Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development

Water Supply and Treatment

Sandec’s Water Supply and Treatment (WST) group focuses on developing, testing and disseminating solutions for extending and sustaining access to safe drinking water supplies. We use methods from the fields of engineering, public health, and social psychology, with emphasis on applicable solutions for rural communities and small towns where  progress towards international drinking water targets lags behind the rest of the world. Current projects focus on passive chlorination technologies, rural lab strengthening, and assessing integrated planning approaches.


Dr. Sara Marks Water Supply and Treatment Group Tel. +41 58 765 5631 Send Mail

Ongoing Projects

Extending access to water quality testing with adapted and simplified materials and methods.
Evaluating trade-offs between different chlorination technologies and decentralization levels in rural Nepal
WABES explores opportunities for integrated planning, implementation and sustainability of water, solid waste and fecal sludge service provision in urban settings.

Past Projects

Evaluating five household water filters in emergency settings to inform better designs.
This collaborative project with Winrock International will assess the impact of Multiple-use Water Services (MUS) projects in Burkina Faso and Tanzania.
Assessing uptake of arsenic in food products and current practices in drinking water quality monitoring.
Strengthening Monitoring & Management of Small Water Supplies
The aim of PACT is, to identify behaviour change techniques on how to increase the psychological ownership over safe-drinking-water-collection infrastructure and to increase the long-term use by strengthening people’s habits.
A multi-stakeholder projects that aims to identify sustainable service models for small towns in Uganda.
A summary of the sanitation situation in the pan-European region with recommendations for addressing current and emerging sanitation challenges
Assessing the sustainability of toilets constructed during the ODF campaigns and the impact of extreme weather events on toilet use in the Terai region
Evaluation of a locally constructed in-line chlorination technology for piped water supplies in rural Guatemala


Dr. Sara Marks Water Supply and Treatment Group Tel. +41 58 765 5631 Send Mail
Marisa Boller Tel. +41 58 765 5230 Send Mail