Department Environmental Toxicology

Yearly Meeting of the NRP79

July 16, 2024 | Kristin Schirmer

Successful day in Lausanne at the annual meeting of the NPR 79 participants. Jessica, Mihai, Marion, Bernhard, Max and Kristin had an exciting day at this year’s annual NRP79 meeting in Lausanne in June!

It was great meeting representatives of all NRP79 projects – all dealing with alternatives to animal testing – at this year’s annual meeting. The key topic of the day was how to move new methods from proof-of-concept to their implementation. The morning was filled with interesting invited talks, such as from the Swiss 3RCC and InnoSuisse but as well Kristin, who was asked to report on her experience from taking the RTgill-W1 assay all the way from conception to global acceptance. These talks sparked moderated, rotating round-table discussions in the afternoon to deepen the discussions on the different topics. All in all a wonderful and rewarding day. A big thank you goes to the NRP79 steering board for a thoughtful and thorough preparation!