Département Chimie de l’environnement

Projets actuels

Zones d'habitation

Separate collection and treatment of urine has been developed as an approach for preventing eutrophication, producing a valuable fertilizer and promoting sanitation in areas where no sewer-based sanitation is available...
Treatment with powdered activated carbon (PAC) and ozonation are established methods for advanced wastewater treatment plants...
PFAS in der Abwasserreinigung
by Suspect and Non-Target Screening in WWTPs and their Abatement during Wastewater Treatment
Eine grosse Zahl und Vielfalt von Chemikalien, die in Haushalten, im Gesundheitswesen, in der Industrie oder der Landwirtschaft eingesetzt werden, gelangen mit häuslichem und industriellem Abwasser in unsere Kläranlagen...
Emissionen aus der galenischen Produktion (GalPro) von Arzneimitteln können zu Konzentrationsspitzen von Wirkstoffen in Kläranlagenausflüssen führen...


Feasibility Study Trend Analysis and Spatial Transferability of Pesticide Monitoring Data
Surface water contamination by plant protection products in small catchment: How do they get here?
Les mesures complètes des micropolluants organiques dans les eaux sont complexes. Le projet NAWA Spez fournit des données et des analyses sur l'état de la pollution.
Input of plant protection products into surface waters in rural landscapes: What is the relevance of hydraulic shortcuts ?
...is an inter- and trans-disciplinary research project, studying environmental, health and institutional dimensions of pesticide use in tropical settings


Chemicals are released to the environment through a variety of pathways...
NTSuisse: Développement d'une plateforme nationale pour l'évaluation des données de spectrométrie de masse haute résolution
by Suspect and Non-Target Screening in WWTPs and their Abatement during Wastewater Treatment
Comprehensive, open access database of > 2000 secondary metabolites from cyanobacteria...
Identification and quantification of species in the vast and diverse universe of organic micropollutants is a daunting challenge for environmental sciences...
High resolution mass spectrometry in the field
«Extracellular enzymes drive element cycling and degrade pollutants and transform themselves in surface waters»...

Études des procédés

Chemical contamination of soils, sediments, and water through military activities in Switzerland...
Advancing bioaccumulation science for organic contaminants in aquatic systems: The impact of receptor binding, temperature, and uptake pathways...
Chemical pollution is a major threat to ecosystems and human health and current regulations seem insufficient to prevent widespread chemical contamination...
Chemicals are released to the environment through a variety of pathways...
Sauerstoffisotope in Phosphat
by Suspect and Non-Target Screening in WWTPs and their Abatement during Wastewater Treatment
Eine grosse Zahl und Vielfalt von Chemikalien gelangen mit häuslichem und industriellem Abwasser in unsere Kläranlagen...
Interne Schadstoffkonzentrationen sind die Ursache für toxikologische Effekte auf Organismen...
Iron-containing clay minerals exhibit unusual redox buffering capabilities
Reading biotransformation half-lives of agrochemicals across different compartments...
Ozonation is one of the treatments used in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to remove MPs, reducing their discharge to the aquatic environment...
«Analytical and environmental chemistry of toxins and bioactive metabolites from cyanobacteria»
Our research on fate of pharmaceuticals is motivated by investigating transformation pathways and kinetics to better understand the lifetime of such biologically active compounds in our freshwater Systems...


The NAWA Trend program needs to evaluate different sampling scenarios for the detection of…
Autonomous quantum chemical reaction network explorations enable the elucidation of oxidative water treatment chemistry...
Chemical pollution is a major threat to ecosystems and human health and current regulations seem insufficient to prevent widespread chemical contamination...
Understanding and predicting the fate of synthetic chemicals under different environmental conditions is essential to evaluate their potential risk for humans and ecosystems...
NTSuisse: Développement d'une plateforme nationale pour l'évaluation des données de spectrométrie de masse haute résolution
At the Rhine monitoring station, the Basel-Stadt Environment and Energy Office (AUE Basel-Stadt) is measuring water contamination with organic micropollutants on a daily basis…
Reading biotransformation half-lives of agrochemicals across different compartments...
Identification and quantification of species in the vast and diverse universe of organic micropollutants is a daunting challenge for environmental sciences...
Die Überwachung von Oberflächengewässern hinsichtlich polarer und semipolarer organischer Mikroschadstoffe ist stark an die chemische Analytik gekoppelt...

Projets achevés

Zones d'habitation

Im Fokus stehen Produktgruppen wie die Pflanzenschutzmittel, Biozide und Veterinärpharmaka.
Development of a difference analysis for LC-MS/MS data to identify polar transformation products and assessment of environmental relevance
SOLUTIONS for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management
Regulierung grenzüberschreitender Mikroverunreinigung in Europa: Die Definition angemessener Managementmassstäbe
Projet de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les effets biologiques des micropolluants provenant des stations d'épuration des eaux usées
Ozonation is one of the treatments used in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to remove MPs, reducing their discharge to the aquatic environment...


Analyse der Wechselwirkungen der Produktions- und Erhaltungsziele bezüglich aquatischer Lebensräume als eine Grundlage für eine langfristige strategische Forschungsplanung


Identification of transformation products and assessment of environmental relevance
SOLUTIONS for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management
Development of a difference analysis for LC-MS/MS data to identify polar transformation products and assessment of environmental relevance
Der Rhein und seine Zuflüsse versorgen mehr als 20 Millionen Menschen mit Trinkwasser, zeitgleich enden jedoch auch die gereinigten Abwässer der 54 Millionen Menschen des gesamten Einzugsgebiets sowie unzähliger Industrieanlagen im Rhein...
Ozonation is increasingly integrated into wastewater treatment trains to eliminate organic micropollutants, known to induce adverse effects to aquatic organisms...
Um ein möglichst umfassendes Bild über die Belastung Schweizer Grundwässer mit polaren organischen Schadstoffen zu erhalten...
Ozonation is one of the treatments used in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to remove MPs, reducing their discharge to the aquatic environment...

Études des procédés

Contaminant oxygenating can be associated unproductive O2 activation
The degradation of munition compounds can be assessed with CSIA
Monitoring-Studien mit aquatischen Invertebraten zeigen, dass die Gewebekonzentrationen vieler Schadstoffe wesentlich höher sind als anhand von Modellen...
Nitroaromatic explosives persist in the subsurface in different phases and it is extremely challenging to assess biotic and mineral-catalyzed degradation...
In regulatory hazard and risk assessment chemical persistence is assessed through a tiered system of degradation studies.
Predicting environment-specific biotransformation of chemical contaminants
Identification of transformation products and assessment of environmental relevance
N-nitrosamines such as N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) are of public and regulatory concern because these potent carcinogens can be formed as unintented by-products during drinking and waste water disinfection/oxidation.
The extension of the CSIA approach to micropollutants is challenging for both analytical and conceptual reasons. In a collaborative SNF-Sinergia project, we aim at elucidating the fate of pesticides by multi-element isotope analysis on the field scale.
A contemporary view of rivers recognizes them as having multiple vertical and lateral flow paths serving as bidirectional links to the surrounding landscape...


In regulatory hazard and risk assessment chemical persistence is assessed through a tiered system of degradation studies.
Predicting environment-specific biotransformation of chemical contaminants
Site-specific chemical and bioassay monitoring of micropollutants (MPs) are desirable, but the large number and diversity of MPs
Biodegradation simulation tests are an essential element of environmental risk assessment in most chemical regulations.
Regulierung grenzüberschreitender Mikroverunreinigung in Europa: Die Definition angemessener Managementmassstäbe