Oliver Schilling

About Me
Leiter der Gruppe Tracer Hydrogeologie an der Eawag und Assistenzprofessor für Hydrogeologie an der Universität Basel
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Schilling, O. S.; Nagaosa, K.; Schilling, T. U.; Brennwald, M. S.; Sohrin, R.; Tomonaga, Y.; Brunner, P.; Kipfer, R.; Kato, K. (2023) Revisiting Mt Fuji’s groundwater origins with helium, vanadium and environmental DNA tracers, Nature Water, 1, 60-73, doi:10.1038/s44221-022-00001-4, Institutional Repository
Jannis, E.; Love, R. V.; Annette, A.; Stefan, S.; Schilling, O. S. (2023) Climate change adaptation and mitigation measures for alluvial aquifers - solution approaches based on the thermal exploitation of managed aquifer (MAR) and surface water recharge (MSWR), Water Research, 238, 119988 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.watres.2023.119988, Institutional Repository
Moeck, C.; Jimenez-Martinez, J.; Jeannin, P.-Y.; Schilling, O. S.; Schirmer, M. (2023) Grundwasser und Klimawandel, Aqua Viva, 65(2), 28-31, Institutional Repository
Epting, J.; Råman Vinnå, L.; Affolter, A.; Scheidler, S.; Schilling, O. (2023) Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel. Lösungsansätze zum Wärmemanagement von Grund- und Oberflächenwasserressourcen, Aqua & Gas, 103(6), 28-36, Institutional Repository
Epting, J.; Vinnå Råman, L.; Affolter, A.; Scheidler, S.; Schilling, O. (2023) Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Schweizer Lockergesteins-grundwasservorkommen. Eine quantitative Prognose mit Fokus auf natürliche und künstliche Grundwasserneubildung durch Oberflächenwasserinfiltration, Wasser, Energie, Luft, 115(1), 37-44, Institutional Repository
Delottier, H.; Peel, M.; Musy, S.; Schilling, O. S.; Purtschert, R.; Brunner, P. (2022) Explicit simulation of environmental gas tracers with integrated surface and subsurface hydrological models, Frontiers in Water, 4, 980030 (12 pp.), doi:10.3389/frwa.2022.980030, Institutional Repository
Moeck, C.; Schilling, O. S.; Künze, R.; Schirmer, M.; Brunner, P. (2022) Grundwasser-Modellierung. Warum Unsicherheiten zu quantifizieren sind, Aqua & Gas, 102(7-8), 27-33, Institutional Repository
Schilling, O. S.; Partington, D. J.; Doherty, J.; Kipfer, R.; Hunkeler, D.; Brunner, P. (2022) Buried paleo-channel detection with a groundwater model, tracer-based observations, and spatially varying, preferred anisotropy pilot point calibration, Geophysical Research Letters, 49(14), e2022GL098944 (14 pp.), doi:10.1029/2022GL098944, Institutional Repository
Popp, A. L.; Pardo-Álvarez, Á.; Schilling, O. S.; Scheidegger, A.; Musy, S.; Peel, M.; Brunner, P.; Purtschert, R.; Hunkeler, D.; Kipfer, R. (2021) A framework for untangling transient groundwater mixing and travel times, Water Resources Research, 57(4), e2020WR028362 (16 pp.), doi:10.1029/2020WR028362, Institutional Repository
Schilling, O. S.; Parajuli, A.; Tremblay Otis, C.; Müller, T. U.; Antolinez Quijano, W.; Tremblay, Y.; Brennwald, M. S.; Nadeau, D. F.; Jutras, S.; Kipfer, R.; Therrien, R. (2021) Quantifying groundwater recharge dynamics and unsaturated zone processes in snow‐dominated catchments via on‐site dissolved gas analysis, Water Resources Research, 57(2), e2020WR028479 (24 pp.), doi:10.1029/2020WR028479, Institutional Repository
Schilling, O. S.; Gerber, C.; Partington, D. J.; Purtschert, R.; Brennwald, M. S.; Kipfer, R.; Hunkeler, D.; Brunner, P. (2017) Advancing physically-based flow simulations of alluvial systems through atmospheric noble gases and the novel 37Ar tracer method, Water Resources Research, 53(12), 10465-10490, doi:10.1002/2017WR020754, Institutional Repository
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E-Mail: | |
Phone: | +41 58 765 5931 |
Fax: | +41 58 765 5802 |
Address: | Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133 8600 Dübendorf |
Office: | BU D11 |
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Expert of
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Research Group
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Research Focus
- Neue Tracer-Methoden
- Alpine Hydrogeologie
- Grundwasser-Oberflächengewässer-Interaktionen
- Integrierte Hydrologische Modellierung