Yama Tomonaga

Dr. Yama Tomonaga
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Tyroller, L.; Brennwald, M. S.; Tomonaga, Y.; Maden, C.; Kipfer, R. (2021) Noble gases as tracers for the gas dynamics in methane supersaturated lacustrine sediments, Chemical Geology, 568, 119905 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119905, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Yagasaki, K.; Park, J. O.; Ashi, J.; Toyoda, S.; Takahata, N.; Sano, Y. (2020) Fluid dynamics along the Nankai Trough: He isotopes reveal direct seafloor mantle-fluid emission in the Kumano Basin (Southwest Japan), ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 4(11), 2105-2112, doi:10.1021/acsearthspacechem.0c00229, Institutional Repository
Brennwald, M. S.; Tomonaga, Y.; Kipfer, R. (2020) Deconvolution and compensation of mass spectrometric overlap interferences with the miniRUEDI portable mass spectrometer, MethodsX, 7, 101038 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.mex.2020.101038, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Giroud, N.; Brennwald, M. S.; Horstmann, E.; Diomidis, N.; Kipfer, R.; Wersin, P. (2019) On-line monitoring of the gas composition in the Full-scale Emplacement experiment at Mont Terri (Switzerland), Applied Geochemistry, 100, 234-243, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2018.11.015, Institutional Repository
Sciarra, A.; Cantucci, B.; Ricci, T.; Tomonaga, Y.; Mazzini, A. (2019) Geochemical characterization of the Nirano mud volcano, Italy, Applied Geochemistry, 102, 77-87, doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2019.01.006, Institutional Repository
Nuzzo, M.; Tomonaga, Y.; Schmidt, M.; Valadares, V.; Faber, E.; Piñero, E.; Reitz, A.; Haeckel, M.; Tyroller, L.; Godinho, E.; Kipfer, R.; Terrinha, P. G.; Hensen, C. (2019) Formation and migration of hydrocarbons in deeply buried sediments of the Gulf of Cadiz convergent plate boundary - insights from the hydrocarbon and helium isotope geochemistry of mud volcano fluids, Marine Geology, 410, 56-69, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2019.01.005, Institutional Repository
Hensen, C.; Duarte, J. C.; Vannucchi, P.; Mazzini, A.; Lever, M. A.; Terrinha, P.; Géli, L.; Henry, P.; Villinger, H.; Morgan, J.; Schmidt, M.; Gutscher, M.-A.; Bartolome, R.; Tomonaga, Y.; Polonia, A.; Gràcia, E.; Tinivella, U.; Lupi, M.; Çağatay, M. N.; Elvert, M.; Sakellariou, D.; Matias, L.; Kipfer, R.; Karageorgis, A. P.; Ruffine, L.; Liebetrau, V.; Pierre, C.; Schmidt, C.; Batista, L.; Gasperini, L.; Burwicz, E.; Neres, M.; Nuzzo, M. (2019) Marine transform faults and fracture zones: a joint perspective integrating seismicity, fluid flow and life, Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 39 (29 pp.), doi:10.3389/feart.2019.00039, Institutional Repository
North, S. M.; Stockhecke, M.; Tomonaga, Y.; Mackay, A. W. (2018) Analysis of a fragmentary diatom record from Lake Van (Turkey) reveals substantial lake-level variability during previous interglacials MIS7 and MIS5e, Journal of Paleolimnology, 59(1), 119-133, doi:10.1007/s10933-017-9973-z, Institutional Repository
Takahata, N.; Tomonaga, Y.; Kumamoto, Y.; Yamada, M.; Sano, Y. (2018) Direct tritium emissions to the ocean from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident, Geochemical Journal, 52(2), 211-217, doi:10.2343/geochemj.2.0499, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Brennwald, M. S.; Livingstone, D. M.; Kwiecien, O.; Randlett, M.-È.; Stockhecke, M.; Unwin, K.; Anselmetti, F. S.; Beer, J.; Haug, G. H.; Schubert, C. J.; Sturm, M.; Kipfer, R. (2017) Porewater salinity reveals past lake-level changes in Lake Van, the Earth’s largest soda lake, Scientific Reports, 7, 1-10, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00371-w, Institutional Repository
Cukur, D.; Krastel, S.; Tomonaga, Y.; Schmincke, H.-U.; Sumita, M.; Meydan, A. F.; Çağatay, M. N.; Toker, M.; Kim, S.-P.; Kong, G.-S.; Horozal, S. (2017) Structural characteristics of the Lake Van Basin, eastern Turkey, from high-resolution seismic reflection profiles and multibeam echosounder data: geologic and tectonic implications, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 106, 239-253, doi:10.1007/s00531-016-1312-5, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Marzocchi, R.; Pera, S.; Pfeifer, H.-R.; Kipfer, R.; Decrouy, L.; Vennemann, T. (2017) Using noble-gas and stable-isotope data to determine groundwater origin and flow regimes: application to the Ceneri Base Tunnel (Switzerland), Journal of Hydrology, 545, 395-409, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.11.043, Institutional Repository
Kagoshima, T.; Sano, Y.; Takahata, N.; Ishida, A.; Tomonaga, Y.; Roulleau, E.; Pinti, D. L.; Fischer, T. P.; Lan, T.; Nishio, Y.; Tsunogai, U.; Guo, Z. (2016) Spatial and temporal variations of gas geochemistry at Mt. Ontake, Japan, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 325, 179-188, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.06.013, Institutional Repository
Tyroller, L.; Tomonaga, Y.; Brennwald, M. S.; Ndayisaba, C.; Naeher, S.; Schubert, C.; North, R. P.; Kipfer, R. (2016) Improved method for the quantification of methane concentrations in unconsolidated lake sediments, Environmental Science and Technology, 50(13), 7047-7055, doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b05292, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Brennwald, M. S.; Kipfer, R. (2015) Attenuation of diffusive noble-gas transport in laminated sediments of the Stockholm Archipelago, Limnology and Oceanography, 60(2), 497-511, doi:10.1002/lno.10045, Institutional Repository
Randlett, M.-È.; Coolen, M. J. L.; Stockhecke, M.; Pickarski, N.; Litt, T.; Balkema, C.; Kwiecien, O.; Tomonaga, Y.; Wehrli, B.; Schubert, C. J. (2014) Alkenone distribution in Lake Van sediment over the last 270 ka: influence of temperature and haptophyte species composition, Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, 53-62, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.07.009, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Brennwald, M. S.; Livingstone, D. M.; Tomonaga, G.; Kipfer, R. (2014) Determination of natural in vivo noble-gas concentrations in human blood, PLoS One, 9(5), e96972 (8 pp.), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096972, Institutional Repository
Cukur, D.; Krastel, S.; Schmincke, H. U.; Sumita, M.; Tomonaga, Y.; Namık Çağatay, M. (2014) Water level changes in Lake Van, Turkey, during the past ca. 600 ka: climatic, volcanic and tectonic controls, Journal of Paleolimnology, 52, 201-214, doi:10.1007/s10933-014-9788-0, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Brennwald, M. S.; Meydan, A. F.; Kipfer, R. (2014) Noble gases in the sediments of Lake Van – solute transport and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, Quaternary Science Reviews, 104, 117-126, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.09.005, Institutional Repository
Cukur, D.; Krastel, S.; Tomonaga, Y.; Çağatay, M. N.; Meydan, A. F.; The PaleoVan Science Team (2013) Seismic evidence of shallow gas from Lake Van, eastern Turkey, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 48(December), 341-353, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2013.08.017, Institutional Repository
Brennwald, M. S.; Vogel, N.; Scheidegger, Y.; Tomonaga, Y.; Livingstone, D. M.; Kipfer, R. (2013) Noble gases as environmental tracers in sediment porewaters and stalagmite fluid inclusions, In: Burnard, P. (Eds.), The noble gases as geochemical tracers, 123-153, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28836-4_6, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Brennwald, M. S.; Kipfer, R. (2013) Using helium and other noble gases in ocean sediments to characterize active methane seepage off the coast of New Zealand, Marine Geology, 344, 34-40, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2013.07.010, Institutional Repository
Holzner, C. P.; Tomonaga, Y.; Stöckli, A.; Denecke, N.; Kipfer, R. (2012) Using noble gases to analyze the efficiency of artificial aeration in Lake Hallwil, Switzerland, Water Resources Research, 48(9), 1-8, doi:10.1029/2012WR012030, Institutional Repository
Anselmetti, F. S.; Litt, T.; Baumgarten, H.; Beer, J.; Cagatay, N.; Cukur, D.; Damci, E.; Glombitza, C.; Haug, G.; Heumann, G.; Kallmeyer, J.; Kipfer, R.; Krastel, S.; Kwiecien, O.; Meydan, A. F.; Orcen, S.; Pickarski, N.; Randlett, M.-E.; Schmincke, H.-U.; Schubert, C. J.; Sturm, M.; Sumita, M.; Stockhecke, M.; Tomonaga, Y.; Vigliotti, L.; Wonik, T.; PALEOVAN Scientific Team (2012) 500,000 years of environmental history in Eastern Anatolia: the PALEOVAN drilling project, Scientific Drilling, 14, 18-29, doi:10.2204/, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Blättler, R.; Brennwald, M. S.; Kipfer, R. (2012) Interpreting noble-gas concentrations as proxies for salinity and temperature in the world's largest soda lake (Lake Van, Turkey), Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 59, 99-107, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.05.011, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Brennwald, M. S.; Kipfer, R. (2011) Spatial distribution and flux of terrigenic He dissolved in the sediment pore water of Lake Van (Turkey), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(10), 2848-2864, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2011.02.038, Institutional Repository
Tomonaga, Y.; Brennwald, M. S.; Kipfer, R. (2011) An improved method for the analysis of dissolved noble gases in the porewater of unconsolidated sediments, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 9(2), 42-49, doi:10.4319/lom.2011.9.42, Institutional Repository
Kaden, H.; Peeters, F.; Lorke, A.; Kipfer, R.; Tomonaga, Y.; Karabiyikoglu, M. (2010) Impact of lake level change on deep-water renewal and oxic conditions in deep saline Lake Van, Turkey, Water Resources Research, 46, 1-14, doi:10.1029/2009WR008555, Institutional Repository
Klump, S.; Tomonaga, Y.; Kienzler, P.; Kinzelbach, W.; Baumann, T.; Imboden, D. M.; Kipfer, R. (2007) Field experiments yield new insights into gas exchange and excess air formation in natural porous media, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(6), 1385-1397, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2006.12.006, Institutional Repository
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