Trace Elements
Measurement portfolio
We measure trace elements (TE), such as metals, metalloids, halogens, rare earth elements (REE), and platinum-group elements (PGE) to determine their concentrations and/or chemical forms. We also measure the composition of natural organic matter (OM) in solid samples.
Types of analyses
- Trace elements quantification (total analysis)
- Trace elements chemical forms (speciation analysis): oxidation states, small organo-TE compounds, TE complexes to OM, nanoparticles/colloids
- Biochemical classes of organic matter (solid samples and semi-quantitative analysis only)
- Water: groundwater, surface water, rainwater, wastewater
- Solid samples: soils, sediments, suspended solids, sludge
- Biological samples: tissues, cells
Available set-ups
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Sample preparation
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Data processing
- Total element quantification: Masshunter software
- Element speciation: Masshunter software
- Microplastic analysis: Chromeleon software
- Organic matter analysis: MCR-AR-based data processing pipeline on R (