Blake Matthews

Dr. Blake Matthews
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Moosmann, M.; Hudson, C. M.; Seehausen, O.; Matthews, B. (2023) The phenotypic determinants of diet variation between divergent lineages of threespine stickleback, Evolution, International Journal of Organic Evolution, 77(1), 13-25, doi:10.1093/evolut/qpac021, Institutional Repository
Hudson, C. M.; Cuenca Cambronero, M.; Moosmann, M.; Narwani, A.; Spaak, P.; Seehausen, O.; Matthews, B. (2023) Environmentally independent selection for hybrids between divergent freshwater stickleback lineages in semi-natural ponds, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36(8), 1166-1184, doi:10.1111/jeb.14194, Institutional Repository
Shipley, J. R.; Twining, C. W.; Mathieu-Resuge, M.; Parmar, T. P.; Kainz, M.; Martin-Creuzburg, D.; Weber, C.; Winkler, D. W.; Graham, C. H.; Matthews, B. (2022) Climate change shifts the timing of nutritional flux from aquatic insects, Current Biology, 32(6), 1342-1349, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2022.01.057, Institutional Repository
Cuenca-Cambronero, M.; Courtney-Mustaphi, C. J.; Greenway, R.; Heiri, O.; Hudson, C. M.; King, L.; Lemmen, K. D.; Moosmann, M.; Muschick, M.; Ngoepe, N.; Seehausen, O.; Matthews, B. (2022) An integrative paleolimnological approach for studying evolutionary processes, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 37(6), 488-496, doi:10.1016/j.tree.2022.01.007, Institutional Repository
Twining, C. W.; Bernhardt, J. R.; Derry, A. M.; Hudson, C. M.; Ishikawa, A.; Kabeya, N.; Kainz, M. J.; Kitano, J.; Kowarik, C.; Ladd, S. N.; Leal, M. C.; Scharnweber, K.; Shipley, J. R.; Matthews, B. (2021) The evolutionary ecology of fatty-acid variation: implications for consumer adaptation and diversification, Ecology Letters, 24(8), 1709-1731, doi:10.1111/ele.13771, Institutional Repository
Chaparro Pedraza, P. C.; Matthews, B.; de Meester, L.; Dakos, V. (2021) Adaptive evolution can both prevent ecosystem collapse and delay ecosystem recovery, American Naturalist, 198(6), E186-E197, doi:10.1086/716929, Institutional Repository
Lürig, M. D.; Narwani, A.; Penson, H.; Wehrli, B.; Spaak, P.; Matthews, B. (2021) Non‐additive effects of foundation species determine the response of aquatic ecosystems to nutrient perturbation, Ecology, 102(7), e03371 (14 pp.), doi:10.1002/ecy.3371, Institutional Repository
Matthews, B.; Jokela, J.; Narwani, A.; Räsänen, K.; Pomati, F.; Altermatt, F.; Spaak, P.; Robinson, C. T.; Vorburger, C. (2020) On biological evolution and environmental solutions, Science of the Total Environment, 724, 138194 (7 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138194, Institutional Repository
Dakos, V.; Matthews, B.; Hendry, A. P.; Levine, J.; Loeuille, N.; Norberg, J.; Nosil, P.; Scheffer, M.; De Meester, L. (2019) Ecosystem tipping points in an evolving world, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3(3), 355-362, doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0797-2, Institutional Repository
Matthews, B.; Best, R. J.; Feulner, P. G. D.; Narwani, A.; Limberger, R. (2018) Evolution as an ecosystem process: insights from genomics, Genome, 61(4), 298-309, doi:10.1139/gen-2017-0044, Institutional Repository
Limberger, R.; Birtel, J.; Farias, D. D. S.; Matthews, B. (2017) Ecosystem flux and biotic modification as drivers of metaecosystem dynamics, Ecology, 98(4), 1082-1092, doi:10.1002/ecy.1742, Institutional Repository
Matthews, B.; Aebischer, T.; Sullam, K. E.; Lundsgaard-Hansen, B.; Seehausen, O. (2016) Experimental evidence of an eco-evolutionary feedback during adaptive divergence, Current Biology, 26(4), 483-489, doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.11.070, Institutional Repository
Arnegard, M. E.; McGee, M. D.; Matthews, B.; Marchinko, K. B.; Conte, G. L.; Kabir, S.; Bedford, N.; Bergek, S.; Chan, Y. F.; Jones, F. C.; Kingsley, D. M.; Peichel, C. L.; Schluter, D. (2014) Genetics of ecological divergence during speciation, Nature, 511(7509), 307-311, doi:10.1038/nature13301, Institutional Repository
Fischer, B. B.; Kwiatkowski, M.; Ackermann, M.; Krismer, J.; Roffler, S.; Suter, M. J. F.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Matthews, B. (2014) Phenotypic plasticity influences the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a predator-prey system, Ecology, 95(11), 3080-3092, doi:10.1890/14-0116.1, Institutional Repository
Matthews, B.; De Meester, L.; Jones, C. G.; Ibelings, B. W.; Bouma, T. J.; Nuutinen, V.; van de Koppel, J.; Odling-Smee, J. (2014) Under niche construction: an operational bridge between ecology, evolution, and ecosystem science, Ecological Monographs, 84(2), 245-263, doi:10.1890/13-0953.1, Institutional Repository
Matthews, B.; Pomati, F. (2012) Reversal in the relationship between species richness and turnover in a phytoplankton community, Ecology, 93(11), 2435-2447, doi:10.1890/11-2289.1, Institutional Repository
Matthews, B.; Narwani, A.; Hausch, S.; Nonaka, E.; Peter, H.; Yamamichi, M.; Sullam, K. E.; Bird, K. C.; Thomas, M. K.; Hanley, T. C.; Turner, C. B. (2011) Toward an integration of evolutionary biology and ecosystem science, Ecology Letters, 14(7), 690-701, doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01627.x, Institutional Repository
Harmon, L. J.; Matthews, B.; Des Roches, S.; Chase, J. M.; Shurin, J. B.; Schluter, D. (2009) Evolutionary diversification in stickleback affects ecosystem functioning, Nature, 458(7974), 1167-1170, doi:10.1038/nature07974, Institutional Repository
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