Wenzel Gruber

Dr. Wenzel Gruber
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Curriculum Vitae
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Gruber, W.; Niederdorfer, R.; Bürgmann, H.; Joss, A.; von Känel, L.; Braun, D.; Mohn, J.; Morgenroth, E. (2022) Lachgasemissionen aus ARA. Reduktionsmassnahmen zeichnen sich ab, Aqua & Gas, 102(1), 14-22, Institutional Repository
Gruber, W.; Joss, A.; von Känel, L.; Biolley, L.; Braun, D.; Morgenroth, E. (2022) Abluftmessungen in der biologischen Abwasserreinigung, Aqua & Gas, 102(1), 24-25, Institutional Repository
Gruber, W.; von Känel, L.; Vogt, L.; Luck, M.; Biolley, L.; Feller, K.; Moosmann, A.; Krähenbühl, N.; Kipf, M.; Loosli, R.; Vogel, M.; Morgenroth, E.; Braun, D.; Joss, A. (2021) Estimation of countrywide N2O emissions from wastewater treatment in Switzerland using long-term monitoring data, Water Research X, 13, 100122 (12 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2021.100122, Institutional Repository
Gruber, W.; Niederdorfer, R.; Ringwald, J.; Morgenroth, E.; Bürgmann, H.; Joss, A. (2021) Linking seasonal N2O emissions and nitrification failures to microbial dynamics in a SBR wastewater treatment plant, Water Research X, 11, 100098 (13 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2021.100098, Institutional Repository
Gruber, W.; Villez, K.; Kipf, M.; Wunderlin, P.; Siegrist, H.; Vogt, L.; Joss, A. (2019) N2O emission in full-scale wastewater treatment: proposing a refined monitoring strategy, Science of the Total Environment, 699, 134157 (9 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134157, Institutional Repository
Gruber, W.; Magyar, P. M.; Mitrovic, I.; Zeyer, K.; Vogel, M.; von Känel, L.; Biolley, L.; Werner, R. A.; Morgenroth, E.; Lehmann, M. F.; Braun, D.; Joss, A.; Mohn, J. (2022) Tracing N2O formation in full-scale wastewater treatment with natural abundance isotopes indicates control by organic substrate and process settings, Water Research X, 15, 100130 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2022.100130, Institutional Repository
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Office: | BU |