Department Environmental Social Sciences

Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research (ITD)

Meeting pressing complex societal challenges of our time such as climate change, food security, or biodiversity loss, requires inter- and transdisciplinary (ITD) research that crosses boundaries of not only different scientific disciplines but also research, policy, and practice. Integration across such boundaries is widely regarded as the key challenge of ITD research. Yet, it is critical to the success or failure of ITD projects and programs.

What is inter- and transdisciplinary research?

Interdisciplinary research means collaboration between several scientific disciplines with the aim of answering a common research question which, due to its complexity, cannot be answered by one discipline alone. While multidisciplinary research does not involve integration of the disciplines involved, interdisciplinary research aims at addressing such a question in a more holistic way by integrating different disciplinary perspectives and creating a coherent and comprehensive whole that is more than the sum of its parts. Transdisciplinary research goes one step further and refers to the co-production of knowledge between an interdisciplinary research team and actors from policy and practice. Thereby, more societally relevant and socially robust solutions are developed.

Research focus

We refer to integration as a process of combining a wide range of perspectives from different disciplines (i.e., interdisciplinary integration), as well as from research, policy, and practice (i.e., transdisciplinary integration). This process can involve cognitive, social, and emotional dimensions. We also refer to integration as the integrated output that emerges from this process. It is widely regarded as both the key feature and the core challenge of inter- and transdisciplinary (ITD) research, while also being considered critical to the success (or failure) of such research projects or programs. In sight of the inherent complexity to be managed in ITD projects or programs, it needs proactive, adaptive and integrative leadership models for ITD research to be successful. Thus, our research addresses the following research questions:

  • What conditions foster or hinder ITD integration in ITD projects and programs, as well as in research organizations as a whole? How? Why?
  • Which challenges do leaders and researchers in ITD projects and programs experience in terms of integration? What strategies, practices, and tools do they employ to address these challenges?
  • Which challenges do early career researchers face in ITD projects and programs? How can they be supported in their work at the interface between research, policy and practice?
  • What roles do leaders and researchers play in ITD projects and programs? What competencies do they need? How can these leaders and researchers be equipped with necessary competencies?

Scientific publications

Cvitanovic, C., Karcher, D. B., Breen, J., Badullovich, N., Cairney, P., Dalla Pozza, R., … Posner, S. (2025). Knowledge brokers at the interface of environmental science and policy: a review of knowledge and research needs. Environmental Science and Policy, 163, 103973 (12 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103973, Institutional Repository
Deutsch, L., Pohl, C., Bresch, D. N., & Hoffmann, S. (2025). Creating favorable conditions for inter- and transdisciplinary integration – an analytical framework and empirical insights. Global Environmental Change, 91, 102963 (15 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102963, Institutional Repository
Dettwiler, D., Deutsch, L., & Hoffmann, S. (2024). Action guide. Strategies to strengthen inter- and transdisciplinarity in your research organization. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.26969731, Institutional Repository
Deutsch, L., Björnsen, A., Fischer, A. M., Hama, A. M., Zimmermann, N. E., Zurbrügg, C., & Hoffmann, S. (2024). Herding cats: integrative leadership strategies in inter- and transdisciplinary research programs. Sustainability Science, 20, 95-115. doi:10.1007/s11625-024-01585-4, Institutional Repository
Deutsch, L. (2024). Practicing integration in inter- and transdisciplinary research: the role of enabling conditions and integrative leadership (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000698963, Institutional Repository
Gunn, C., Hoffmann, S., Sager, M., Wittmayer, J., & Zuiderent-Jerak, T. (2024). Reassembling the scholar: a conversation about positionality in transdisciplinary processes. In B. J. Regeer, P. Klaassen, & J. E. W. Broerse (Eds.), Transdisciplinarity for transformation. Responding to societal challenges through multi-actor, reflexive practices (pp. 419-440). doi:10.1007/978-3-031-60974-9_15, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S., Deutsch, L., & O’Rourke, M. (2024). Integration experts and expertise. In F. Darbellay (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series. Elgar encyclopedia of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity (pp. 273-276). doi:10.4337/9781035317967.ch60, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S. (2024). Synthesizing. In F. Darbellay (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series. Elgar encyclopedia of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity (pp. 505-508). doi:10.4337/9781035317967.ch111, Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B. (2024). Persuasive innovators for environmental policy: green business influence through technology-based arguing. Environmental Politics, 33(1), 45-69. doi:10.1080/09644016.2023.2178515, Institutional Repository
Vienni-Baptista, B., & Hoffmann, S. (2024). Integrative teaching and learning. In R. Szostak (Ed.), Handbook of interdisciplinary teaching and administration (pp. 136-151). doi:10.4337/9781035309870.00017, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S. (2023). Commentary. In B. Vienni-Baptista, I. Fletcher, & C. Lyall (Eds.), Foundations of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research (pp. 149-154). Bristol: Bristol University Press. , Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B., Ingold, K., Stamm, C., Ammann, P., Eggen, R. I. L., Finger, R., … Hoffmann, S. (2023). Barriers to evidence use for sustainability: insights from pesticide policy and practice. Ambio, 52(2), 425-439. doi:10.1007/s13280-022-01790-4, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S., Deutsch, L., Thompson Klein, J., & O'Rourke, M. (2022). Integrate the integrators! A call for establishing academic careers for integration experts. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9, 147 (10 pp.). doi:10.1057/s41599-022-01138-z, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S., Weber, C., & Mitchell, C. (2022). Principles for leading, learning, and synthesizing in inter- and transdisciplinary research. BioScience, 72(10), 963-977. doi:10.1093/biosci/biac057, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S. (2022). Städtische Abwassersysteme: Dezentrale Abwassersysteme mit Wertstoffrückgewinnung als Schlüssel zur Erreichung des SDG 6. gwf Wasser, Abwasser, 163(6), 46-47. , Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B. (2022). Mainstreaming Earth System Governance into the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Earth System Governance, 12, 100139 (6 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.esg.2022.100139, Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B. (2022). Oil pollution and black carbon in the Arctic. Dynamic shipping governance in a rapidly warming region. In P. G. Harris (Ed.), Routledge handbook of marine governance and global environmental change (pp. 228-239). doi:10.4324/9781315149745-24, Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B., Kolcava, D., & Thaler, P. (2022). The role of Switzerland in European electricity governance. Shaper, follower, or outsider?. In P. Hettich & A. Kachi (Eds.), Swiss energy governance. Political, economic and legal challenges and opportunities in the energy transition (pp. 67-92). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-80787-0_4, Institutional Repository
Pearce, B. B. J., Deutsch, L., Fry, P., Marafatto, F. F., & Lieu, J. (2022). Going beyond the AHA! moment: insight discovery for transdisciplinary research and learning. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9, 123 (10 pp.). doi:10.1057/s41599-022-01129-0, Institutional Repository
Thaler, P., & Hofmann, B. (2022). The impossible energy trinity: energy security, sustainability, and sovereignty in cross-border electricity systems. Political Geography, 94, 102579 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2021.102579, Institutional Repository
Deutsch, L., & Hoffmann, S. (2021). Five reflective questions for integrative leadership in inter- and transdisciplinary contexts. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5795404, Institutional Repository
Deutsch, L., Belcher, B., Claus, R., & Hoffmann, S. (2021). Leading inter- and transdisciplinary research: lessons from applying theories of change to a strategic research program. Environmental Science and Policy, 120, 29-41. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2021.02.009, Institutional Repository
Pohl, C., Thompson Klein, J., Hoffmann, S., Mitchell, C., & Fam, D. (2021). Conceptualising transdisciplinary integration as a multidimensional interactive process. Environmental Science and Policy, 118, 18-26. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2020.12.005, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S., Feldmann, U., Bach, P. M., Binz, C., Farrelly, M., Frantzeskaki, N., … Udert, K. M. (2020). A research agenda for the future of urban water management: exploring the potential of non-grid, small-grid, and hybrid solutions. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(9), 5312-5322. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b05222, Institutional Repository
Lüthi, C., Willetts, J., & Hoffmann, S. (2020). Editorial: city-wide sanitation: the urban sustainability challenge. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, 585418 (4 pp.). doi:10.3389/fenvs.2020.585418, Institutional Repository
Hitziger, M., Aragrande, M., Berezowski, J. A., Canali, M., Del Rio Vilas, V., Hoffmann, S., … Rüegg, S. R. (2019). EVOLvINC: evaluating knowledge integration capacity in multistakeholder governance. Ecology and Society, 24(2), 36 (16 pp.). doi:10.5751/ES-10935-240236, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S., Thompson Klein, J., & Pohl, C. (2019). Linking transdisciplinary research projects with science and practice at large: introducing insights from knowledge utilization. Environmental Science and Policy, 102, 36-42. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2019.08.011, Institutional Repository
Maurer, M., & Hoffmann, S. (2019). Eaux usées: des égouts à assainir. Volkswirtschaft, 89(6), 12-15. Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Maurer, M., & Hoffmann, S. (2019). Sanierungsfall Abwassersystem. Volkswirtschaft, 89(6), 12-15. Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Pohl, C., Fam, D., Hoffmann, S., & Mitchell, C. (2019). Exploring Julie Thompson Klein's framework for analysis of boundary work. Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies, 37(2), 62-89. , Institutional Repository
Maag, S., Alexander, T. J., Kase, R., & Hoffmann, S. (2018). Indicators for measuring the contributions of individual knowledge brokers. Environmental Science and Policy, 89, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2018.06.002, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S., Pohl, C., & Hering, J. G. (2017). Exploring transdisciplinary integration within a large research program: empirical lessons from four thematic synthesis processes. Research Policy, 46(3), 678-692. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2017.01.004, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S., Pohl, C., & Hering, J. G. (2017). Methods and procedures of transdisciplinary knowledge integration: empirical insights from four thematic synthesis processes. Ecology and Society, 22(1), 27 (17 pp.). doi:10.5751/ES-08955-220127, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S. (2016). Transdisciplinary knowledge integration within large research programs. GAIA: Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 25(3), 201-203. doi:10.14512/gaia.25.3.14, Institutional Repository
Larsen, T. A., Hoffmann, S., Lüthi, C., Truffer, B., & Maurer, M. (2016). Emerging solutions to the water challenges of an urbanizing world. Science, 352(6288), 928-933. doi:10.1126/science.aad8641, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S., Hunkeler, D., & Maurer, M. (2014). Approvisionnement en eau et assainissement des eaux usées durables en Suisse. Défis et mesures possibles. Synthèse thématique 3 dans le cadre du programme national de recherche PNR 61 «Gestion durable de l'eau». Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S., Hunkeler, D., & Maurer, M. (2014). Nachhaltige Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung in der Schweiz. Herausforderungen und Handlungsoptionen. Thematische Synthese 3 im Rahmen des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms NFP 61 «Nachhaltige Wassernutzung». Retrieved from, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S. (2013). Property, possession and natural resource management: towards a conceptual clarification. Journal of Institutional Economics, 9(1), 39-60. doi:10.1017/S1744137412000264, Institutional Repository
Hering, J. G., Hoffmann, S., Meierhofer, R., Schmid, M., & Peter, A. J. (2012). Assessing the societal benefits of applied research and expert consulting in water science and technology. GAIA: Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 21(2), 95-101. doi:10.14512/gaia.21.2.6, Institutional Repository

Practice-orientated outputs

Inter- and transdisciplinary research

Dettwiler, D., Deutsch, L. and Hoffmann, S. (2024) Strategies to strengthen inter- and transdisciplinarity in your research organization. Eawag, Dübendorf

Aeschiried Integrators (2023). ). Towards a theory of change to institutionalise integration experts and expertise, Integration and Implementation Insights

Deutsch, L., Hoffmann, S. (2023): Integration in inter- and transdisciplinary research: how can the leadership challenges be addressed? In: Integration and Implementation Insights, Blog Post

Deutsch, L, Hoffmann, S. (2022): Geht das, verschiedene Perspektiven für eine Nachhaltigkeitstransformation unter einen Hut zu bekommen? – Einblicke in den Ansatz „Theory of Change“, ISOE Blog Post

Deutsch, L, Hoffmann, S. (2021): Developing Theories of Change for supporting transformations in the urban water sector. Lessons learned from an inter- and transdisciplinary research program. Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences: td-net toolbox for co-producing knowledge, Practice Report

Sustainability Transformations

Hofmann, B. & Ingold, K. (2023). Protect water from pesticides by focusing on how people use knowledge, Water Science Policy

Hofmann, B. (2023). Small green firms beat big polluters in clean shipping negotiations, TheLoop: ECPR's Political Science Blog

Hofmann, B.; Ingold, K. (2023). Barriers to evidence use for sustainability: the pesticide case, European Commission "Knowledge for Policy" Blog 

Knowledge Brief ‘Deutsch L, Beutler P, Binz C, Congiu G, Contzen C, Heiberg J, Hoffmann S, Kollman J, Maurer M, Morgenroth E, Pakizer K, Reymond P, Schelbert V, Truffer B, Van den Brandeler F (2023) Resource-oriented wastewater infrastructures for sustainable cities: ways forward. Wings Knowledge Brief No. 1. Eawag, Dübendorf

Knowledge Brief ‘Wainaina GK, Lüthi C, Deutsch L, Narayan AS, van Welie M, Cherunya PC, Hoffmann S (2023) Planning to transform: How to increase the effectiveness of infrastructure interventions in slumsWings Knowledge Brief No. 2. Eawag, Dübendorf

Hofmann, B.; Ingold, K.; Stamm, C.; Finger, R.; Hoffmann, S. (2022). Hürden für eine evidenzbasierte Pflanzenschutzmittelpolitik und -praxis, Agrarpolitik-Blog, Progressive Agrarwende

Narayan, A.S., Deutsch, L., Hoffmann, S., Pearce, B.J. (2020): Decentralisation: Are we on the same page? An interdisciplinary Workshop Brief, No. 1, Eawag, Dübendorf


Group leader

Dr. Sabine Hoffmann Group Leader, Group: ITD Tel. +41 58 765 6818 Send Mail

Team members

Dr. Lisa Deutsch Postdoc, Group: ITD Tel. +41 58 765 5326 Send Mail
Dr. Benjamin Hofmann Scientist, Group: ITD Tel. +41 58 765 5948 Send Mail
Hanna Salomon PhD Student, Group: ITD Tel. +41 58 765 5187 Send Mail
Dr. Jana Thierfelder Postdoc, Group: ITD Tel. +41 58 765 5715 Send Mail
Dr. Jialin Zhang Scientist, Group: ITD Tel. +41 58 765 6482 Send Mail


Integration in Science, Policy and Practice: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Concepts, Methods, Tools, ETH Zürich, Department of Environmental Systems Science. annual course, 701-1571-00L, spring semester.

Global Environmental Politics, University St.Gallen. Jährlicher Kurs, 7,379,1.00, fall semester.

Transdisciplinary project week in the Minor Transformation Arts Sciences, Zurich University of Arts, MA Transdisciplinarity in the Arts, Department of Cultural Analysis and Mediation. Annual course, MTR-MTR-1009C.24F.005, spring semester.

Current projects

Sustainable transformation of the Swiss agriculture to internalized negative external effects of pesticide use.
The research project focuses on watershed management in Swiss mountain areas, aiming at increasing the resilience of mountain ecosystems and meeting societal needs regarding natural resource use and protection.
Improve Science-Policy Dialogue to tackle intricate societal challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and the energy transition.
In the "Jurapark Aargau" Real-world Lab, researchers work together with the region's residents to find ways to strengthen and promote sustainable development locally.
The project EXPLORE focuses on understanding how inter- and transdisciplinary integration occurs at the interface of research, policy, and practice, using the BGB Initiative as an empirical case study.
This accompanying research project derives lessons learned for engaging at science-society interfaces

Completed projects

The National Research Programme "Sustainable Water Management" (NRP 61) developed scientific foundations and methods for sustainable management of Switzerland's water resources.

Sustainable Water Management (NRP 61)

An inter- and transdisciplinary strategic research program that strives to develop novel non-gridconnected water and sani- tation systems that can function as comparable alternatives to network-based systems.
The INTEGRATE project aims at strengthening inter- and transdisciplinary integration within and across the strategic research program Wings.


Dr. Sabine Hoffmann Group Leader, Group: ITD Tel. +41 58 765 6818 Send Mail

Collaboration Partners

EMPA, EPFL, ETH Zürich (D-USYS, D-BAUG, WFSC, PSC), FiBL, Swiss TPH, TdLab ETH Zürich, Universität Bern, Universität Konstanz, WSL, ZHdK


Action Guide