
Kilian Perrelet

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About Me

As part of the Blue-Green Biodiversity Initiative, I am currently pursuing a joint PhD at Eawag and WSL, under the supervision of Dr. Lauren Cook, Dr. Marco Moretti, and Prof. Dr. Florian Altermatt. Fascinated by biodiversity, I strongly believe that urban areas stand to benefit greatly from its conservation. Through the implementation of blue-green infrastructure (BGI), cities can not only support conservation efforts, but also benefit from a multitude of ecosystem functions and services that biodiversity underpins.

My research focuses on the impact of urbanization on both aquatic and terrestrial biological communities, and their interactions. Through the use of state-of-the-art environmental DNA metabarcoding, remote sensing, and statistical modeling, I aim to understand how BGI can be designed to conserve biodiversity and strengthen the critical linkages between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Additionally, I aim to understand how biodiversity may, in return, enhance various ecosystem services provided by BGI, and ultimately find solutions to engineer for and with biodiversity. 

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Wie können blau-grüne Infrastrukturen (BGI) zur Förderung der Biodiversität in Städten gestaltet werden
Eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Eawag und WSL mit dem Ziel, die Biodiversität an der Schnittstelle von aquatischen und terrestrischen Ökosystemen zu erforschen.

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Curriculum Vitae

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Phone: +41 58 765 6830
Fax: +41 58 765 5802
Address: Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf
Office: BU D08

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Research Group

Multifunctional blue-green design (SWW)

Spatial Dynamics (ECO)

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Research Focus


Blue-green infrastructure

Environmental DNA (eDNA)


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