Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development

Resources of MOOC series «Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development”

Short description: Welcome to the MOOC series resource webpage. Here you can access and download all the key and further recommended resources from the MOOC series “Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development”.

The resources are organized on a per-course and per-week basis. Within each week, the resources are ordered in alphabetical order based on their titles.

To find a specific resource, open the drop-down menus and use ctrl+f to search by keywords. All resources are free to use.

Introduction to Household Water Treatment and safe storage

Further recommended resources

Planning and design of sanitation systems and technologies

Further recommended resources

Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries

Further recommended resources

Week 1

A Practical Guide to Landfill Management in Pacific Island Countries, SPREP & JICA, 2005

ASTM D5231 − 92. Standard test method for determination of the composition of unprocessed MSW.

Collection of Municipal Solid Waste, Key issues for Decision-makers in Developing Countries, UNHABITAT, 2011

Collection of Municipal Solid Waste in Developing Countries, UN HABITAT, 2010

Decentralised Composting for Cities of Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Eawag-Sandec, WasteConcern, 2006 (see p.82 on determining population sample size )

Decision Makers Guide to Solid Waste Landfills. World Bank

Developing Integrated SWM plan. Volume 1. UNEP, 2009 

Global recycling markets: plastic waste, ISWA, 2014

Guidelines for SWM assessment (baseline survey) in secondary cities and small towns in Asia and The Pacific, Waste Concern and UNESCAP, 2010 

Making Waste Work: A Toolkit. How to measure your waste. A step-by-step guide, CIWM & WasteAid, 2017

Observations of Solid Waste Landfills in Developing Countries. World Bank. 1999

The tragic case of dumpsites, ISWA, 2015

Recovered paper market in 2012, Bureau of International Recycling, Paper Division, 2014 

What a Waste. A Global Review of Solid Waste Management, World Bank, 2012

Strategic Planning Guide for MSWMS-Step 2, ERM for World Bank/SDC

World steel recycling in figures 2010 – 2014, Bureau of International Recycling, Ferrous Division, 2015 

Week 2

Behaviour change manual. Version 1, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, 2017

Collection of municipal solid waste in developing countries, UN HABITAT, 2010 (Annex 3, pages 165-172)

Community-based solid waste management and water supply projects: problems and solutions compared. A survey of the literature, J. Anschütz, 1996

Compendium of good practices. Urban Solid Waste Management in Indian Cities, PEARL. 2015 

Guidance pack. Private sector participation in MSWM, SKAT, 2000 

Guidelines for national Waste Management Strategies, UNEP, 2013

India Solid Waste Management Rules , Ministry of Environment and Forests, 2000

India Solid Waste Management Rules , Ministry of Environment and Forests, 2015

Integrating the informal sector for improved waste management, Sanjay Gupta

Micro and Small Enterprises in Integrated Sustainable Waste Management, Waste, 2001

Minimum Requirements for Waste Disposal by Landfill. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry- South Africa, 1998

Private Sector Involvement in Solid Waste –Summary, CWG, 2005

Private Sector Involvement in Solid Waste, GTZ, 2005 

Recovering resources, creating opportunities, GIZ, 2011

Solid waste management, UNEP, 2005 (Chapter XVI. Financial Arrangements for solid waste management)

Systematic behavior change in water, sanitation and hygiene. A practical guide using the RANAS approach. Version 1.1, Mosler, H.-J., & Contzen, N., 2016

The Economics of the Informal Sector, GIZ, 2010

Week 4

Aide-memoire for a national strategy for health-care waste management, WHO, 2000

Biodegradable Plastics. An Overview of the Compostability of Biodegradable Plastics and its Implications for the Collection and Treatment of Organic Wastes, ISWA, 2015.

Concepts for Reuse and Recycling of CDW, USACERL 1999

Exploring the potential for adopting alternative materials to reduce marine plastic litter, UNEP, 2018

Marine Plastic Debris and Microplastics: Global Lessons and Research to Inspire Action and Guide Policy Change UNEP, 2016 

Prevent Marine Plastic Litter – Now !, ISWA, 2017

Primary Microplastics in the Oceans: a Global Evaluation of Sources, Boucher,
J. Friot, D., 2017

Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made, Geyer et al., 2017

Service contract on management of CDW, EC - DG ENV (2011)

Supporting Environmentally Sound Decisions for CDW Management, JRC-IES, 2011

Waste to Energy Rapid Assessment Tool, CWG and GIZ 2016

Fecal Sludge Management

Further recommended resources