Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development
Resources of MOOC series «Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development”
Short description: Welcome to the MOOC series resource webpage. Here you can access and download all the key and further recommended resources from the MOOC series “Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development”.
The resources are organized on a per-course and per-week basis. Within each week, the resources are ordered in alphabetical order based on their titles.
To find a specific resource, open the drop-down menus and use ctrl+f to search by keywords. All resources are free to use.
Introduction to Household Water Treatment and safe storage
Further recommended resources
Week 1: Introduction to HWTS
Week 2: HWTS treatment options
Week 3: HWTS treatment options
Week 4: Implementation strategies for HWTS
Week 5: Assessing the impact of HWTS
Planning and design of sanitation systems and technologies
Key resources
Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies, Eawag, 2014
CLUES – Community-Led Urban Enviromental Sanitation Planning Guidelines
Faecal Sludge Management: Systems Approach for Implementation and Operation
Further recommended resources
Week 1: Introduction to Urban Sanitation Planning
A Sanitation Journey, Schertenleib et al., 2021
- United Nations Human Settlements Programme
- Water and Sanitation in Cities, UN Habitat
- Knowledge Collection of Best Practices, UN Habitat
Citywide Inclusive Sanitation: Old Wine in a New Bottle or a New Paradigm?, Narayan and Lüthi, 2019
Sanitation-Business as Unusual: Shifting the Paradigm by Shifting Minds, Gambrill et al., 2020
Solving urban sanitation – sustainably and equitably, Narayan and Lüthi, 2020
Strategic Sanitation Planning with SaniChoice, Spuhler et al., 2023
Weeks 2&3: Sanitation systems & technologies
Week 4: Cross-cutting topics and sanitation tools
FSM Planning A-Z, Reymond, 2014 EN
FSM Planning A-Z, Reymond, 2014 FR
FSM Planning A-Z, Reymond, 2014 ES
- World Bank Project Cycle
- Can White Elephants Kill? Evidence from Infrastructure Development in Peru, Bancalari, 2019
Toolkit for Mainstreaming Gender in Water Operations, World Bank, 2016
Female-friendly public and community toilets: a guide for planners and decision makers, WSUP, 2018
The RANAS model of behaviour change, Contzen et al., 2023
Stakeholder analysis, Reymond et al., 2014 EN
Stakeholder analysis, Reymond et al., 2014 FR
Stakeholder analysis, Reymond et al., 2014 ES
Stakeholder engagement, Reymond and Bassan, 2014 EN
Stakeholder engagement, Reymond and Bassan, 2014 FR
Stakeholder engagement, Reymond and Bassan, 2014 ES
- The Excreta-Flow Diagram or Shit-Flow Diagram (SFD), SuSanA
- The Quantities and Qualities (Q&Q) of Fecal Sludge
- Stakeholder Analysis Matrix Template, Tools4Dev
- Political Economy Analysis toolkit
- Service Model and Financial Planning
- The RANAS Approach to Systematic Behaviour Change
- FSM Toolbox
Sanitation Safety Planning, WHO, 2022 EN
Week 5: Global Sanitation Case Studies
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries
Key resources
Further recommended resources
Week 1
A Practical Guide to Landfill Management in Pacific Island Countries, SPREP & JICA, 2005
ASTM D5231 − 92. Standard test method for determination of the composition of unprocessed MSW.
Collection of Municipal Solid Waste in Developing Countries, UN HABITAT, 2010
Decentralised Composting for Cities of Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Eawag-Sandec, WasteConcern, 2006 (see p.82 on determining population sample size )
Decision Makers Guide to Solid Waste Landfills. World Bank
Developing Integrated SWM plan. Volume 1. UNEP, 2009
Global recycling markets: plastic waste, ISWA, 2014
- Global Waste Management Outlook, UNEP/ISWA, 2015 (Chapter 3.5 Resource recovery, Chapter 3.6 Global secondary materials industry)
Making Waste Work: A Toolkit. How to measure your waste. A step-by-step guide, CIWM & WasteAid, 2017
Observations of Solid Waste Landfills in Developing Countries. World Bank. 1999
The tragic case of dumpsites, ISWA, 2015
Recovered paper market in 2012, Bureau of International Recycling, Paper Division, 2014
What a Waste. A Global Review of Solid Waste Management, World Bank, 2012
Strategic Planning Guide for MSWMS-Step 2, ERM for World Bank/SDC
Week 2
Behaviour change manual. Version 1, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, 2017
Collection of municipal solid waste in developing countries, UN HABITAT, 2010 (Annex 3, pages 165-172)
Compendium of good practices. Urban Solid Waste Management in Indian Cities, PEARL. 2015
- Global Waste Management Outlook, UNEP, 2015 (Chapter 5 Waste Management Financing)
Guidance pack. Private sector participation in MSWM, SKAT, 2000
Guidelines for national Waste Management Strategies, UNEP, 2013
India Solid Waste Management Rules , Ministry of Environment and Forests, 2000
India Solid Waste Management Rules , Ministry of Environment and Forests, 2015
Integrating the informal sector for improved waste management, Sanjay Gupta
Micro and Small Enterprises in Integrated Sustainable Waste Management, Waste, 2001
Private Sector Involvement in Solid Waste –Summary, CWG, 2005
Private Sector Involvement in Solid Waste, GTZ, 2005
Recovering resources, creating opportunities, GIZ, 2011
Solid waste management, UNEP, 2005 (Chapter XVI. Financial Arrangements for solid waste management)
Week 3
Anaerobic Digestion of Biowaste, Sandec, 2014
Black Soldier Fly Biowaste Processing - A Step by Step Guide, Sandec, 2021
Carbonizing urban biowaste for low-cost char production in developing countries, Sandec, 2015
Gas tightness testing of the piping system, BORDA Tanzania
Manual of On-Farm Vermicomposting and Vermiculture, Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada
Supplementary material on Composting, I. Zabaleta
The art and science of composting, Cooperband, 2002
Training Material on Composting and Vermicomposting, Ecosan & seecon
Vermicompost, the story of organic gold: A review, Adhikary, S., 2012
Week 4
Aide-memoire for a national strategy for health-care waste management, WHO, 2000
Concepts for Reuse and Recycling of CDW, USACERL 1999
- Global Waste Management Outlook, UNEP, 2015 (Chapter 3.5 Resource recovery, Chapter 3.6 Global secondary materials industry)
- Hazardous Waste: Resource Pack for Trainers and Communicators
- Healthcare Waste Management Resource Portal, WHO
- Management of Solid Health-Care Waste, WHO, 2005
- Municipal Solid Waste Incineration. A Decision Makers Guide, World Bank, 2000
- Municipal Solid Waste Incineration -Technical Guidance Report, World Bank, 1999
Prevent Marine Plastic Litter – Now !, ISWA, 2017
Primary Microplastics in the Oceans: a Global Evaluation of Sources, Boucher,
J. Friot, D., 2017
Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made, Geyer et al., 2017
Service contract on management of CDW, EC - DG ENV (2011)
Supporting Environmentally Sound Decisions for CDW Management, JRC-IES, 2011
Week 5
- Africa Waste Management Outlook, UNEP, 2017
- Asia Waste Management Outlook, UNEP, 2017
- Circular Economy Promotion Law, Government of China, 2008
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation, where you can find various publications including Towards the Circular Economy reports
- D-Waste Resource Hub
- Global Waste Management Outlook, UNEP, 2015 (p. 328, Concepts for sustainable resource management)
- Green Economy - Developing Countries Success Stories, UNEP, 2010
- Information on all Sustainable Development Goals
- Indicator Database
- Selecting Organic Waste Treatment Technologies – SOWATT, Sandec, 2020
- Solid Waste Management in the World's Cities, UN Habitat, 2010
- Strategic Planning Guide on how to write a Strategic Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan, WasteAware, 2001
- SuSanA forum, entries on solid waste
Fecal Sludge Management
Key resources
Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies, Eawag, 2014
Faecal Sludge Management: Systems Approach for Implementation and Operation
Further recommended resources
Week 1: An introduction to fecal sludge management
Week 2: Overview of fundamentals for design and selection of treatment technologies
Week 3: treatment technologies for fecal sludge
Week 4: Integrated approach to fecal sludge management
- Capital and Operating Costs of Full-Scale Faecal Sludge Management and Wastewater Treatment Systems in Dakar, Senegal, Dodane, P. et al., 2012
- Characterization of FSM. Pollution Research Group, University of KwaZulu Natal
- Case study Lusaka, Zambia - Sanitation service delivery through faecal sludge management, Sandec
- CLUES - Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation planning guidelines
Faecal Sludge Management Tools The World Bank, Water and Sanitation Program
Week 5: Innovations in Fecal Sludge Management
- Fuel Potential of Faecal Sludge: Calorific Value Results from Uganda, Ghana, and Senegal. Calorific value of faecal sludge and comparison to other biofuels, Muspratt, A.M., et al., 2014
- Locally produced natural conditioners for dewatering of faecal sludge, Gold, M., et al., 2016
- Water Sanitation & Hygiene Research & Development Centre (WASH R&D Centre), University of KwaZulu Natal
- South African Water Research Commission