
Cornelia Twining

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'fileadmin/user_upload/tx_userprofiles/profileImages/twininco.jpg' (64 chars)

Über mich

I am an ecophysiologist and I investigate how consumers adapt to their nutritional landscape, especially in the face of global environmental change. I have primarily examined how omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) move through and are modified by consumers within food webs. While aquatic primary producers are often rich in n-3 long-chain (LC) PUFAs, these compounds are extremely scarce at the base of terrestrial ecosystems. My findings have revealed the unique role that aquatic ecosystems play as sources of critical nutrients for both aquatic and terrestrial consumers and highlight the importance of understanding how processes like climate and land use change are altering the quality, quantity, and phenology of aquatic to terrestrial subsidies. 

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Wie wird Klimawandel die Phänologie, Biomasse, und Ernährungsqualität ökosystemübergreifender Flüsse verändern ?

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Curriculum Vitae

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Telefon: +41 58 765 2128
Fax: +41 58 765 1122
Adresse: Eawag
Seestrasse 79
6047 Kastanienbaum
Büro: CA B08

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Experte für

Ökologie, Evolution, Klimaveränderung, Flüsse, Fettsäuren

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Food Web Ecophysiology

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