods to study the economic aspects of environmental, in particular water-related, problems and potential solutions to these problems. The main research focus of the group is on the economic valuation of ecosystem services. We use survey-based stated preference methods as well as revealed preference methods and natural experiments relying on actual market data to estimate willingness to pay of the relevant population for tackling an environmental problem. More recently, we also started to explore plural valuation approaches for valuing ecosystem services and Nature’s Contributions to People. We apply state-of-the-art econometric modelling techniques for data analysis. In general, our research aims to: (1) advance the methodological aspects of economic valuation methods and (2) inform environmental decision-making processes about the economic efficiency of policy options through e.g. a cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness analysis.
Current research projects
Completed research projects
Former collaborators
Prof. Roy Brouwer
Diana van Dijk (postdoctoral researcher)
Paola Ovando (postdoctoral researcher)
Matteo Mattmann (PhD student)
Markus Glatt (PhD student)
Dvorak, F., Glenk, K., Logar, I., Meyerhoff, J. (2023) Cognitive Models of Bayesian Anchoring in Discrete Choice Experiments. Available at
Amjath-Babua, T.S., Sharmab, B., Brouwer, R., Rasulb, G., Wahide, S.M., Neupaneb, N., Bhattaraif, U. and Sieber, S. (2019). Integrated modelling of the impacts of hydropower projects on the waterfood-energy nexus in a transboundary Himalayan river basin. Applied Energy, 239: 494-503.