Abteilung Umweltsozialwissenschaften


Publikationen 2025

Al-Zawaidah, H., Kammerer, M., Mitrano, D. M., & Waldschläger, K. (2025). Opportunities and challenges of a cap-and-trade system for plastics. Environmental Science and Technology, 59(4), 1887-1896. doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c04931, Institutional Repository
Baker, J., Kammerer, M., Castro, P., & Ingold, K. (2025). The vertical policy harmonization indices: assessing the gap between climate mitigation pledges and policies. Climate Policy. doi:10.1080/14693062.2024.2443482, Institutional Repository
Capano, G., Galanti, M. T., Ingold, K., Petridou, E., & Weible, C. M. (2025). Theorizing the functions and patterns of agency in the policymaking process. Policy Sciences. doi:10.1007/s11077-024-09563-4, Institutional Repository
Cvitanovic, C., Karcher, D. B., Breen, J., Badullovich, N., Cairney, P., Dalla Pozza, R., … Posner, S. (2025). Knowledge brokers at the interface of environmental science and policy: a review of knowledge and research needs. Environmental Science and Policy, 163, 103973 (12 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103973, Institutional Repository
Deutsch, L., Pohl, C., Bresch, D. N., & Hoffmann, S. (2025). Creating favorable conditions for inter- and transdisciplinary integration – an analytical framework and empirical insights. Global Environmental Change, 91, 102963 (15 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102963, Institutional Repository
Donati, G. F. A., van den Brandeler, F., Fischer, M., Molné, F., Schenk, N., Grünholz, M., & Bolliger, J. (2025). Biodiversity conservation in human-dominated landscapes: toward collaborative management of blue–green systems. Conservation Letters, 18(1), e13079 (11 pp.). doi:10.1111/conl.13079, Institutional Repository
Donati, G. F. A., Albouy, C., Claverie, T., Mouillot, D., Govinden, R., Hagen, O., … Pellissier, L. (2025). Continuity in morphological disparity in tropical reef fishes across evolutionary scales. Communications Biology, 8(1), 252 (10 pp.). doi:10.1038/s42003-025-07634-7, Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B., Fischer, M., Ingold, K., Lieberherr, E., & Hoffmann, S. (2025). Knowledge cumulation at science‐policy interfaces: opportunities for environmental governance research. Environmental Policy and Governance. doi:10.1002/eet.2155, Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B., Salomon, H., & Hoffmann, S. (2025). Roles of researchers in inter- and transdisciplinary sustainability research: a reflection tool. Sustainability Science. doi:10.1007/s11625-024-01619-x, Institutional Repository
Sierro, F., & Pakizer, K. (2025). Towards sustainable underground development through synergies. In M. Agrawal (Ed.), Advances in 21st century human settlements. Underground spaces for climate resilience and sustainability (pp. 63-74). doi:10.1007/978-981-96-0547-7_5, Institutional Repository
Truffer, B., Binz, C., Miörner, J., & Yap, X. S. (2025). Bridging the methodological divide: inspirations from semantic network analysis for (evolutionary) economic geography. Progress in Economic Geography (PEG), 3(1), 100033 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.peg.2024.100033, Institutional Repository
Willemin, R., Krug, C. B., Roux, N., Bonanomi, E. B., Chesney, M., Curnow, B., … Santos, M. J. (2025). Unmute biodiversity risks of free trade? The EFTA–Mercosur Agreement (Swiss) case study. Environmental Sciences Europe, 37, 26 (17 pp.). doi:10.1186/s12302-025-01063-3, Institutional Repository

Publikationen 2024

Aeschlimann, A., Fehle, P., Neuhaus, M., Ingold, K., Fischer, M., Zinn, N., … Seehausen, O. (2024). Den Biodiversitätsverlust der Gewässer stoppen – trotz Klimawandel. Zwischenbericht Phase I (2020 - 2023): Projekt LANAT-3, Wyss Academy for Nature Hub Bern. Bern: Wyss Academy for Nature. , Institutional Repository
Aeschlimann, A., Fehle, P., Neuhaus, M., Seehausen, O., Josi, D., Wegscheider, B., … Zinn, N. (2024). Fünf Stossrichtungen zur Förderung der Gewässerbiodiversität. Erste Impulse des Wyss Academy-Projekts Lanat-3. Aqua & Gas, 104(6), 50-54. , Institutional Repository
Aliyev, T., Fischer, M., Bolliger, J., & Hedjazi, A. (2024). Urban green areas in Baku. Crafting a sustainable and climate-resilient city agenda. Baku dialogues, 8(1), 28-40. , Institutional Repository
Altermatt, F., Graham, C., Holderegger, R., Fischer, M., & Klaus, G. (2024). Blau-grüne Biodiversität erkennen, erhalten und fördern. Erkenntnisse aus der Forschungsinitiative «Blue-Green Biodiversity». Dübendorf; Birmensdorf: Eawag (Wasserforschungsinstitut des ETH-Bereichs); WSL (Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, ETH-Bereich). , Institutional Repository
Altermatt, F., Graham, C., Holderegger, R., Fischer, M., & Klaus, G. (2024). Identifier, préserver et promouvoir la biodiversité bleu-vert. Enseignements tirés de l'initiative de recherche «Blue-Green Biodiversity». Dübendorf; Birmensdorf: Eawag (Institut fédéral suisse des sciences et technologies de l'eau, du domaine des EPF); WSL (Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage, du domaine des EPF). , Institutional Repository
Angst, M., & Huber, M. N. (2024). Who is satisfied with their inclusion in polycentric sustainability governance? Networks, power, and procedural justice in Swiss wetlands. Policy Studies Journal, 52(1), 139-167. doi:10.1111/psj.12515, Institutional Repository
Aubert, A. H., Schmid, S., & Lienert, J. (2024). Can online interfaces enhance learning for public decision-making? Eliciting citizens' preferences for multicriteria decision analysis. European Journal of Operational Research, 314(2), 760-775. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2023.10.031, Institutional Repository
Aubert, A. H., & Lienert, J. (2024). Operational research for, with, and by citizens: an overview. European Journal of Operational Research, 316(3), 800-814. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2023.10.037, Institutional Repository
Beutler, P., Larsen, T. A., Maurer, M., Staufer, P., & Lienert, J. (2024). A participatory multi-criteria decision analysis framework reveals transition potential towards non-grid wastewater management. Journal of Environmental Management, 367, 121962 (15 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121962, Institutional Repository
Binz, C., Sedlak, D., O’Callaghan, P., Truffer, B., Nesi, M., Morgenroth, E., … Wellauer, S. (2024). Mainstreaming decentralized urban water management solutions for sustainable cities. doi:10.55408/eawag:33039, Institutional Repository
Binz, C., & Castaldi, C. (2024). Toward a normative turn in research on the geography of innovation? Evolving perspectives on innovation, institutions, and human well-being. Progress in Economic Geography (PEG), 2(2), 100018 (8 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.peg.2024.100018, Institutional Repository
Bolognesi, T., Lieberherr, E., & Fischer, M. (2024). Identifying and explaining policy preferences in Swiss water management. Policy & Politics, 52(3), 384-411. doi:10.1332/03055736Y2023D000000004, Institutional Repository
Bryner, A., Fischer, M., & Vollenweider, S. (2024). Wasserpolitischer Jahresrückblick 2023. Aqua & Gas, 104(5), 66-75. , Institutional Repository
Contzen, N., Perlaviciute, G., Steg, L., Reckels, S. C., Alves, S., Bidwell, D., … Sütterlin, B. (2024). Public opinion about solar radiation management: a cross-cultural study in 20 countries around the world. Climatic Change, 177(4), 65 (25 pp.). doi:10.1007/s10584-024-03708-3, Institutional Repository
Dettwiler, D., Deutsch, L., & Hoffmann, S. (2024). Action guide. Strategies to strengthen inter- and transdisciplinarity in your research organization. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.26969731, Institutional Repository
Deutsch, L., Björnsen, A., Fischer, A. M., Hama, A. M., Zimmermann, N. E., Zurbrügg, C., & Hoffmann, S. (2024). Herding cats: integrative leadership strategies in inter- and transdisciplinary research programs. Sustainability Science, 20, 95-115. doi:10.1007/s11625-024-01585-4, Institutional Repository
Deutsch, L. (2024). Practicing integration in inter- and transdisciplinary research: the role of enabling conditions and integrative leadership (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000698963, Institutional Repository
Donati, G., van den Brandeler, F., Sägesser, A., Ritter, L., Fischer, M., & Bolliger, J. (2024). Dialog über ökologische Infrastruktur - Herausforderungen und Perspektiven. Nature et Paysage. Natur und Landschaft: Inside (1), 40-43. , Institutional Repository
Fesenfeld, L. P., Hering, J. G., & Ingold, K. (2024). Science-policy interface. In F. Darbellay (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series. Elgar encyclopedia of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity (pp. 461-465). doi:10.4337/9781035317967.ch102, Institutional Repository
Fischer, M., Huber, M., Ingold, K., & Manny, L. (2024). Networks and coordination in water politics and governance. In O. Fritsch & D. Benson (Eds.), Elgar handbooks in energy, the environment and climate change. Handbook on the governance and politics of water resources (pp. 52-63). doi:10.4337/9781800887909.00012, Institutional Repository
Fischer, M., Donati, G., van den Brandeler, F., Bolliger, J., Bach, P., Pakizer, K., … Ritter, L. (2024). Workshop für Stakeholder zu vernetzter ökologischer Infrastruktur. Aqua & Gas, 104(4), 58-60. , Institutional Repository
Glaus, A., Gavilano, A., & Ingold, K. (2024). Under which conditions do extreme events support a paradigm shift? Studying focusing events during two centuries of Swiss flood risk management. Regional Environmental Change, 24(4), 162 (16 pp.). doi:10.1007/s10113-024-02316-2, Institutional Repository
Gong, H., Yu, Z., Binz, C., & Truffer, B. (2024). Beating the casino: conceptualizing an anchoring-based third route to regional development. Economic Geography, 100(2), 107-137. doi:10.1080/00130095.2023.2276474, Institutional Repository
Grillitsch, M., Asheim, B., Lowe, N., Kelmenson, S., Fünfschilling, L., Lundquist, K. J., … Schubert, T. (2024). Rescaling: change agency and the emerging geography of economic relationships. Progress in Human Geography. doi:10.1177/03091325241288337, Institutional Repository
Gunn, C., Hoffmann, S., Sager, M., Wittmayer, J., & Zuiderent-Jerak, T. (2024). Reassembling the scholar: a conversation about positionality in transdisciplinary processes. In B. J. Regeer, P. Klaassen, & J. E. W. Broerse (Eds.), Transdisciplinarity for transformation. Responding to societal challenges through multi-actor, reflexive practices (pp. 419-440). doi:10.1007/978-3-031-60974-9_15, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S., Deutsch, L., & O’Rourke, M. (2024). Integration experts and expertise. In F. Darbellay (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series. Elgar encyclopedia of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity (pp. 273-276). doi:10.4337/9781035317967.ch60, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S. (2024). Synthesizing. In F. Darbellay (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series. Elgar encyclopedia of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity (pp. 505-508). doi:10.4337/9781035317967.ch111, Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B. (2024). Persuasive innovators for environmental policy: green business influence through technology-based arguing. Environmental Politics, 33(1), 45-69. doi:10.1080/09644016.2023.2178515, Institutional Repository
Huber, M. N., Angst, M., & Fischer, M. (2024). The link between social-ecological network fit and outcomes: a rare empirical assessment of a prominent hypothesis. Society and Natural Resources, 37(7), 1090-1107. doi:10.1080/08941920.2024.2335393, Institutional Repository
Ingold, K., & Stadelmann-Steffen, I. (2024). Postface: Concluding remarks on relevance and impact of political science in Switzerland. Swiss Political Science Review, 30(3), 255-262. doi:10.1111/spsr.12615, Institutional Repository
Ingold, K., Stadelmann-Steffen, I., & Freiburghaus, R. (2024). Subventionen aus politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive: Gedanken zu Akzeptanz, Föderalismus und klimapolitischen Herausforderungen. Umweltrecht in der Praxis, 38(3), 228-240. , Institutional Repository
Kollmann, J., Nath, S., Singh, S., Balasubramanian, S., Scheidegger, A., & Contzen, N. (2024). Perceived distributive fairness and public acceptance of a policy mandating on-site wastewater treatment and reuse. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 96, 102292 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2024.102292, Institutional Repository
Lienert, J. (2024). Behavioral challenges in practice when dealing with public environmental decision problems. In F. M. Federspiel, G. Montibeller, & M. Seifert (Eds.), International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (ISOR): Vol. 350. Behavioral decision analysis (pp. 231-265). doi:10.1007/978-3-031-44424-1_12, Institutional Repository
Löhr, M., Markard, J., & Ohlendorf, N. (2024). (Un)usual advocacy coalitions in a multi-system setting: the case of hydrogen in Germany. Policy Sciences, 57, 567-597. doi:10.1007/s11077-024-09536-7, Institutional Repository
Marcionetti, A., Bertrand, J. A. M., Cortesi, F., Donati, G. F. A., Heim, S., Huyghe, F., … Salamin, N. (2024). Recurrent gene flow events occurred during the diversification of clownfishes of the skunk complex. Molecular Ecology, 33(11), e17347 (16 pp.). doi:10.1111/mec.17347, Institutional Repository
Nilsson, M., Schubert, T., & Miörner, J. (2024). The productivity effects of regional anchors on local firms in Swedish regions between 2007 and 2019—evidence from an expert-informed machine learning approach. Journal of Economic Geography. doi:10.1093/jeg/lbae038, Institutional Repository
Palomo-Vélez, G., Perlaviciute, G., Contzen, N., & Steg, L. (2024). Are we on the same page? Understanding value similarity and its impact on public trust in institutions of the energy sector. Energy Research and Social Science, 117, 103715 (13 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.erss.2024.103715, Institutional Repository
Palomo-Vélez, G., Perlaviciute, G., Contzen, N., & Steg, L. (2024). Trusting the minister or trusting the mayor? Perceived competence and integrity of central and local Dutch institutions governing energy matters. Environmental Research Communications, 6(4), 045009 (11 pp.). doi:10.1088/2515-7620/ad3f7d, Institutional Repository
Petropoulos, F., Laporte, G., Aktas, E., Alumur, S. A., Archetti, C., Ayhan, H., … Zhao, X. (2024). Operational Research: methods and applications. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 75(3), 423-617. doi:10.1080/01605682.2023.2253852, Institutional Repository
Pärli, R., Byamungu, M., Fischer, M., Kantengwa, S., Kintche, K., Konlambigue, M., … Späth, L. (2024). “The reality in the DRC is just not the reality in Rwanda” - how context factors affect transdisciplinary research projects. Research Policy, 53(7), 105035 (12 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.respol.2024.105035, Institutional Repository
Slekiene, J., Chase, C., Mishra, S., & Mosler, H. J. (2024). Role of psychosocial factors and mental well-being for Baby WASH- and nutrition-related behaviors in Lao PDR. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 111(3), 638-649. doi:10.4269/ajtmh.22-0418, Institutional Repository
Vienni-Baptista, B., & Hoffmann, S. (2024). Integrative teaching and learning. In R. Szostak (Ed.), Handbook of interdisciplinary teaching and administration (pp. 136-151). doi:10.4337/9781035309870.00017, Institutional Repository
Wainaina, G. K., & Truffer, B. (2024). The missing link for effective informal settlement upgrading: appropriation shaping the outcome of new infrastructure. Urban Studies, 61(12), 2309-2327. doi:10.1177/00420980241236077, Institutional Repository
Weible, C. M., Fischer, M., & Ingold, K. (2024). The advocacy coalition framework and policy implementation. In F. Sager, C. Mavrot, & L. R. Keiser (Eds.), Handbooks of research on public policy. Handbook of public policy implementation (pp. 180-192). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. , Institutional Repository
Wiget, M. (2024). Does (dis)agreement reflect beliefs? An analysis of advocacy coalitions in Swiss pesticide policy. European Policy Analysis, 10(4), 488-514. doi:10.1002/epa2.1219, Institutional Repository
Wyser, J., Puran, T., Hornung, J., & Fischer, M. (2024). Media coverage of antimicrobial resistance in Germany and Switzerland: an interpretation through the multiple streams framework. Social Science and Medicine, 363, 117470 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117470, Institutional Repository
Zinn, N., Archbold, J., Fischer, M., Ingold, K., Aeschlimann, A., Fehle, P., … Calegari, B. (2024). LANAT-3: Klimawandel U. Biodiversitätsverlust im unteren Emmental. Im Fokus: Akteure, Akteurinnen und ihr Netzwerk. Aqua & Gas, 104(7+8), 46-50. , Institutional Repository

Publikationen 2023

Afghani, N., Schelbert, V., Lüthi, C., & Binz, C. (2023). On-site water reuse systems in San Francisco, United States. Lighthouse synthesis report. Dübendorf: Eawag. , Institutional Repository
Aliyev, T., Fischer, M., & Hedjazi, A. (2023). Baku sea-level rise resilience challenges: beyond the unidirectional coastal urban renewal program. International Scientific Journal of Urban Planning and Sustainable Development (28), 1-19. doi:10.58225/urbanizm.2023-28-1-19, Institutional Repository
Aubert, A. H., Lienert, J., & von Helversen, B. (2023). Gamified environmental multi‐criteria decision analysis: information on objectives and range insensitivity bias. International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(6), 3738-3770. doi:10.1111/itor.13206, Institutional Repository
Aubert, A. H., Scheidegger, A., & Schmid, S. (2023). Gamified online surveys: Assessing experience with self-determination theory. PLoS One, 18(10), e0292096 (20 pp.). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0292096, Institutional Repository
Binz, C., & Miörner, J. (2023). Normierung für transformative Innovation? Chancen und Risiken anhand des Fallbeispiels der ISO 30500 für netzunabhängige Sanitärsysteme. In A. Gertschen (Ed.), Räderwerke der Normalität. Wie Normen und Standards Vertrauen schaffen (pp. 217-231). Basel: NZZ Libro. , Institutional Repository
Bryner, A., Fischer, M., & Vollenweider, S. (2023). Wasserpolitischer Jahresrückblick 2022. Aqua & Gas, 103(5), 70-80. Retrieved from https://www.aquaetgas.ch/de/wasser/trinkwasser/20230425_ag5_-wasserpolitik-2022/, Institutional Repository
Contzen, N., Kollmann, J., & Mosler, H. J. (2023). The importance of user acceptance, support, and behaviour change for the implementation of decentralized water technologies. Nature Water, 1, 138-150. doi:10.1038/s44221-022-00015-y, Institutional Repository
Donati, G., van den Brandeler, F., Bolliger, J., & Fischer, M. (2023). Wirksame blau-grüne Infrastruktur bedingt vernetzte Stakeholder. Hotspot, 48, 17-19. , Institutional Repository
Dupas, R., Fovet, O., Aubert, A. H., Crave, A., Salmon-Monviola, J., & Molénat, J. (2023). A French hydrologist’s research for sustainable agriculture. Journal of Hydrology, 617, 128907 (12 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128907, Institutional Repository
Duygan, M., Fischer, M., & Ingold, K. (2023). Assessing the readiness of municipalities for digital process innovation. Technology in Society, 72, 102179 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2022.102179, Institutional Repository
Fischer, M., Ingold, K., Duygan, M., Manny, L., & Pakizer, K. (2023). Actor networks in urban water governance. In T. Bolognesi, F. Silva Pinto, & M. Farrelly (Eds.), Routledge environment and sustainability handbooks. Routledge handbook of urban water governance (pp. 243-256). doi:10.4324/9781003057574-21, Institutional Repository
Gong, H., & Binz, C. (2023). Cumulative causation in regional industrial path development - a conceptual framework and case study in the videogame industry of Hamburg and Shanghai. Geoforum, 141, 103729 (13 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2023.103729, Institutional Repository
Gong, H., Yu, Z., & Hassink, R. (2023). Differentiated knowledge bases and catch-up in creative industries - a case of the online game industry in China. Geoforum, 141, 103730 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2023.103730, Institutional Repository
Gong, H., & Hansen, T. (2023). The rise of China's new energy vehicle lithium-ion battery industry: the coevolution of battery technological innovation systems and policies. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 46, 100689 (19 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.eist.2022.100689, Institutional Repository
Gougeon, G., Bouattour, O., Formankova, E., St-Laurent, J., Doucet, S., Dorner, S., … Bichai, F. (2023). Impact of bioretention cells in cities with a cold climate: modeling snow management based on a case study. Blue-Green Systems, 5(1), 1-17. doi:10.2166/bgs.2023.032, Institutional Repository
Hacker, M. E., & Binz, C. (2023). Hybrid governance arrangements for urban infrastructure transitions: comparing the adoption of onsite water reuse in San Francisco and New York City. ACS ES&T Water, 3, 3916-3928. doi:10.1021/acsestwater.3c00327, Institutional Repository
Hoffmann, S. (2023). Commentary. In B. Vienni-Baptista, I. Fletcher, & C. Lyall (Eds.), Foundations of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research (pp. 149-154). Bristol: Bristol University Press. , Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B., Ingold, K., Stamm, C., Ammann, P., Eggen, R. I. L., Finger, R., … Hoffmann, S. (2023). Barriers to evidence use for sustainability: insights from pesticide policy and practice. Ambio, 52(2), 425-439. doi:10.1007/s13280-022-01790-4, Institutional Repository
Huber, M. N., Fischer, M., & Egli, N. (2023). Cross‐sectoral information and actors' contact networks in natural resource governance in the Swiss Alps. Environmental Policy and Governance, 33(44), 411-422. doi:10.1002/eet.2036, Institutional Repository
Janz, J., Binz, C., Fischer, M., & Hänggli, A. (2023). Paradigmenwechsel im Gewässerschutz. Illustriert durch die Wasser-Timeline der Schweiz. Aqua & Gas, 103(1), 64-68. , Institutional Repository
Josi, D., Seehausen, O., Wegscheider, B., Waldock, C., Calegari, B., Zinn, N., … Fischer, M. (2023). Biodiversitätsverlust der Gewässer stoppen. Aqua & Gas, 103(9), 66-67. , Institutional Repository
Kammerer, M., & Ingold, K. (2023). Actors and issues in climate change policy: the maturation of a policy discourse in the national and international context. Social Networks, 75, 65-77. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2021.08.005, Institutional Repository
Kollmann, J., Nath, S., Singh, S., Balasubramanian, S., Reynaert, E., Morgenroth, E., & Contzen, N. (2023). Acceptance of on-site wastewater treatment and reuse in Bengaluru, India: the role of perceived costs, risks, and benefits. Science of the Total Environment, 895, 165042 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165042, Institutional Repository
Kuller, M., Beutler, P., & Lienert, J. (2023). Preference change in stakeholder group-decision processes in the public sector: extent, causes and implications. European Journal of Operational Research, 308, 1268-1285. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2022.12.001, Institutional Repository
LaPatin, M., Spearing, L. A., Tiedmann, H. R., Kavvada, O., Giorda, M., Daniélou, J., … Faust, K. M. (2023). Why do energy projects fail? Understanding how controversy impacts construction projects. In S. Walbridge, M. Nik-Bakht, K. Tsun Wai Ng, M. Shome, M. Sharia Alam, A. el Damatty, & G. Lovegrove (Eds.), Lecture notes in civil engineering: Vol. 251. Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering annual conference 2021 (pp. 487-498). doi:10.1007/978-981-19-1029-6_37, Institutional Repository
Lesch, D., Miörner, J., & Binz, C. (2023). The role of global actors in sustainability transitions – tracing the emergence of a novel infrastructure paradigm in the sanitation sector. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 49, 100787 (22 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.eist.2023.100787, Institutional Repository
Marttunen, M., Lienert, J., & Belton, V. (2023). Formal problem structuring tools. In M. Howlet (Ed.), The routledge handbook of policy tools (pp. 257-270). doi:10.4324/9781003163954-26, Institutional Repository
Maurer, B., Lienert, J., & Cook, L. M. (2023). Comparing PV-green and PV-cool roofs to diverse rooftop options using decision analysis. Building and Environment, 245, 110922 (15 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110922, Institutional Repository
McFadden, I. R., Sendek, A., Brosse, M., Bach, P. M., Baity‐Jesi, M., Bolliger, J., … Narwani, A. (2023). Linking human impacts to community processes in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Ecology Letters, 26(2), 203-218. doi:10.1111/ele.14153, Institutional Repository
Miörner, J., Schelbert, V., Lüthi, C., & Binz, C. (2023). On-site water reuse systems in Bengaluru, India. Lighthouse synthesis report. Dübendorf: Eawag. , Institutional Repository
Molné, F., Donati, G. F. A., Bolliger, J., Fischer, M., Maurer, M., & Bach, P. M. (2023). Supporting the planning of urban blue-green infrastructure for biodiversity: a multi-scale prioritisation framework. Journal of Environmental Management, 342, 118069 (12 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118069, Institutional Repository
Montfort, S., Fischer, M., Hollway, J., & Jager, N. W. (2023). Design paths of federal intergovernmental cooperation. Policy Studies Journal, 51(4), 773-792. doi:10.1111/psj.12498, Institutional Repository
Montfort, S., Fesenfeld, L., Stadelmann-Steffen, I., & Ingold, K. (2023). Policy sequencing can increase public support for ambitious climate policy. Policy and Society, 42(4), 454-477. doi:10.1093/polsoc/puad030, Institutional Repository
Nohrstedt, D., Ingold, K., Weible, C. M., Koebele, E. A., Olofsson, K. L., Satoh, K., & Jenkins-Smith, H. C. (2023). The advocacy coalition framework. Progress and emerging areas. In C. M. Weible (Ed.), Theories of the policy process (pp. 130-160). doi:10.4324/9781003308201-6, Institutional Repository
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Wainaina, G. K., Truffer, B., & Murphy, J. T. (2023). Structural tensions limiting success of infrastructure upgrading: a multi-regime perspective. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 48, 100747 (13 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.eist.2023.100747, Institutional Repository
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Publikationen 2022

Angst, M., Mewhirter, J., McLaughlin, D., & Fischer, M. (2022). Who joins a forum - and who does not? - Evaluating drivers of forum participation in polycentric governance systems. Public Administration Review, 82(4), 692-707. doi:10.1111/puar.13427, Institutional Repository
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Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Fuenfschilling, L., Miörner, J., & Trippl, M. (2022). Reconsidering regional structural conditions for industrial renewal. Regional Studies, 56(4), 579-591. doi:10.1080/00343404.2021.1984419, Institutional Repository
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Brandenberger, L., Ingold, K., Fischer, M., Schläpfer, I., & Leifeld, P. (2022). Boundary spanning through engagement of policy actors in multiple issues. Policy Studies Journal, 50(1), 35-64. doi:10.1111/psj.12404, Institutional Repository
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Bryner, A., Fischer, M., & Vollenweider, S. (2022). Wasserpolitischer Jahresrückblick 2021. Aqua & Gas, 102(5), 56-64. , Institutional Repository
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Duygan, M., Fischer, M., Pärli, R., & Ingold, K. (2022). Where do smart cities grow? The spatial and socio-economic configurations of smart city development. Sustainable Cities and Society, 77, 103578 (12 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scs.2021.103578, Institutional Repository
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Heiberg, J., Truffer, B., & Binz, C. (2022). Assessing transitions through socio-technical configuration analysis – a methodological framework and a case study in the water sector. Research Policy, 51(1), 104363 (19 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.respol.2021.104363, Institutional Repository
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Miörner, J., Heiberg, J., & Binz, C. (2022). How global regimes diffuse in space - Explaining a missed transition in San Diego's water sector. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 44, 29-47. doi:10.1016/j.eist.2022.05.005, Institutional Repository
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Reber, U., Fischer, M., Ingold, K., Kienast, F., Hersperger, A. M., Grütter, R., & Benz, R. (2022). Integrating biodiversity: a longitudinal and cross-sectoral analysis of Swiss politics. Policy Sciences, 55, 311-335. doi:10.1007/s11077-022-09456-4, Institutional Repository
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Truffer, B., Maurer, M., & Heiberg, J. (2022). Modulare Wasserinfrastrukturen. Optionen für eine Zukunftsfähige Siedlungswasserwirtschaft. Aqua & Gas, 102(9), 60-65. , Institutional Repository
Wainaina, G. K., Truffer, B., & Lüthi, C. (2022). The role of institutional logics during participation in urban processes and projects: insights from a comparative analysis of upgrading fifteen informal settlements in Kenya. Cities, 128, 103799 (12 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.cities.2022.103799, Institutional Repository
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Wiedemann, R., & Ingold, K. (2022). Solving cross-sectoral policy problems: adding a cross-sectoral dimension to assess policy performance. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 24(5), 526-539. doi:10.1080/1523908X.2021.1960809, Institutional Repository
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Yap, X. S., & Truffer, B. (2022). Contouring 'earth-space sustainability'. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 44, 185-193. doi:10.1016/j.eist.2022.06.004, Institutional Repository
Yap, X. S., Truffer, B., Li, D., & Heimeriks, G. (2022). Towards transformative leapfrogging. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 44, 226-244. doi:10.1016/j.eist.2022.07.003, Institutional Repository
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van der Loos, A., Langeveld, R., Hekkert, M., Negro, S., & Truffer, B. (2022). Developing local industries and global value chains: the case of offshore wind. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 174, 121248 (15 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121248, Institutional Repository

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Aubert, A. H., & Friedrich, M. N. D. (2021). Gamifying quantitative face-to-face interviews in rural India: an empirical evaluation based on the basic psychological needs theory. PLoS One, 16(1), e0244077 (18 pp.). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0244077, Institutional Repository
Bakchan, A., Hacker, M. E., & Faust, K. M. (2021). Resilient water and wastewater infrastructure systems through integrated humanitarian-development processes: the case of Lebanon's protracted refugee crisis. Environmental Science and Technology, 55(9), 6407-6420. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c05630, Institutional Repository
Baumgartinger-Seiringer, S., Miörner, J., & Trippl, M. (2021). Towards a stage model of regional industrial path transformation. Industry and Innovation, 28(2), 160-181. doi:10.1080/13662716.2020.1789452, Institutional Repository
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Bryner, A., Angst, M., Fischer, M., & Vollenweider, S. (2021). Wasserpolitischer Jahresrückblick 2020. Aqua & Gas, 101(5), 64-71. , Institutional Repository
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Aubert, A. H., & Lienert, J. (2019). Gamified online survey to elicit citizens' preferences and enhance learning for environmental decisions. Environmental Modelling and Software, 111, 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.09.013, Institutional Repository
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Publikationen 2018

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Publikationen 2015

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Publikationen 2014

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Cappelletti, F., Fischer, M., & Sciarini, P. (2014). 'Let's talk cash': Cantons' interests and the reform of Swiss federalism. Regional and Federal Studies, 24(1), 1-20. doi:10.1080/13597566.2013.808627, Institutional Repository
Fischer, M. (2014). Coalition structures and policy change in a consensus democracy. Policy Studies Journal, 42(3), 344-366. doi:10.1111/psj.12064, Institutional Repository
Fischer, M., & Sciarini, P. (2014). The europeanization of Swiss decision-making processes. Swiss Political Science Review, 20(2), 239-245. doi:10.1111/spsr.12102, Institutional Repository
Fuenfschilling, L., & Truffer, B. (2014). The structuration of socio-technical regimes - conceptual foundations from institutional theory. Research Policy, 43(4), 772-791. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2013.10.010, Institutional Repository
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Gebauer, H., & Saul, C. (2014). Eine bibliometrische Analyse des Forschungsstandes und der zukünftigen Forschungsfragen für die Transformation vom Produzenten zum Dienstleister. Unternehmung: Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, 68(4), 228-248. doi:10.5771/0042-059X-2014-4-229, Institutional Repository
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Gebauer, H., Worch, H., & Truffer, B. (2014). Value innovations in electricity utilities. In L. Fuglsang, R. Rønning, & B. Enquist (Eds.), Routledge studies in innovation, organization and technology: Vol. 30. Framing innovation in public service sectors (pp. 85-111). Retrieved from https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781315885612-5/value-innovations-electricity-utilities-heiko-gebauer-hagen-worch-bernhard-truffer?context=ubx&refId=669af1b9-e019-4db7-9b09, Institutional Repository
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